- The following documentation is located at Module:ca-verb/documentation. [edit] Categories were auto-generated by Module:module categorization. [edit]
- Useful links: subpage list • links • transclusions • testcases • sandbox
This module supports {{ca-conj}}
. It is also used by {{ca-verb}}
and {{ca-verb form of}}
to generate inflected forms of verbs.
This module implements {{ca-conj}} and provides the underlying conjugation functions for {{ca-verb}}
(whose actual formatting is done in [[Module:ca-headword]]).
Authorship: Ben Wing <benwing2>
local export = {}
-- "slot" = A particular combination of tense/mood/person/number/etc.
Example slot names for verbs are "pres_1s" (present indicative first-person singular), "pres_sub_2s" (present
subjunctive second-person singular) "impf_sub_3p" (imperfect subjunctive third-person plural).
Each slot is filled with zero or more forms.
-- "form" = The conjugated Catalan form representing the value of a given slot.
-- "lemma" = The dictionary form of a given Catalan term. For Catalan, always the infinitive.
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("ca")
local m_string_utilities = require("Module:string utilities")
local m_links = require("Module:links")
local m_table = require("Module:table")
local iut = require("Module:inflection utilities")
local put = require("Module:parse utilities")
local com = require("Module:ca-common")
local force_cat = false -- set to true for debugging
local check_for_red_links = false -- set to false for debugging
local rfind = mw.ustring.find
local rmatch = mw.ustring.match
local rsplit = mw.text.split
local rsubn = mw.ustring.gsub
local rsub = com.rsub
local u = mw.ustring.char
-- version of rsubn() that returns a 2nd argument boolean indicating whether a substitution was made.
local function rsubb(term, foo, bar)
local retval, nsubs = rsubn(term, foo, bar)
return retval, nsubs > 0
local function link_term(term, display, face)
return m_links.full_link({ lang = lang, term = term, alt = display }, face)
local front_vowel = "eèéiíï"
local front_vowel_c = "[" .. front_vowel .. "]"
local V = com.V -- vowel regex class
local C = com.C -- consonant regex class
-- IS_USER_STEM_OVERRIDE is prepended to user-supplied stem overrides to prevent `base.prefix` from being prepended.
-- IS_USER_FORM_OVERRIDE is similar but also prevents final devoicing (cf. Balearic pres_1s 'trob' of [[trobar]]).
-- Don't use 0xFFF0 in case we call a [[Module:parse-utilities]] function that uses it temporarily.
Irregular verbs:
-ldre/-ndre verbs:
infinitive pres1s pres3s pres1p impf1s fut1s pret1s sub1s sub1p pp
caldre - cal [calent] calia caldrà calgué calgui - calgut,-
coldre colc col colem colia coldré colguí colgui colguem colt,colta
doldre dolc dol dolem dolia doldré dolguí dolgui dolguem dolgut,dolguda
moldre molc mol molem molia moldré molguí molgui molguem molt,molta
oldre olc ol olem olia oldré olguí olgui olguem olgut,olguda
-soldre -solc -sol -solem -solia -soldré -solguí -solgui -solguem -solt,-solta
(absoldre, dissoldre, resoldre)
toldre tolc tol tolem tolia toldré tolguí tolgui tolguem tolt,tolta
romandre romanc roman romanem romania romandré romanguí romangui romanguem romàs,romasa,romasos
encendre encenc encén encenem encenia encendré encenguí encengui encenguem encès,encesa,encesos
fendre fenc fen/-fèn fenem fenia fendré fenguí fengui fenguem fes/-fès,fesa,fesos
(defendre, ofendre)
-pendre -depenc -pèn -penem -penia -pendré -penguí -pengui -penguem -pès,-pesa,-pesos
prendre prenc pren/-prèn prenem prenia prendré prenguí prengui prenguem pres/-près,presa,presos
(aprendre, comprendre, desprendre, emprendre, reprendre, sorprendre)
-tendre -tenc -tén -tenem -tenia -tendré -tenguí -tengui -tenguem -tès,-tesa,-tesos
(pres2s: atens, pres3p: atenen)
(atendre, contendre, distendre, entendre, estendre, pretendre)
vendre venc ven venem venia vendré venguí vengui venguem venut,venuda
(malvendre, revendre)
fondre fonc fon fonem fonia fondré fonguí fongui fonguem fos/-fós,fosa,fosos
(confondre, difondre, infondre, refondre)
enfondre enfonc enfon enfonem enfonia enfondré enfonguí enfongui enfonguem enfús,enfusa,enfusos
pondre ponc pon ponem ponia pondré ponguí pongui ponguem post,posta,postos
(compondre, correspondre, descompondre, respondre)
tondre tonc ton tonem tonia tondré tonguí tongui tonguem tos,tosa,tosos
cerndre cerno cern cernem cernia cerndré cerní cerni cernem cernut,cernuda
-ler verbs (mostly like -ldre verbs):
infinitive pres1s pres3s pres1p impf1s fut1s pret1s sub1s sub1p pp
caler (var. of caldre)
doler (var. of doldre)
soler solc sol solem solia soldré solguí solgui solguem solgut,solguda
valer/valdre valc val valem valia valdré valguí valgui valguem valgut,valguda
(prevaler, equivaler)
other -dre/-tre verbs (regular except sometimes pp):
infinitive pres1s pres3s pres1p impf1s fut1s pret1s sub1s sub1p pp
batre bato bat batem batia batré batí bati batem batut,batuda
-metre -meto -met -metem -metia -metré -metí -meti -metem -mès,-mesa,-mesos
(ad-, co-, compro-, e-, entremetre's, mal-, o-, per-, pro-, read-, re-, retrans-, sot-, tra-, trans-)
perdre perdo perd perdem perdia perdré perdí perdi perdem perdut,perduda
-ure verbs
infinitive pres1s pres3s pres1p impf1s impf1p fut1s pret1s sub1s sub1p pp
caure caic cau caiem queia quèiem cauré caiguí caigui caiguem caigut,caiguda
(decaure, recaure)
plaure plac plau plaem plaïa plaíem plauré plaguí plagui plaguem plagut,plaguda
raure rac rau raem raïa raíem rauré raguí ragui raguem ragut,raguda
beure bec beu bevem bevia bevíem beuré beguí begui beguem begut,beguda
creure crec creu creiem creia crèiem creuré creguí cregui creguem cregut,creguda
deure dec deu devem devia devíem deuré deguí degui deguem degut,deguda
jeure jec jeu jaiem jeia jèiem jauré jaguí jegui jaguem jagut,jaguda
lleure - lleu [-] llevia - lleurà llegué llegui - llegut,-
seure sec seu seiem seia sèiem seuré seguí segui seguem segut,seguda
treure trec treu traiem treia trèiem trauré traguí tregui traguem tret,treta
(abstreure, atreure, contreure, distreure, extreure, retreure, sostreure)
veure veig veu veiem veia vèiem veuré viu,veieres/veres, vegi vegem vist,vista,vists/vistos
(entreveure, preveure, reveure) veié/veu,veiérem/vérem
riure ric riu riem reia rèiem riuré riguí rigui riguem rigut,riguda
(e)scriure escric escriu escrivim escrivia escrivíem escriuré escriví/escriguí escrigui escriguem escrit,escrita
(circumscriure, descriure, inscriure, prescriure, proscriure, subscriure, transcriure)
viure visc viu vivim vivia vivíem viuré visquí visqui visquem viscut,viscuda
(conviure, sobreviure)
cloure cloc clou cloem cloïa cloíem clouré cloguí clogui cloguem clos,closa,closos
(concloure, descloure, encloure, excloure, incloure, recloure)
encloure encloc enclou encloem encloïa encloíem enclouré encloguí enclogui encloguem enclòs,enclosa,enclosos
coure coc cou coem coïa coíem couré coguí cogui coguem cuit/cogut,cuita/coguda
moure moc mou movem movia movíem mouré moguí mogui moguem mogut,moguda
noure noc nou noem noïa noíem nouré noguí nogui noguem nogut,noguda
ploure - plou [plovent] plovia - plourà plogué plogui - plogut,ploguda
-nyer verbs (regular except pp)
infinitive pres1s pres3s pres1p impf1s fut1s pret1s sub1s sub1p pp
atènyer atenyo ateny atenyem atenyia atenyeré atenyí atenyi atenyem atès,atesa,atesos
empènyer empenyo empeny empenyem empenyia empenyeré empenyí empenyi empenyem empès,empesa,empesos
estrènyer estrenyo estreny estrenyem estrenyia estrenyeré estrenyí estrenyi estrenyem estret,estreta
fènyer fenyo feny fenyem fenyia fenyeré fenyí/fenguí fenyi fenyem fenyut/fengut,fenyuda/fenguda
pertànyer pertanyo pertany pertanyem pertanyia pertanyeré pertanyí/pertanguí pertanyi pertanyem pertanyut/pertangut,pertanyuda/pertanguda
plànyer planyo plany planyem planyia planyeré planyí/planguí planyi planyem plangut/planyut,planguda/planyuda
-xer verbs (NOTE: pres2s in -xes)
infinitive pres1s pres3s pres1p impf1s fut1s pret1s sub1s sub1p pp
créixer creixo creix creixem creixia creixeré creixí/cresquí creixi creixem crescut,crescuda
conèixer conec coneix coneixem coneixia coneixeré coneguí conegui coneguem conegut,coneguda
merèixer mereixo mereix mereixem mereixia mereixeré mereixí/meresquí mereixi mereixem merescut,merescuda
néixer/ neixo/ neix/ naixem naixia naixeré naixí/nasquí neixi/ naixem/nasquem nascut,nascuda
nàixer naixo naix naixi
parèixer parec pareix pareixem pareixia pareixeré pareguí paregui pareguem paregut,pareguda
péixer peixo peix paixem paixia paixeré paixí peixi paixem pascut,pascuda
misc. -er verbs
infinitive pres1s pres3s pres1p impf1s impf1p fut1s pret1s sub1s sub1p pp
córrer corro corre correm corria corríem correré correguí corri correm corregut,correguda
fúmer fumo fum fumem fumia fumíem fumeré fumí fumi fumem fumut,fumuda
prémer premo prem premem premia premíem premeré premí premi premem premut,premuda
(es-, re-)
témer temo tem temem temia temíem temeré temí temi temem temut,temuda
trémer [regular]
tòrcer torço torç torcem torcia torcíem torceré torcí torci torcem torçut,torçuda
(des-) [pres2s torces]
vèncer venço venç vencem vencia vencíem venceré vencí venci vencem vençut,vençuda
(con-, re-) [pres2s vences]
cabre/caber cabo cap cabem cabia cabíem cabré cabí càpiga capiguem cabut,cabuda
[sub2s càpigues]
haver he/haig ha havem/hem havia havíem hauré haguí hagi hàgim/haguem hagut,haguda
[noimp] [cond1s hauria/haguera; impsub2s haguessis/haguesses]
poder puc pot podem podia podíem podré poguí pugui puguem pogut,poguda
saber sé sap sabem sabia sabíem sabré sabí sàpiga sapiguem sabut,sabuda
[imp2s sàpigues, imp2p sapigueu]
voler vull vol volem volia volíem voldré volguí vulgui vulguem volgut,volguda
ser/ésser soc és som era érem seré fui sigui siguem estat/sigut,estada/siguda
[ger sent/essent] [cond1s seria/fora]
[pres: soc,ets,éts,som,sou,són; pret: fui,fores,fou,fórem,fóreu,foren; impsub: fos,fossis,fos,fóssim,fóssiu,fossin]
[imp: sigues,sigueu]
fer faig fa fem feia fèiem faré fiu faci fem fet,feta
[pres3p fan]
[pret: fiu,feres,feu,férem,féreu,feren]
local all_persons_numbers = {
["1s"] = "1|s",
["2s"] = "2|s",
["3s"] = "3|s",
["1p"] = "1|p",
["2p"] = "2|p",
["3p"] = "3|p",
local person_number_list = {"1s", "2s", "3s", "1p", "2p", "3p"}
local imp_person_number_list = {"2s", "3s", "1p", "2p", "3p"}
local neg_imp_person_number_list = {"2s", "3s", "1p", "2p", "3p"}
proclitic_non_elided_person_number_to_reflexive_pronoun = {
["1s"] = "em ",
["2s"] = "et ",
["3s"] = "es ",
["1p"] = "ens ",
["2p"] = "us ",
["3p"] = "es ",
proclitic_elided_person_number_to_reflexive_pronoun = {
["1s"] = "m'",
["2s"] = "t'",
["3s"] = "s'",
["1p"] = "ens ",
["2p"] = "us ",
["3p"] = "s'",
enclitic_non_elided_person_number_to_reflexive_pronoun = {
["1s"] = "-me",
["2s"] = "-te",
["3s"] = "-se",
["1p"] = "-nos",
["2p"] = "-vos",
["3p"] = "-se",
enclitic_elided_person_number_to_reflexive_pronoun = {
["1s"] = "'m",
["2s"] = "'t",
["3s"] = "'s",
["1p"] = "'ns",
["2p"] = "-us",
["3p"] = "'s",
local indicator_flags = m_table.listToSet {
"only3s", "only3sp", "only3p", "noimp",
"pp_inv", "irreg", "no_built_in",
-- Initialize all the slots for which we generate forms.
local function add_slots(alternant_multiword_spec)
-- "Basic" slots: All slots that go into the regular table (not the reflexive form-of table).
alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic = {
{"infinitive", "inf"},
{"infinitive_linked", "inf"},
{"gerund", "ger"},
{"pp_ms", "m|s|past|part"},
{"pp_fs", "f|s|past|part"},
{"pp_mp", "m|p|past|part"},
{"pp_fp", "f|p|past|part"},
-- Special slots used to handle non-reflexive parts of reflexive verbs in {{ca-verb form of}}. For example, for a
-- reflexive-only verb like [[arrepentirse]], we want to be able to use {{ca-verb form of}} on [[arrepinta]] (which
-- should mention that it is a part of 'me arrepinta', first-person singular present subjunctive, and
-- 'se arrepinta', third-person singular present subjunctive) or on [[arrepentimos]] (which should mention that it
-- is a part of 'arrepentímonos', first-person plural present indicative or preterite). Similarly, we want to use
-- {{ca-verb form of}} on [[arrepentindo]] (which should mention that it is a part of 'se ... arrepentindo',
-- syntactic variant of [[arrepentíndose]], which is the gerund of [[arrepentirse]]). To do this, we need to be
-- able to map non-reflexive parts like [[arrepinta]], [[arrepentimos]], [[arrepentindo]], etc. to their reflexive
-- equivalent(s), to the tag(s) of the equivalent(s), and, in the case of forms like [[arrepentindo]],
-- [[arrepentir]] and imperatives, to the separated syntactic variant of the verb+clitic combination. We do this by
-- creating slots for the non-reflexive part equivalent of each basic reflexive slot, and for the separated
-- syntactic-variant equivalent of each basic reflexive slot that is formed of verb+clitic. We use slots in this
-- way to deal with multiword lemmas. Note that we run into difficulties mapping between reflexive verbs,
-- non-reflexive part equivalents, and separated syntactic variants if a slot contains more than one form. To
-- handle this, if there are the same number of forms in two slots we're trying to match up, we assume the forms
-- match one-to-one; otherwise we don't match up the two slots (which means {{ca-verb form of}} won't work in this
-- case, but such a case is extremely rare and not worth worrying about). Alternatives that handle this "properly"
-- are significantly more complicated and require non-trivial modifications to [[Module:inflection utilities]].
local need_special_verb_form_of_slots = alternant_multiword_spec.source_template == "ca-verb form of" and
if need_special_verb_form_of_slots then
alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_reflexive_verb_form_of = {
{"infinitive_non_reflexive", "-"},
{"infinitive_variant", "-"},
{"gerund_non_reflexive", "-"},
{"gerund_variant", "-"},
alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_reflexive_verb_form_of = {}
-- Add entries for a slot with person/number variants.
-- `verb_slots` is the table to add to.
-- `slot_prefix` is the prefix of the slot, typically specifying the tense/aspect.
-- `tag_suffix` is a string listing the set of inflection tags to add after the person/number tags.
-- `person_number_list` is a list of the person/number slot suffixes to add to `slot_prefix`.
local function add_personal_slot(verb_slots, slot_prefix, tag_suffix, person_number_list)
for _, persnum in ipairs(person_number_list) do
local persnum_tag = all_persons_numbers[persnum]
local slot = slot_prefix .. "_" .. persnum
local accel = persnum_tag .. "|" .. tag_suffix
table.insert(verb_slots, {slot, accel})
-- Add a personal slot (i.e. a slot with person/number variants) to `verb_slots_basic`.
local function add_basic_personal_slot(slot_prefix, tag_suffix, person_number_list, no_special_verb_form_of_slot)
add_personal_slot(alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic, slot_prefix, tag_suffix, person_number_list)
-- Add special slots for handling non-reflexive parts of reflexive verbs in {{ca-verb form of}}.
-- See comment above in `need_special_verb_form_of_slots`.
if need_special_verb_form_of_slots and not no_special_verb_form_of_slot then
for _, persnum in ipairs(person_number_list) do
local persnum_tag = all_persons_numbers[persnum]
local basic_slot = slot_prefix .. "_" .. persnum
local accel = persnum_tag .. "|" .. tag_suffix
table.insert(alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_reflexive_verb_form_of, {basic_slot .. "_non_reflexive", "-"})
add_basic_personal_slot("pres", "pres|ind", person_number_list)
add_basic_personal_slot("impf", "impf|ind", person_number_list)
add_basic_personal_slot("pret", "pret|ind", person_number_list)
add_basic_personal_slot("fut", "fut|ind", person_number_list)
add_basic_personal_slot("cond", "cond", person_number_list)
add_basic_personal_slot("pres_sub", "pres|sub", person_number_list)
add_basic_personal_slot("impf_sub", "impf|sub", person_number_list)
add_basic_personal_slot("imp", "imp", imp_person_number_list)
-- Don't need special non-reflexive-part slots because the negative imperative is multiword, of which the
-- individual words are 'no' + subjunctive.
add_basic_personal_slot("neg_imp", "neg|imp", neg_imp_person_number_list, "no special verb form of")
-- Don't need special non-reflexive-part slots because we don't want [[arrependendo]] mapping to [[arrependendo-me]]
-- (only [[arrependendo-se]]) or [[arrepender]] mapping to [[arrepender-me]] (only [[arrepender-se]]).
add_basic_personal_slot("infinitive", "inf", person_number_list, "no special verb form of")
add_basic_personal_slot("gerund", "ger", person_number_list, "no special verb form of")
-- Generate the list of all slots.
alternant_multiword_spec.all_verb_slots = {}
for _, slot_and_accel in ipairs(alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic) do
table.insert(alternant_multiword_spec.all_verb_slots, slot_and_accel)
for _, slot_and_accel in ipairs(alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_reflexive_verb_form_of) do
table.insert(alternant_multiword_spec.all_verb_slots, slot_and_accel)
alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic_map = {}
for _, slotaccel in ipairs(alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic) do
local slot, accel = unpack(slotaccel)
alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic_map[slot] = accel
local overridable_stems = {}
local function allow_multiple_values_for_override(separated_groups, data, is_form_override)
local retvals = {}
for _, separated_group in ipairs(separated_groups) do
local footnotes = data.fetch_footnotes(separated_group)
local form = separated_group[1]
-- Prepend marker to prevent prefixing with `base.prefix`, and (in the case of form overrides) prevent
-- final devoicing.
if is_form_override then
form = IS_USER_FORM_OVERRIDE .. form
form = IS_USER_STEM_OVERRIDE .. form
local retval = {form = form, footnotes = footnotes}
table.insert(retvals, retval)
return retvals
for _, overridable_stem in ipairs {
"pres3s", -- overrides just pres_2s and pres_3s
-- Don't include pres1s, pres3p; use pres_1s etc. if you need to override just those forms
} do
-- Written so we can substitute a different validator; parallel code in [[Module:es-verb]] and [[Module:pt-verb]]
-- has simple_choice validators.
overridable_stems[overridable_stem] = allow_multiple_values_for_override
-- Useful as the value of the `match` property of a built-in verb. `main_verb_spec` is a Lua pattern that should match
-- the non-prefixed part of a verb, and `prefix_specs` is a list of Lua patterns that should match the prefixed part of
-- a verb. If a prefix spec is preceded by ^, it must match exactly at the beginning of the verb; otherwise, additional
-- prefixes (e.g. re-, des-) may precede. Return the prefix and main verb.
local function match_against_verbs(main_verb_spec, prefix_specs)
return function(verb)
for _, prefix_spec in ipairs(prefix_specs) do
if prefix_spec:find("^%^") then
-- must match exactly
prefix_spec = prefix_spec:gsub("^%^", "")
if prefix_spec == "" then
-- We can't use the second branch of the if-else statement because an empty () returns the current position
-- in rmatch().
local main_verb = rmatch(verb, "^(" .. main_verb_spec .. ")$")
if main_verb then
return "", main_verb
local prefix, main_verb = rmatch(verb, "^(" .. prefix_spec .. ")(" .. main_verb_spec .. ")$")
if prefix then
return prefix, main_verb
local prefix, main_verb = rmatch(verb, "^(.*" .. prefix_spec .. ")(" .. main_verb_spec .. ")$")
if prefix then
return prefix, main_verb
return nil
Built-in (usually irregular) conjugations.
Each entry is processed in turn and consists of an object with two fields:
1. match=: Specifies the built-in verbs that match this object.
2. forms=: Specifies the built-in stems and forms for these verbs.
The value of match= is either a string beginning with "^" (match only the specified verb), a string not beginning
with "^" (match any verb ending in that string), or a function that is passed in the verb and should return the prefix
of the verb if it matches, otherwise nil. The function match_against_verbs() is provided to facilitate matching a set
of verbs with a common ending and specific prefixes (e.g. [[ter]] and [[ater]] but not [[abater]], etc.).
The value of forms= is a table specifying stems and individual override forms. Each key of the table names either a
stem (e.g. `pres_stressed`), a stem property (e.g. `g_infix`) or an individual override form (e.g. `pres_1s`).
Each value of a stem can either be a string (a single stem), a list of strings, or a list of objects of the form
{form = STEM, footnotes = {FOONOTES}}. Each value of an individual override should be of exactly the same form except
that the strings specify full forms rather than stems. The values of a stem property depend on the specific property
but are generally strings or booleans.
In order to understand how the stem specifications work, it's important to understand the phonetic modifications done
by combine_stem_ending(). In general, the complexities of predictable prefix, stem and ending modifications are all
handled in this function. In particular:
1. Spelling-based modifications (c/qu, ç/c, g/gu, j/g, gu/gü, qu/qü) occur automatically as appropriate for the ending.
2. If the ending begins with an asterisk, this is a signal to delete the accent on the last syllable of the stem, e.g.
veié -> veierem.
3. If ending begins with i, it may turn into í or ï after an unstressed vowel (in some but not all cases) to prevent the
two merging into a diphthong. See combine_stem_ending() for specifics.
The following stems are recognized [FIXME: This is not correct for Catalan, needs rewriting]:
-- pres_unstressed: The present indicative unstressed stem (1p, 2p). Also controls the imperative 2p
and gerund. Defaults to the infinitive stem (minus the ending -ar/-er/-ir/-or).
-- pres_stressed: The present indicative stressed stem (1s, 2s, 3s, 3p). Also controls the imperative 2s.
Default is empty if indicator `no_pres_stressed`, else a vowel alternation if such an indicator is given
(e.g. `ue`, `ì`), else the infinitive stem.
-- pres1: Special stem for 1s present indicative. Normally, do not set this explicitly. If you need to specify an
irregular 1s present indicative, use the form override pres_1s= to specify the entire form. Defaults to
-- pres_sub_unstressed: The present subjunctive unstressed stem (1p, 2p). Defaults to the infinitive stem.
-- pres_sub_stressed: The present subjunctive stressed stem (1s, 2s, 3s, 1p). Defaults to pres1.
-- impf: The imperfect stem (not including the -av-/-i- stem suffix, which is determined by the conjugation). Defaults
to the infinitive stem.
-- pret: The full preterite stem missing only the endings (-ste, -mos, etc.), e.g. 'fige', 'fo'. Only used for verbs
with irregular preterites (pret_conj == "irreg") such as [[facer]], [[poder]], [[traer]], etc. Defaults to
`pret_base` + the conjugation vowel.
-- fut: The future stem. Defaults to the infinitive stem + the conjugation vowel.
-- cond: The conditional stem. Defaults to `fut`.
-- impf_sub: The imperfect subjunctive stem. Defaults to `pret`.
-- pp: The masculine singular past participle. Default is based on the verb conjugation: infinitive stem + '-ado' for
-ar verbs, otherwise infinitive stem + '-ido'.
-- pp_inv: `true` if the past participle exists only in the masculine singular.
local built_in_conjugations = {
-- -ar --
-- Orthographic consonant alternations in endings are handled automatically in combine_stem_ending().
-- [[aguar]]:
-- pres agúo, agúes, agúa, agüem, agüeu, agúen
-- pres_sub aguï, aguïs, aguï, agüem, agüeu, aguïn
-- contrast a more typical verb in -guar, [[enaiguar]]:
-- pres enaiguo, enaigües, enaigua, enaigüem, enaigüeu, enaigüen
-- pres_sub enaigüi, enaigüis, enaigüi, enaigüem, enaigüeu, enaigüin
match = "^aguar",
forms = {
pres_stressed = "agú",
pres_sub_stressed = "aguï",
irreg = true,
-- [[anar]] (full verb); highly irregular
match = "^anar",
var = "full",
forms = {
fut = "anir",
pres_1s = "vaj", -- will be converted to 'vaig'; 'vaig' gets converted to 'vaic'
pres_2s = "vas",
pres_3s = "va",
pres_3p = "van",
pres_sub_stressed = "vagi",
imp_2s = "ves",
irreg = true,
-- [[anar]] (auxiliary); highly irregular
match = "^anar",
var = "aux",
forms = {
pres_1s = "vaj", -- will be converted to 'vaig'; 'vaig' gets converted to 'vaic'
pres_2s = {"vas", "vares"},
pres_3s = "va",
pres_1p = {"vam", "vàrem"},
pres_2p = {"vau", "vàreu"},
pres_3p = {"van", "varen"},
pres_sub_stressed = "vagi",
pres_sub_unstressed = "vàgi",
impf1 = {},
impf2 = {},
fut = {},
pret = {},
pp = {},
gerund = {},
noimp = true,
irreg = true,
-- [[dar]]
match = "^dar",
forms = {
pres_1s = {form = "do", footnotes = {"[obsolete]"}},
pres_2s = {form = "das", footnotes = {"[obsolete]"}},
pres_3s = {form = "da", footnotes = {"[obsolete]"}},
pres_3p = {form = "dan", footnotes = {"[obsolete]"}},
pres_sub_1s = {form = "de", footnotes = {"[obsolete]"}},
pres_sub_2s = {form = "des", footnotes = {"[obsolete]"}},
pres_sub_3s = {form = "de", footnotes = {"[obsolete]"}},
pres_sub_3p = {form = "den", footnotes = {"[obsolete]"}},
pret_1s = "di", -- regular except for lack of accent
pret_3s = "da", -- regular except for lack of accent
impf_sub_1s = "des", -- regular except for lack of accent
impf_sub_3s = "des", -- regular except for lack of accent
irreg = true,
-- [[estar]]; highly irregular
match = "^estar",
forms = {
pres_2s = "estàs",
pres_3s = "està",
pres_3p = "estan",
g_infix = "estig",
imp_2s = "estigues",
imp_2p = "estigueu",
pp = "estad",
-- -er/-re --
-- Regular verbs not needing entries here:
-- [[rebre]], [[concebre]], [[decebre]], [[percebre]]
-- [[rompre]]
-- [[fúmer]], [[prémer]], [[témer]], [[trémer]]
-- [[perdre]], [[batre]], [[botre]], [[fotre]], [[retre]]
-- [[tòrcer]], [[vèncer]]
-- etc.
------------------------------------------- -ldre/-ler --------------------------------------
-- [[caldre]], [[doldre]], [[condoldre's]], [[oldre]]
match = match_against_verbs("ldre", {"ca", "do", "^o"}),
forms = {
-- g_infix implies irreg = true
-- g_infix adds -g to pres_1s, sub, pret and pp stems; combine_stem_ending() changes final -g to -c
g_infix = "+",
-- [[caler]]
match = "caler",
like = "caldre",
-- [[doler]] and compounds
match = "doler",
like = "doldre",
-- [[valer]], [[equivaler]], [[prevaler]], [[sobrevaler]]
match = "valer",
forms = {
-- see above for g_infix effects
fut = "valdr",
g_infix = "+",
-- [[valdre]] and compounds
match = "valdre",
like = "valer",
-- [[soler]]
match = "^soler", -- this must precede -oldre rule below for alt form [[soldre]]
forms = {
-- see above for g_infix effects
fut = {},
pret = {},
impf_sub = "solgué", -- regular, but we disabled the preterite, which would normally disable impf_sub too
g_infix = "+",
pp = {},
noimp = true,
-- [[soldre]]
match = "^soldre", -- this must precede -oldre rule below
like = "soler",
-- [[coldre]], [[moldre]], [[absoldre]], [[dissoldre]], [[resoldre]], [[toldre]]
match = "oldre", -- this must follow [[doldre]]/[[oldre]] rule above
forms = {
-- see above for g_infix effects
g_infix = "+",
pp = "olt",
-- [[voler]], [[malvoler]]
match = "voler",
forms = {
fut = "voldr",
pres_1s = "vull",
pres_sub_stressed = "vulgui",
pres_sub_unstressed = "vulgue",
g_infix = "+",
imp_2s = "vulgues",
imp_2p = "vulgueu",
--------------------------------------------- -ndre ----------------------------------------
-- [[romandre]]; write it this way so there's a prefix with a vowel to prevent against the accent in the pp
-- from being removed while still removing it in the feminine.
match = match_against_verbs("mandre", {"^ro"}),
forms = {
-- see above for g_infix effects
g_infix = "+",
pp = "màs#",
-- [[encendre]], [[atendre]], [[contendre]], [[desentendre's]], [[distendre]], [[entendre]], [[estendre]],
-- [[pretendre]]
match = match_against_verbs("endre", {"enc", "t"}),
forms = {
pres_3s = "én#", -- remove final accent without prefix with vowel; also removed when adding a suffix
-- see above for g_infix effects
g_infix = "+",
pp = "ès#", -- see above for effect of final #
-- [[vendre]], [[malvendre]], [[revendre]]
match = "vendre",
forms = {
pres_3s = "vèn#", -- see above for effect of final #
-- see above for g_infix effects
g_infix = "+",
pp = "venud", -- g_infix would normally make it vengud
-- [[fendre]], [[defendre]], [[ofendre]], [[dependre]], [[despendre]], [[expendre]], [[suspendre]], [[prendre]],
-- [[aprendre]], [[comprendre]], [[desprendre]], [[emprendre]], [[reprendre]], [[sorprendre]]
match = "endre", -- this must follow previous -endre rules above
forms = {
pres_3s = "èn#", -- see above for effect of final #
-- see above for g_infix effects
g_infix = "+",
pp = "ès#", -- see above for effect of final #
-- [[enfondre]]; write it this way so there's a prefix with a vowel to prevent against the accent in the pp
-- from being removed while still removing it in the feminine.
match = match_against_verbs("fondre", {"^en"}),
forms = {
-- see above for g_infix effects
g_infix = "+",
pp = "fús#",
-- [[pondre]], [[compondre]], [[correspondre]], [[descompondre]], [[despondre's]], [[respondre]]
match = "pondre",
forms = {
-- see above for g_infix effects
g_infix = "+",
pp = "post",
-- [[fondre]], [[confondre]], [[difondre]], [[infondre]], [[refondre]], [[tondre]]
match = "ondre", -- this must follow previous -ondre rules above
forms = {
-- see above for g_infix effects
g_infix = "+",
pp = "ós#", -- see above for effect of final #
--------------------------------------------- -nyer ----------------------------------------
-- [[atènyer]]; write it this way so there's a prefix with a vowel to prevent against the accent in the pp
-- from being removed while still removing it in the feminine.
match = match_against_verbs("tènyer", {"^a"}),
forms = {
pp = "tès#",
irreg = true,
-- [[empènyer]], [[espènyer]]
match = match_against_verbs("pènyer", {"^em", "^es"}),
forms = {
pp = "pès#",
irreg = true,
-- [[estrènyer]], [[constrènyer]], [[destrènyer]], [[restrènyer]]
match = match_against_verbs("strènyer", {"^e", "con", "^de", "^re"}),
forms = {
pp = "stret",
irreg = true,
-- [[fènyer]]
match = "fènyer",
forms = {
pp = {"fengud", "fenyud"},
irreg = true,
-- [[júnyer]]
match = "júnyer",
like = "junyir",
-- [[plànyer]], [[complànyer]], [[pertànyer]]
match = match_against_verbs("ànyer", {"pl", "pert"}),
forms = {
pp = {"angud", "anyud"},
irreg = true,
--------------------------------------------- -aure ----------------------------------------
-- [[caure]], [[decaure]], [[recaure]]
match = "caure",
forms = {
-- stem ending in -ai and imperfect in -ia causes special stressed imperfect logic to take effect; we get
-- impf1s queia, impf1p quèiem (preceding vowel changed to è and attached to initial consonant using
-- combine_stem_ending(), which changes c- to qu-)
stem = "caie", -- i dropped by g_infix before u
-- g_infix implies irreg = true
-- g_infix adds -g to pres_1s, sub, pret and pp stems; combine_stem_ending() changes final -g to -c
-- g_infix sets pres_stressed to end in -u, removing a preceding -i or -v
g_infix = "+",
-- [[plaure]], [[complaure]]
match = "plaure",
forms = {
stem = "plae", -- ï in impf1s -aïa gets generated automatically by combine_stem_ending()
g_infix = "+",
-- [[raure]]
match = "^raure",
forms = {
stem = "rae", -- ï in impf1s -aïa gets generated automatically by combine_stem_ending()
g_infix = "+",
pp = {"ragud", "ras"},
--------------------------------------------- -eure ----------------------------------------
-- [[beure]], [[embeure]], [[deure]], [[lleure]]
match = match_against_verbs("eure", {"b", "d", "ll"}),
forms = {
stem = "eve", -- v dropped by g_infix before g and u
g_infix = "+",
-- [[creure]], [[seure]], [[asseure]]
match = match_against_verbs("eure", {"cr", "s"}),
forms = {
stem = "ee",
pres_unstressed = "eie", -- affects pres_1p, pres_2p, gerund, imperfect (see [[caure]])
g_infix = "+",
-- [[jeure]], [[ajeure]]
match = "jeure",
forms = {
fut = "jaur", -- affects future and cond
stressed_stem = "jee", -- affects stressed forms, which get g added by g_infix by added except for
-- pres_stressed, which gets u added (controls pres_3s, pres_2s, pres_3p)
unstressed_stem = "jae", -- affects unstressed_stem, which get g added by g_infix
pres_stressed = {"jeu", "jau"},
pres_unstressed = "jaie", -- affects pres_1p, pres_2p, gerund, imperfect (see [[caure]])
pres_1s = {"jec", "jac"},
impf1 = "jei", -- otherwise we'd get impf_1s '#geia' etc.
impf2 = "jèi",
g_infix = "+",
match = "jaure",
like = "jeure",
-- [[treure]], [[abstreure]], [[atreure]], [[bestreure]], [[contreure]], [[detreure]], [[distreure]],
-- [[extreure]], [[retreure], [[retrotreure]], [[sostreure]]
match = "treure",
forms = {
-- like [[jeure]] except for irregular pp
fut = "traur",
stressed_stem = "tree",
unstressed_stem = "trae",
pres_stressed = {"treu", "trau"},
pres_unstressed = "traie",
pres_1s = {"trec", "trac"},
g_infix = "+",
pp = "tret",
match = "traure",
like = "treure",
-- [[veure]], [[entreveure]], [[preveure]], [[reveure]]
match = "veure",
forms = {
stem = "veie",
-- impf1s veia, impf1p vèiem (preceding vowel changed to è)
pres_stressed = "veu",
pres_1s = "vej", -- will be converted to 'veig'; 'veig' gets converted to 'veic'
pres_sub_stressed = "vegi",
pres_sub_unstressed = "vege",
pret = {"veié", "vé"},
pret_1s = "viu",
pret_3s = {"veié", "veu"},
impf_sub = "veié",
pp = "vist",
imp_2s = "veges",
imp_2p = {"vegeu", "veieu"},
irreg = true,
--------------------------------------------- -iure ----------------------------------------
-- [[escriure]], [[circumscriure]], [[descriure]], [[inscriure]], [[prescriure]], [[proscriure]],
-- [[subscriure]], [[transcriure]]
match = "scriure",
forms = {
stem = "scrivi", -- v dropped by g_infix before g and u; pres_1p/pres_2p have -ir endings
g_infix = "+",
pret = {"scriví", "scrigué"},
pp = "scrit",
-- [[riure]], [[somriure]]
match = "riure", -- must follow rule for 'scriure'
forms = {
stem = "rie",
-- impf1s reia, impf1p rèiem (preceding vowel changed to è)
g_infix = "+",
-- [[viure]], [[conviure]], [[desviure's]], [[sobreviure]]
match = "viure",
forms = {
stem = "vivi", -- v dropped by g_infix before g and u; pres_1p/pres_2p have -ir endings
g_infix = "visc", -- applies to pres1s, sub, pret, pp
--------------------------------------------- -oure ----------------------------------------
-- [[cloure]], [[concloure]], [[descloure]], [[encloure]], [[excloure]], [[incloure]], [[recloure]]
match = "cloure",
forms = {
stem = "cloe", -- ï in impf1s cloïa gets generated automatically by combine_stem_ending()
g_infix = "+",
pp = "clòs#", -- remove final accent without prefix with vowel; also removed when adding a suffix
-- [[coure]] "to cook"
match = "coure",
var = "cook",
forms = {
stem = "coe", -- ï in impf1s coïa gets generated automatically by combine_stem_ending()
g_infix = "+",
pp = "cuit",
-- [[coure]] "to sting"
match = "coure",
var = "sting",
forms = {
stem = "coe", -- ï in impf1s coïa gets generated automatically by combine_stem_ending()
g_infix = "+",
-- pp regular 'cogud'
-- [[moure]], [[promoure]], [[remoure]], [[somoure]], [[ploure]]
match = match_against_verbs("oure", {"m", "pl"}),
forms = {
stem = "ove", -- v dropped by g_infix before g and u
g_infix = "+",
-- [[noure]]
match = "noure",
forms = {
stem = "noe", -- ï in impf1s -aïa gets generated automatically by combine_stem_ending()
g_infix = "+",
--------------------------------------------- -xer ----------------------------------------
-- [[conèixer]], [[desconèixer]], [[reconèixer]]
match = "conèixer",
forms = {
g_infix = "coneg",
-- [[créixer]], [[acréixer]], [[decréixer]], [[recréixer]], [[sobrecréixer]]
match = "créixer",
forms = {
pret = {"creixé", "cresqué"},
pres_sub_unstressed = {"creixe", "cresque"},
pp = "crescud",
irreg = true,
-- [[merèixer]], [[desmerèixer]], [[irèixer-se]]
match = match_against_verbs("rèixer", {"me", "^i"}),
forms = {
pret = {"reixé", "resqué"},
pres_sub_unstressed = {"reixe", "resque"},
pp = "rescud",
irreg = true,
-- [[néixer]]/[[nàixer]], [[renéixer]]/[[renàixer]], [[sobrenéixer]]/[[sobrenàixer]], [[péixer]]/[[pàixer]]
match = match_against_verbs("éixer", {"n", "p"}),
forms = {
stem = "aixe",
fut = "aixer",
pres_stressed = {"eix", "aix"},
pres_1s = "eixo",
pret = {"aixé", "asqué"},
pres_sub_stressed = "eixi",
pres_sub_unstressed = {"aixe", "asque"},
pp = "ascud",
irreg = true,
match = "àixer",
like = "éixer",
-- [[parèixer]], [[aparèixer]], [[comparèixer]], [[desaparèixer]], [[reaparèixer]]
match = "parèixer",
forms = {
g_infix = "pareg",
--------------------------------------------- misc ----------------------------------------
-- [[cabre]]
match = "cabre",
forms = {
pres_sub_stressed = "càpiga",
pres_sub_unstressed = "capigue",
irreg = true,
-- [[caber]]
match = "caber",
like = "cabre",
-- [[saber]]
match = "saber",
forms = {
fut = "sabr",
pres_1s = "sé",
pres_sub_stressed = "sàpiga",
pres_sub_unstressed = "sapigue",
imp_2s = "sàpiga",
imp_2p = "sapigueu",
irreg = true,
-- [[poder]]
match = "poder",
forms = {
fut = "podr",
pres_1s = "puc",
pres_sub_stressed = "pugui",
pres_sub_unstressed = "pugue",
g_infix = "pog",
imp_2s = "pugues",
imp_2p = "pugueu",
irreg = true,
-- [[córrer]], [[acórrer]], [[concórrer]], [[decórrer]], [[descórrer]], [[discórrer]], [[encórrer]],
-- [[escórrer]], [[incórrer]], [[ocórrer]], [[recórrer]], [[socórrer]], [[transcórrer]]
match = "córrer",
forms = {
pret = "corregué",
pres_sub_unstressed = {"corre", "corregue"},
pp = "corregud",
irreg = true,
-- [[metre]], [[admetre]], [[arremetre]], [[cometre]], [[comprometre]], [[demetre]], [[descomprometre]],
-- [[emetre]], [[entremetre's]], [[escometre]], [[malmetre]], [[manumetre]], [[ometre]], [[permetre]],
-- [[prometre]], [[readmetre]], [[remetre]], [[retransmetre]], [[sotmetre]], [[trametre]], [[transmetre]]
match = "metre",
forms = {
pp = "mès#",
irreg = true,
-- -ir --
-- [[acudir]]; NOTE: Separation by meaning does not occur in DCC, DIEC, DEIEC, and DCVB says the distinction
-- is geographical and makes no mention of distinction by meaning. OTOH ca.wikt does say that the pronominal
-- sense "to occur" tends to conjugate non-inchoative.
match = "acudir",
forms = {
eix_infix = {{
form = "+",
footnotes = {'[especially in the sense "to turn up, to be present"]'}
}, {
form = "-",
footnotes = {'[especially in the pronominal sense "to occur"]'}
-- [[afegir]]: -- non-inchoative in Valencia, inchoative elsewhere
-- [[ajupir]]
-- [[buixir]]
-- [[bullir]], [[rebullir]]
-- [[cruixir]], [[escruixir]] (Routledge says this is inchoative but DIEC, DEIEC and DCC all disagree; note
-- pres_2s 'cruixes', handled automatically)
-- [[dormir]], [[adormir]]
-- [[funyir]]
-- [[grunyir]]
-- [[munyir]], [[esmunyir]]
-- [[pudir]]
-- [[punyir]]
-- [[retrunyir]]
-- [[sentir]], [[pressentir]], [[ressentir-se]]; not [[consentir]], with can be either non-inchoative or
-- inchoative, and not [[assentir]] or [[dissentir]], which are only inchoative
match = match_against_verbs("ir", {"ajup", "buix", "bull", "cruix", "dorm", "funy", "gruny", "muny", "pud",
"puny", "retruny", "^sent", "pressent", "^ressent"}),
forms = {
eix_infix = "-",
-- [[arrupir-se]];
-- [[brumir]];
-- [[brunzir]];
-- [[consumir]], [[resumir]], [[presumir]] (not [[sumir]], [[assumir]], [[subsumir]], which are regular)
-- [[mentir]], [[desmentir]]
-- [[percudir]]; cf. also [[acudir]], which to some extent has separate conjugations per meaning
-- [[consentir]]
match = match_against_verbs("ir", {"arrup", "brum", "brunz", "consum", "^resum", "presum", "ment", "percud",
forms = {
eix_infix = {"+", "-"},
-- [[cenyir]]: -- non-inchoative or inchoative in Balearics, inchoative elsewhere
-- [[cobrir]], [[descobrir]], [[encobrir]], [[recobrir]], [[redescobrir]]
match = "cobrir",
forms = {
pp = "cobert",
irreg = true,
-- [[collir]], [[acollir]], [[escollir]], [[recollir]]
match = "collir",
forms = {
stressed_stem = "culli",
eix_infix = "-",
irreg = true,
-- [[complir]], [[acomplir]], [[incomplir]]
match = "complir",
forms = {
pp = {"complert", "complid"},
irreg = true,
-- [[cosir]], [[descosir]], [[recosir]]
match = "cosir",
forms = {
stressed_stem = "cusi",
pres_3s = "cús#",
eix_infix = "-",
irreg = true,
-- [[eixir]], [[deseixir-se]]; not [[teixir]] or [[entreteixir]], and not [[reeixir]] or [[sobreeixir]],
-- which have an ï in the stem-stressed forms
match = match_against_verbs("eixir", {"^", "des"}),
forms = {
stressed_stem = "ixi",
eix_infix = "-",
irreg = true,
-- [[reeixir]], [[sobreeixir]]
match = match_against_verbs("eixir", {"^re", "sobre"}),
forms = {
stressed_stem = "ïxi",
eix_infix = "-",
irreg = true,
-- [[engolir]]: -- non-inchoative in Valencia, inchoative elsewhere
-- [[escopir]]
match = "escopir",
forms = {
stressed_stem = "escupi",
eix_infix = "-",
irreg = true,
-- [[establir]], [[preestablir]], [[restablir]]
match = "establir",
forms = {
pp = {"establert", "establid"},
irreg = true,
-- [[ferir]]: -- non-inchoative in Balearics, inchoative elsewhere
-- [[fregir]]: -- non-inchoative in Valencia, inchoative elsewhere
-- [[fugir]], [[confugir]], [[defugir]], [[enfugir-se]]; pres sing ''fujo, fuges, fuig'' handled by
-- combine_stem_ending(); can't be handled by rule above that lists many non-inchoative verbs because the
-- prefix would be 'fug' and the front-back alternation code doesn't apply to prefixes.
match = "fugir",
forms = {
eix_infix = "-",
-- [[imprimir]], [[reimprimir]], [[sobreimprimir]]; not any other verbs in -primir; write it this way so
-- there's a prefix with a vowel to prevent against the accent in the pp from being removed while still
-- removing it in the feminine.
match = match_against_verbs("primir", {"im"}),
forms = {
pp = "près#",
irreg = true,
-- [[llegir]]: -- non-inchoative in Valencia and Minorca, inchoative elsewhere
-- [[lluir]]: regular inchoative in the figurative meaning "to display (something), to be showy" also in the
-- legal meaning "free from a pecuniary obligation, such as a land-based tax (emphyteusis)"; irregular in the
-- literal meaning "to shine"; use <no_built_in> to get regular conjugation. In the regular conjugation,
-- umlauts appear in the following forms: pres_1p/pres_sub_1p/imp_1p lluïm, pres_2p/pres_sub_2p/imp_2p lluïu,
-- impf_1s/impf_3s lluïa, impf_2s lluïes, impf_3p lluïen, pret_2s lluïres, pret_3p lluïren,
-- impf_sub_2s lluïssis, impf_sub_3p lluïssin, throughout the pp: lluït, lluïda, lluïts, lluïdes. IN the
-- irregular conjugation, umlauts appear in the same places as well as elsewhere in the present subjunctive:
-- pres_sub_1s/pres_sub_3s/imp_3s lluï, pres_sub_2s lluïs, pres_sub_3p/imp_3p lluïn. Notably, they do *NOT*
-- appear in the gerund lluint, the infinitive lluir, or anywhere in the future or conditional. Note that
-- [] lists additional irregular forms pres_1s
-- lluu, and alternative impf_sub forms in -e- instead of -i- (lluïsses, lluíssem, lluísseu, lluïssen), but
-- these are nonstandard or dialectal per both Routledge and DEIEC.
match = "^lluir",
forms = {
eix_infix = "-",
pres3s = {"lluu", "llu"}, -- generates pres_2s, imp_2s
irreg = true,
-- [[entrelluir]] "to be half-seen", [[relluir]] "to shine", [[traslluir-se]] "to be translucent"; either
-- inchoative or non-inchoative, not distinguished by meaning; note, [[deslluir]] and [[enlluir]] are regular
-- inchoative verbs.
match = match_against_verbs("lluir", {"entre", "^re", "tras"}),
forms = {
eix_infix = {"+", "-"},
pres3s = {"llueix", "lluu", "llú"}, -- generates pres_2s, imp_2s; note, pres_2s will end in -es due to
-- combine_stem_ending()
irreg = true,
-- [[morir]], [[premorir]]; but not [[atemorir]]
match = match_against_verbs("morir", {"^", "pre"}),
forms = {
eix_infix = "-",
pp = "mort",
irreg = true,
-- [[obrir]], [[entreobrir]], [[reobrir]]; not [[cobrir]] and derivatives, not [[empobrir]], so we have to list
-- them individually
match = match_against_verbs("obrir", {"^", "entre", "^re"}),
forms = {
eix_infix = "-",
pp = "obert",
irreg = true,
-- [[oferir]]; but not [[proferir]]
match = "^oferir",
forms = {
pp = {"ofert", "oferid"},
irreg = true,
-- [[oir]], [[desoir]], [[entreoir]]: -- per Routledge, non-inchoative or inchoative normally but only
-- non-inchoative in Valencian; but all dictionaries disagree and say it is a regular inchoative-only verb.
-- It has the same umlauts as lluir (and [[corroir]], another regular inchoative verb).
-- [[omplir]], [[desomplir-se]], [[reomplir]]; not [[complir]] and derivatives, so we have to list them
-- individually
match = match_against_verbs("omplir", {"^", "des", "^re"}),
forms = {
eix_infix = "-",
pp = {"omplert", "omplid"},
irreg = true,
-- [[penedir-se]]: -- non-inchoative in Balearics, inchoative elsewhere
-- [[pruir]] "to itch": same umlauts as in [[lluir]].
match = "^pruir",
forms = {
eix_infix = "-",
pres3s = {"pruu", "pru"}, -- generates pres_2s, imp_2s
irreg = true,
-- [[reblir]]
match = "^reblir",
forms = {
pp = {"reblert", "reblid"},
irreg = true,
-- [[renyir]]: -- non-inchoative in Valencia, inchoative elsewhere
-- [[sofrir]]
match = "^sofrir",
forms = {
pp = {"sofert", "sofrid"},
irreg = true,
-- [[sortir]], [[ressortir]], [[sobresortir]]; but not [[assortir]], which is regular inchoative
match = match_against_verbs("sortir", {"^", "^res", "sobre"}),
forms = {
stressed_stem = "surti",
eix_infix = "-",
irreg = true,
-- [[suplir]]
match = "^suplir",
forms = {
pp = {"suplert", "suplid"},
irreg = true,
-- [[teixir]], [[entreteixir]]: -- non-inchoative in Valencia, inchoative elsewhere
-- [[tenir]] but not any compounds; highly irregular
match = "^tenir",
forms = {
fut = "tindr",
pres_stressed = "ten",
pres_3s = "té",
imp_2s = {"té", "ten", "tingues"},
imp_2p = {"teniu", "tingueu"},
g_infix = "ting",
-- [[abstenir-se]], [[atenir-se]], [[captenir-se]], [[cartenir]], [[contenir]], [[detenir]], [[entretenir]],
-- [[mantenir]], [[menystenir]], [[obtenir]], [[retenir]], [[sostenir]], [[viltenir]]; highly irregular
match = "tenir",
forms = {
fut = "tindr",
pres_stressed = "ten",
pres_3s = "té",
imp_2s = {"tén", "tingues"},
imp_2p = {"teniu", "tingueu"},
g_infix = "ting",
-- [[tindre]]: variant of [[tenir]]
match = "tindre",
like = "tenir",
-- [[tenyir]], [[destenyir]]: -- non-inchoative in Valencia, but [[retenyir]] inchoative or non-inchoative in
-- Valencia? (per Routledge); regular inchoative elsewhere
-- [[tossir]] "to cough"
match = "^tossir",
forms = {
stressed_stem = "tussi", -- pres_2s gets 'tusses'
pres_3s = "tus", -- note, pres_3s (a single form override) not pres3s (a stem override, which also affects
-- pres_2s; but imp_2s is physically copied from pres_3s, so imp_2s correctly gets 'tus')
eix_infix = "-",
irreg = true,
-- [[venir]] but not any compounds; highly irregular
match = "^venir",
forms = {
fut = "vindr",
pres_stressed = "ven",
pres_3s = "ve",
imp_2s = "vine",
g_infix = "ving",
-- compounds of [[venir]]: [[advenir]], [[avenir]], [[contravenir]], [[convenir]], [[desavenir-se]],
-- [[desconvenir]], [[entrevenir]], [[esdevenir]], [[intervenir]], [[obvenir]], [[pervenir]], [[prevenir]],
-- [[provenir]], [[reconvenir]], [[revenir]], [[sobrevenir]], [[subvenir]]; but not [[enjovenir]] or
-- [[rejovenir]]; highly irregular
match = match_against_verbs("venir", {"^ad", "^a", "contra", "con", "desa", "entre", "esde", "inter", "ob",
"per", "pre", "pro", "^re", "sobre", "sub"}),
forms = {
fut = "vindr",
pres_stressed = "ven",
pres_3s = "vé",
imp_2s = "vén",
g_infix = "ving",
-- [[vindre]]: variant of [[venir]]
match = "vindre",
like = "venir",
-- [[vestir]], [[desvestir]], [[revestir]], maybe [[transvestir]]: non-inchoative in Valencia, inchoative or
-- non-inchoative in the Balearics; regular inchoative elsewhere; but not [[envestir]] or [[investir]], which are
-- regular inchoative everywhere
-- [[fer]], [[contrafer]], [[desfer]], [[estrafer]], [[perfer]], [[refer]], [[satisfer]]; highly irregular
match = "fer",
forms = {
fut = "far",
pres_1s = "faj", -- will be converted to 'faig'; 'faig' gets converted to 'faic'
pres_2s = "fàs#",
pres_3s = "fà#",
pres_3p = "fan",
pres_unstressed = "fe",
impf1 = "fei",
impf2 = "fèi",
pres_sub_stressed = "faci",
pres_sub_unstressed = "fe",
pret = "fé",
pret_1s = "fiu",
pret_3s = "feu",
impf_sub_1s = "fés#", -- regular except for base form [[fes]], lacking an accent
impf_sub_3s = "fés#", -- same
imp_2s = "fés#",
pp = "fet",
irreg = true,
-- [[dir]], [[adir-se]], [[contradir]], [[desdir]], [[entredir]], [[interdir]], [[maldir]], [[predir]], [[redir]];
-- behaves like an -er/-re verb
match = match_against_verbs("dir", {"^", "^a", "contra", "des", "entre", "inter", "mal", "pre", "^re"}),
forms = {
stem = "die",
g_infix = "+",
imp_2s = "digues",
imp_2p = "digueu",
pp = "dit",
-- [[dur]], [[endur-se]]; behaves like an -er/-re verb
match = "dur",
forms = {
stem = "due",
g_infix = "+",
pres3s = {"duu", "du"}, -- generates pres_2s, imp_2s
impf1 = "dui",
impf2 = "dúi",
pp = "dut",
-- [[ser]]; highly irregular
match = "^ser",
forms = {
pres_1s = "soc",
pres_2s = "ets",
pres_3s = "és",
pres_1p = "som",
pres_2p = "sou",
pres_3p = "són",
impf1 = "er",
impf2 = "ér",
pres_sub_stressed = "sigui",
pres_sub_unstressed = "sigue",
pret = "fó",
pret_1s = "fui",
pret_3s = "fou",
impf_sub_1s = "fos", -- regular except for lack of accent
impf_sub_3s = "fos", -- same
cond = {"serí", "fór"},
imp_2s = "sigues",
imp_2p = "sigueu",
pp = {"estad", "sigud"},
gerund = {"sent", "essent"},
irreg = true,
-- [[ésser]]; variant of [[ser]]
match = "^ésser",
like = "ser",
-- [[haver]] as auxiliary; highly irregular
match = "^haver",
var = "aux",
forms = {
pres_1s = "he",
pres_2s = "has",
pres_3s = "ha",
pres_1p = "hem",
pres_2p = "heu",
pres_3p = "han",
fut = "haur",
cond = {"haurí", "haguér"},
pres_sub_stressed = "hagi",
pres_sub_unstressed = "hàgi",
noimp = true,
g_infix = "+",
-- [[haver]] as full verb; highly irregular
match = "^haver",
var = "full",
forms = {
pres_1s = {"hec", "hac"},
pres_stressed = {"heu", "hau"},
fut = "haur",
pres_sub_stressed = "hegui",
g_infix = "+",
-- [[heure]]; variant of full verb [[haver]]
match = "^heure",
like = "haver",
likevar = "full",
-- [[haure]]; variant of full verb [[haver]]
match = "^haure",
like = "haver",
likevar = "full",
local function skip_slot(base, slot, allow_overrides)
if not allow_overrides and (base.basic_overrides[slot] or
base.refl and base.basic_reflexive_only_overrides[slot]) then
-- Skip any slots for which there are overrides.
return true
if base.only3s and (slot:find("^pp_f") or slot:find("^pp_mp")) then
-- diluviar, atardecer, neviscar; impersonal verbs have only masc sing pp
return true
if not slot:find("[123]") then
-- Don't skip non-personal slots.
return false
if base.nofinite then
return true
if (base.only3s or base.only3sp or base.only3p) and (slot:find("^imp_") or slot:find("^neg_imp_")) then
return true
if base.only3s and not slot:find("3s") then
-- diluviar, atardecer, neviscar
return true
if base.only3sp and not slot:find("3[sp]") then
-- atañer, concernir
return true
if base.only3p and not slot:find("3p") then
-- [[caer cuatro gotas]], [[caer chuzos de punta]], [[entrarle los siete males]]
return true
return false
local function add_stem_ending(stem, ending)
if ending == "" then
return stem
if stem:find("#$") then -- remove final accent when adding a suffix
stem = com.remove_accents((stem:gsub("#$", "")), "final syllable only")
return stem .. ending
local function process_stem(stem, fn)
if stem:find("#$") then
local stem_no_pound_sign = stem:match("^(.*)#$")
return fn(stem_no_pound_sign) .. "#"
return fn(stem)
-- Add the `stem` to the `ending` and apply any phonetic modifications. `is_full_word` indicates that we're creating
-- a "full word" not a stem, and turns on devoicing of final consonants. `dont_include_prefix` is used when creating
-- stems and indicates not to prepend the prefix in `base.prefix` to the result. `is_pres_sub_stressed` is used when
-- creating the pres_sub_stressed stem, to correctly handle both [[desaiguar]] and [[argüir]], whose respective
-- interactions between ü and i/ï are very tricky.
-- WARNING: This function is written very carefully; changes to it can easily have unintended consequences.
local function combine_stem_ending(base, stem, ending, is_full_word, dont_include_prefix, is_pres_sub_stressed)
-- Include the prefix in the stem unless dont_include_prefix is given (used in construct_stems()), or the value of
-- `stem` comes from a user-specified stem or form override.
if not dont_include_prefix and not stem:find(IS_USER_STEM_OVERRIDE) and not stem:find(IS_USER_FORM_OVERRIDE) then
stem = base.prefix .. stem
-- A * at the beginning of the ending is a signal to remove a stressed accent from the stem. This may feed any of
-- the following rules.
if ending:find("^%*") then
ending = ending:gsub("^%*", "")
stem = com.remove_accents(stem, "final syllable only")
-- If ending begins with s and stem ends in a sibilant, we need an e in between; cf. pres_2s 'apareixes' of
-- [[aparèixer]], pres_2s 'torces' of [[tòrcer]], pres_2s 'fuges' of [[fugir]], pres_2s 'brunzes' of [[brunzir]].
-- This may feed the next rule.
if ending:find("^s") and rfind(stem, "[çjsxz]$") then
ending = "e" .. ending
-- By default, stems are in their "back" (standalone) form. Before a front vowel, convert the final consonant to
-- its "front" form so the pronunciation doesn't change.
if rfind(ending, "^" .. front_vowel_c) then
-- adequar -> adeqües
-- enaiguar -> enaigües
-- pegar -> pegues
-- arranjar -> arranges
-- marcar -> marques
-- abraçar -> abraces
stem = com.back_to_front(stem)
-- Ending beginning in -i after diphthong ending in V + i compresses the two i's into one (cf. pret_1s 'desmaí' and
-- pres_sub_1s 'desmaï' of [[desmaiar]]). This rule doesn't apply after pseudo-vowel u in gu/qu; cf. pret_1s 'guií'
-- of [[guiar]] and contrast pret_1s 'cruí' of [[cruiar]]. This may feed the next rule.
if rfind(ending, "^[iíï]") and rfind(stem, V .. "i$") and not rfind(stem, "[gq][uü]i$") then
stem = stem:gsub("i$", "")
-- If ending begins with i (not í), it must get a diaeresis after a true vowel (not gu/qu, cf. pres_1p 'delinquim'
-- of [[delinquir]], not '#delinquïm'; also not a diphthong ending in u, cf. pres_sub_1s 'apreui' of [[apreuar]]
-- not '#apreuï') to prevent the two merging into a diphthong. Note that ü -> u before ï, but to simplify things
-- we leave the double umlauts in place and remove the first one during postprocessing, in fix_double_umlauts().
-- Cf.:
-- * impf_1s 'raïa' of [[raure]];
-- * pres_sub_1s 'creï' of [[crear]];
-- * pres_sub_1s 'associï' of [[associar]];
-- * impf_1s 'cloïa' of [[cloure]];
-- * pres_1p 'lluïm' of [[lluir]];
-- * pres_1p 'arguïm' of [[argüir]].
if ending:find("^i") and rfind(stem, "[aeiouü]$") and not stem:find("[aeiogq]u$") and
-- Unstressed subjunctive endings of [[enaiguar]] remain without umlaut: enaigüi/enaigüis/enaigüin;
-- but stressed endings of [[argüir]] that begin with 'i' do get an umlaut: arguït, impf. arguïa, including
-- stressed subjunctive endings arguïm/arguïu. In both cases the ending is '-i' as part of the creation of
-- the respective stems. There seems no way of distinguishing the two cases other than with a special flag.
not (rfind(stem, "[gq]ü$") and ending == "i" and is_pres_sub_stressed) then
ending = ending:gsub("^i", "ï")
local retval = add_stem_ending(stem, ending)
if retval:find("#$") then -- remove final accent if no vowels in prefix
retval = retval:gsub("#$", "")
if not rfind(base.prefix, V) then
retval = com.remove_accents(retval, "final syllable only")
if is_full_word then
local saw_is_user_form_override
retval, saw_is_user_form_override = rsubb(retval, IS_USER_FORM_OVERRIDE, "")
retval = retval:gsub(IS_USER_STEM_OVERRIDE, "")
if not saw_is_user_form_override then
-- Devoice final voiced obstruent (cf. pres_2s 'caps', pres_3s 'cap' of [[cabre]]). But not after a
-- consonant (cf. pres_2s 'perds', pres_3s 'perd' of [[perdre]]), except for g -> c, which operates
-- even after a consonant (pres_1s 'resolc' of [[resoldre]], pres_1s 'tinc' of [[tenir]]).
retval = retval:gsub("g(s?)$", "c%1")
retval = rsub(retval, "(" .. V .. ")([bdj])(s?)$", function(before, voiced, after)
local devoice = {
b = "p",
d = "t",
j = "ig", -- pres_3s 'fuj' of [[fugir]] -> 'fuig'
return before .. devoice[voiced] .. after
return retval
local function add3(base, slot, stems, endings, footnotes, allow_overrides)
if skip_slot(base, slot, allow_overrides) then
local function do_combine_stem_ending(stem, ending)
return combine_stem_ending(base, stem, ending, "is full word")
iut.add_forms(base.forms, slot, stems, endings, do_combine_stem_ending, nil, nil, footnotes)
local function insert_form(base, slot, form)
if not skip_slot(base, slot) then
iut.insert_form(base.forms, slot, form)
local function insert_forms(base, slot, forms)
if not skip_slot(base, slot) then
iut.insert_forms(base.forms, slot, forms)
local function add_single_stem_tense(base, slot_pref, stems, s1, s2, s3, p1, p2, p3)
local function addit(slot, ending)
add3(base, slot_pref .. "_" .. slot, stems, ending)
addit("1s", s1)
addit("2s", s2)
addit("3s", s3)
addit("1p", p1)
addit("2p", p2)
addit("3p", p3)
local function map_general(stemforms, fn)
return iut.map_forms(iut.convert_to_general_list_form(stemforms), fn)
local function flatmap_general(stemforms, fn)
return iut.flatmap_forms(iut.convert_to_general_list_form(stemforms), fn)
-- Given a stem ending in a conjugation vowel -a/-e/-i/-ï, split into stem base and conjugation vowel, converting the
-- stem base to "back" form if the conjugation vowel is front (hence 'torce' of [[tòrcer]] splits into 'torç' and 'e',
-- and 'fugi' of [[fugir]] splits into 'fuj' and 'i').
local function split_conj_vowel(stem)
local stem_base, conj_vowel = rmatch(stem, "^(.*)([aeiï])$")
if not stem_base then
error(("Internal error: Stem '%s' doesn't end in conjugation vowel a/e/i"):format(stem))
if conj_vowel == "ï" then
-- To simplify handling of ï, convert to i. It will be converted back to ï as necessary in
-- combine_stem_ending().
conj_vowel = "i"
if rfind(conj_vowel, front_vowel_c) then
stem_base = com.front_to_back(stem_base)
return stem_base, conj_vowel
local function construct_stems(base)
base.output_stems = {}
local stems = base.output_stems
local bst = base.input_stems
-- YUCK, see combine_stem_ending() for the necessity of is_pres_sub_stressed.
local function combine(stem, ending, is_pres_sub_stressed)
return combine_stem_ending(base, stem, ending, false, "dont include prefix", is_pres_sub_stressed)
stems.irreg = bst.irreg or bst.g_infix
-- NOTE: Some stems end in a conjugation or similar vowel, specifically:
-- * `stem` (ends in conjugation vowel -a/-e/-i);
-- * `stressed_stem` (likewise);
-- * `unstressed_stem` (likewise);
-- * `pres_unstressed` (which assumes the form of the gerund minus the -nt; note that `pres_stressed` does *NOT*
-- end in a conjugation vowel, but assumes the stem form; the value of pres_3s will be derived by adding -a for
-- -ar verbs and otherwise adding an -e prop vowel when required, as in [[cobrir]], and otherwise adding no
-- vowel);
-- * `pres_sub_stressed` (which assumes the form of pres_sub_3s and hence usually ends in -i, occasionally -a);
-- * `pres_sub_unstressed` (which assumes the form of pres_sub_1p minus the -m, hence ends in -e or -i).
-- Save stem for use in add_categories_and_annotation() for determining the conjugation class.
stems.stem = bst.stem or base.stem
local eix_infix_stem
if base.conj_vowel == "i" then
-- Save eix_infix value for use in add_categories_and_annotation() for determining whether consonant
-- alternations exist.
stems.eix_infix = bst.eix_infix or bst.g_infix and "-" or "+"
eix_infix_stem = flatmap_general(stems.eix_infix, function(form)
if form == "+" then
return map_general(stems.stem, function(form)
local stem_base, conj_vowel = split_conj_vowel(form)
return combine(stem_base, "eixe")
elseif form == "-" then
return stems.stem
return form
local stressed_stem = bst.stressed_stem or eix_infix_stem or stems.stem
local unstressed_stem = bst.unstressed_stem or stems.stem
-- Add the 'g' that is characteristic of g-infix verbs. We remove a stem-final v, e.g. [[beure]] with stem 'beve'
-- becomes 'beg'.
local function add_g(stemforms)
return map_general(stemforms, function(form)
local stem_base, conj_vowel = split_conj_vowel(form)
stem_base = stem_base:gsub("v$", "")
return combine(stem_base, "g")
-- Add the 'u' of the pres_3s that is characteristic of g-infix verbs (and conjugation vowel 'e', later removed).
-- We remove a stem-final v, as well as i as part of a diphthong, e.g. [[beure]] with stem 'beve' becomes 'beue'
-- and [[veure]] with stem 'veie' becomes 'veue' (but [[riure]] with stem 'rie' becomes 'riue' not '#rue'). We
-- don't add -u after a consonant, e.g. [[doldre]] with stem 'dole' becomes 'dole' not '#dolue'.
local function add_u(stemforms)
return map_general(stemforms, function(form)
local stem_base, conj_vowel = split_conj_vowel(form)
if stem_base:find("v$") then
stem_base = stem_base:gsub("v$", "")
stem_base = rsub(stem_base, "(" .. V .. ")i$", "%1")
-- Add u after vowel but not after another u, so we get pres_3p 'duen' of [[dur]] not '#duuen'.
if rfind(stem_base, V .. "$") and not stem_base:find("u$") then
return combine(stem_base, "u")
return stem_base
local stressed_g_infix, unstressed_g_infix, g_infix_pres_stressed
if bst.g_infix then
local function flatmap_g_infix(default)
return flatmap_general(bst.g_infix, function(form)
if form == "+" then
return default
return form
stressed_g_infix = flatmap_g_infix(add_g(stressed_stem))
unstressed_g_infix = flatmap_g_infix(add_g(unstressed_stem))
g_infix_pres_stressed = add_u(stressed_stem)
stems.pres_unstressed = bst.pres_unstressed or unstressed_stem
stems.pres_stressed =
-- If no_pres_stressed given, pres_stressed stem should be empty so no forms are generated.
base.no_pres_stressed and {} or
bst.pres_stressed or
g_infix_pres_stressed or
map_general(stressed_stem, function(form)
local stem_base, conj_vowel = split_conj_vowel(form)
return stem_base
stems.pres1s =
-- If no_pres_stressed given, pres1s stem should be empty so no forms are generated.
base.no_pres_stressed and {} or
stressed_g_infix or
map_general(stems.pres_stressed, function(form)
return combine(form, "o")
stems.pres3s =
-- If no_pres_stressed given, pres3s stem should be empty so no forms are generated.
base.no_pres_stressed and {} or
bst.pres3s or
map_general(stems.pres_stressed, function(form)
if base.conj_vowel == "a" then
return combine(form, "a")
elseif rfind(form, C .. "[lr]$") and not rfind(form, V .. "ll$") then
return combine(form, "e")
return form
stems.pres3p =
-- If no_pres_stressed given, pres3p stem should be empty so no forms are generated.
base.no_pres_stressed and {} or
map_general(stems.pres_stressed, function(form)
return combine(form, "en")
local function compute_impf_stem(with_accent)
return map_general(stems.pres_unstressed, function(form)
local stem_base, conj_vowel = split_conj_vowel(form)
if conj_vowel == "a" then
return combine(stem_base, with_accent and "àv" or "av")
elseif stem_base:find("i#?$") then
form = form:gsub("i#?$", "")
return combine(rmatch(stem_base, "^(.-)" .. V .. "*$"), with_accent and "èi" or "ei")
return combine(stem_base, with_accent and "í" or "i") -- i -> ï after a vowel
stems.impf1 = bst.impf1 or compute_impf_stem(false)
stems.impf2 = bst.impf2 or compute_impf_stem(true)
stems.pret = bst.pret or
unstressed_g_infix and map_general(unstressed_g_infix,
function(form) return combine(form, "é") end
) or
map_general(unstressed_stem, function(form)
local accent_conj_vowel = {
a = "à",
e = "é",
i = "í",
local stem_base, conj_vowel = split_conj_vowel(form)
return combine(stem_base, accent_conj_vowel[conj_vowel])
stems.fut = bst.fut or base.inf_stem
stems.cond = bst.cond or map_general(stems.fut, function(form) return combine(form, "í") end)
stems.pres_sub_stressed = bst.pres_sub_stressed or
stressed_g_infix and map_general(stressed_g_infix, function(form) return combine(form, "i") end) or
map_general(stressed_stem, function(form)
local stem_base, conj_vowel = split_conj_vowel(form)
return combine(stem_base, "i", "is pres_sub_stressed")
stems.pres_sub_unstressed = bst.pres_sub_unstressed or
unstressed_g_infix and map_general(unstressed_g_infix, function(form) return combine(form, "e") end) or
map_general(unstressed_stem, function(form)
local stem_base, conj_vowel = split_conj_vowel(form)
return combine(stem_base, conj_vowel == "i" and conj_vowel or "e")
stems.impf_sub = bst.impf_sub or map_general(stems.pret, function(form)
local stem_base = rmatch(form, "^(.*)à$") -- already in "back" form, no need to convert
if stem_base then
return combine(stem_base, "é")
return form
stems.pp = bst.pp or
unstressed_g_infix and map_general(unstressed_g_infix,
function(form) return combine(form, "ud") end
) or
map_general(unstressed_stem, function(form)
local stem_base, conj_vowel = split_conj_vowel(form)
-- use combine() so we get 'abduïd' from 'abdu-' of [[abduir]], 'seguid' from 'seg-' from [[seguir]], etc.
return combine(stem_base, (conj_vowel == "e" and "u" or conj_vowel) .. "d")
local function a_to_e(base, stems, suffix)
return map_general(stems, function(form)
local stem_base = form:match("^(.-)a$")
if stem_base then
suffix = "e" .. suffix
stem_base = form
return combine_stem_ending(base, stem_base, suffix, "is full word")
local function add_present_indic(base)
local stems = base.output_stems
local function addit(slot, stems, ending)
add3(base, "pres_" .. slot, stems, ending)
addit("1s", stems.pres1s, "")
insert_forms(base, "pres_2s", a_to_e(base, stems.pres3s, "s"))
addit("3s", stems.pres3s, "")
insert_forms(base, "pres_1p", a_to_e(base, stems.pres_unstressed, "m"))
insert_forms(base, "pres_2p", a_to_e(base, stems.pres_unstressed, "u"))
addit("3p", stems.pres3p, "")
local function add_present_subj(base)
local stems = base.output_stems
local function addit(slot, stems, ending)
add3(base, "pres_sub_" .. slot, stems, ending)
-- Regular -ar verb: [[amar]]: ami, amis, ami, amem, ameu, amin
-- Regular -re verb: [[batre]]: bati, batis, bati, batem, bateu, batin (same as -ar verb)
-- Regular -ir verb, no -eix- infix: [[dormir]]: dormi, dormis, dormi, dormim, dormiu, dormin
-- Regular -ir verb, -eix- infix: [[imprimir]]: imprimeixi, imprimeixis, imprimeixi, imprimim, imprimiu, imprimeixin
-- Stem changing in 123s/3p vs. 12p:
-- * -eix- infix (-eix- in all stressed forms: 123s/3p of pres ind/sub, 2s imp)
-- * [[collir]]: culli, cullis, culli, collim, colliu, cullin (cull- in all stressed forms)
-- * [[cabre]]: càpiga, càpigues, càpiga, capiguem, capigueu, càpiguen (also different endings)
addit("1s", stems.pres_sub_stressed, "")
insert_forms(base, "pres_sub_2s", a_to_e(base, stems.pres_sub_stressed, "s"))
addit("3s", stems.pres_sub_stressed, "")
addit("1p", stems.pres_sub_unstressed, "m")
addit("2p", stems.pres_sub_unstressed, "u")
insert_forms(base, "pres_sub_3p", a_to_e(base, stems.pres_sub_stressed, "n"))
local function add_finite_non_present(base)
local stems = base.output_stems
local function add_tense(slot, stem, s1, s2, s3, p1, p2, p3)
add_single_stem_tense(base, slot, stem, s1, s2, s3, p1, p2, p3)
add_tense("impf", stems.impf1, "a", "es", "a", nil, nil, "en")
add_tense("impf", stems.impf2, nil, nil, nil, "em", "eu", nil)
-- pret_1s ends in -í regardless of the normal vowel of the stem.
insert_forms(base, "pret_1s", map_general(stems.pret, function(form)
local stem_base, conj_vowel = rmatch(form, "^(.*)(" .. V .. ")$")
if not stem_base then
error(("Internal error: Preterite stem '%s' doesn't end in vowel"):format(form))
if rfind(conj_vowel, front_vowel_c) then
stem_base = com.front_to_back(stem_base)
-- Use combine_stem_ending() to handle back-to-front conversions, e.g. pegà -> peguí for [[pegar]] and ensure
-- that the prefix gets added.
return combine_stem_ending(base, stem_base, "í", "is full word") end))
-- * at the beginning of the ending means to remove an accent from the last vowel of the preterite stem.
add_tense("pret", stems.pret, nil, "*res", "", "rem", "reu", "*ren")
-- * at the beginning of the ending means to remove an accent from the last vowel of the imperfect subjunctive stem.
add_tense("impf_sub", stems.impf_sub, "s", "*ssis", "s", "ssim", "ssiu", "*ssin")
add_tense("fut", stems.fut, "é", "às", "à", "em", "eu", "an")
add_tense("cond", stems.cond, "*a", "*es", "*a", "em", "eu", "*en")
local function add_non_finite_forms(base)
local stems = base.output_stems
local function addit(slot, stems, ending, footnotes)
add3(base, slot, stems, ending, footnotes)
insert_form(base, "infinitive", {form = base.orig_verb})
-- Also insert "infinitive + reflexive pronoun" combinations if we're handling a reflexive verb. See comment below
-- for "gerund + reflexive pronoun" combinations.
if base.refl then
for _, persnum in ipairs(person_number_list) do
insert_form(base, "infinitive_" .. persnum, {form = base.orig_verb})
-- Gerunds don't have an umlaut over the i in cases like 'abduint' of 'abduir' (not '#abduïnt').
local pres_unstressed_no_umlaut = map_general(stems.pres_unstressed, function(form)
return rsub(form, "ï$", "i")
addit("gerund", pres_unstressed_no_umlaut, "nt")
-- Also insert "gerund + reflexive pronoun" combinations if we're handling a reflexive verb. We insert exactly the
-- same form as for the bare gerund; later on in add_reflexive_or_fixed_clitic_to_forms(), we add the appropriate
-- clitic pronouns. It's important not to do this for non-reflexive verbs, because in that case, the clitic
-- pronouns won't be added, and {{ca-verb form of}} will wrongly consider all these combinations as possible
-- inflections of the bare gerund. Thanks to [[User:JeffDoozan]] for this bug fix.
if base.refl then
for _, persnum in ipairs(person_number_list) do
addit("gerund_" .. persnum, pres_unstressed_no_umlaut, "nt")
addit("pp_ms", stems.pp, "")
if not base.pp_inv then
addit("pp_fs", stems.pp, "a")
-- make_plural() handles the complexities of e.g. 'vist' of [[veure]] -> 'vistos'/'vists' and 'romàs' of
-- [[romandre]] -> 'romasos'. We need to use flatmap_general() because make_plural() may return more than one
-- plural, and we need to use map_general() on the result, applying combine_stem_ending(), to ensure that
-- prefixes get properly added and plurals like 'amads' of stem 'amad' of [[amar]] get converted to 'amats'.
insert_forms(base, "pp_mp", map_general(flatmap_general(stems.pp, function(form)
-- Remove any # indicating that an accent will be dropped; it will be dropped in any case by make_plural().
form = form:gsub("#$", "")
return com.make_plural(form, "m")
end), function(form)
return combine_stem_ending(base, form, "", "is full word")
addit("pp_fp", stems.pp, "es")
local function add_imperatives(base)
if base.noimp then
-- Copy pres3s to imperative since they are almost always the same.
insert_forms(base, "imp_2s", iut.map_forms(base.forms.pres_3s, function(form) return form end))
-- Copy pres2p to imperative plural since they are almost always the same.
insert_forms(base, "imp_2p", iut.map_forms(base.forms.pres_2p, function(form) return form end))
-- Copy subjunctives to imperatives.
for _, persnum in ipairs({"3s", "1p", "3p"}) do
local from = "pres_sub_" .. persnum
local to = "imp_" .. persnum
insert_forms(base, to, iut.map_forms(base.forms[from], function(form) return form end))
local function fix_double_umlauts(base)
for slot, forms in pairs(base.forms) do
for _, form in ipairs(forms) do
form.form = form.form:gsub("üï", "uï")
local function process_slot_overrides(base, filter_slot, reflexive_only)
local overrides = reflexive_only and base.basic_reflexive_only_overrides or base.basic_overrides
for slot, forms in pairs(overrides) do
if not filter_slot or filter_slot(slot) then
add3(base, slot, forms, "", nil, "allow overrides")
local function link_clitic(clitic)
return (clitic:gsub("([^ %-]+)", "[[%1]]"))
-- Prefix `form` with `clitic`, adding fixed text `between` between them. Add links as appropriate unless the user
-- requested no links. Check whether form already has brackets (as will be the case if the form has a fixed clitic).
local function prefix_clitic_to_form(base, clitic, between, form)
if base.alternant_multiword_spec.args.noautolinkverb then
return clitic .. between .. form
local clitic_pref = link_clitic(clitic) .. between
if form:find("%[%[") then
return clitic_pref .. form
return clitic_pref .. "[[" .. form .. "]]"
-- Suffix `form` with `clitic`. Add links as appropriate unless the user requested no links. Check whether form already
-- has brackets (as will be the case if the form has a fixed clitic).
local function suffix_clitic_to_form(base, clitic, form)
local autolink = not base.alternant_multiword_spec.args.noautolinkverb
if base.alternant_multiword_spec.args.noautolinkverb then
return form .. clitic
local clitic_suf = link_clitic(clitic)
if form:find("%[%[") then
return form .. clitic_suf
return "[[" .. form .. "]]" .. clitic_suf
-- Add a reflexive pronoun or fixed clitic (FIXME: not working), as appropriate to the base forms that were generated.
-- `do_joined` means to do only the forms where the pronoun is joined to the end of the form; otherwise, do only the
-- forms where it is not joined and precedes the form.
local function add_reflexive_or_fixed_clitic_to_forms(base, do_reflexive, do_joined)
for _, slotaccel in ipairs(base.alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic) do
local slot, accel = unpack(slotaccel)
local persnum
if slot:find("[123]") then
persnum = slot:match("^.*_(.-)$")
persnum = "3s"
local function get_proclitic(form)
--if not do_reflexive then
-- return base.clitic
if form:find("^[aeiouh]") then
return proclitic_elided_person_number_to_reflexive_pronoun[persnum]
return proclitic_non_elided_person_number_to_reflexive_pronoun[persnum]
local function get_enclitic(form)
--if not do_reflexive then
-- return base.clitic
if rfind(form, C .. "$") or rfind(form, V .. "[iu]$") and not form:find("[gq]ui$") then
return enclitic_non_elided_person_number_to_reflexive_pronoun[persnum]
return enclitic_elided_person_number_to_reflexive_pronoun[persnum]
if base.forms[slot] then
if do_reflexive and slot:find("^pp_") or slot == "infinitive_linked" then
-- do nothing with reflexive past participles or with infinitive linked (handled at the end)
elseif slot:find("^neg_imp_") then
error("Internal error: Should not have forms set for negative imperative at this stage")
local slot_has_suffixed_clitic = slot:find("infinitive") or slot:find("gerund") or slot:find("^imp_")
-- Maybe generate non-reflexive parts and separated syntactic variants for use in
-- {{ca-verb form of}}. See comment in add_slots() above `need_special_verb_form_of_slots`.
-- Check for do_joined so we only run this code once.
if do_reflexive and do_joined and base.alternant_multiword_spec.source_template == "ca-verb form of" and
-- Skip personal variants of infinitives and gerunds so we don't think [[arrependendo]] is a
-- non-reflexive equivalent of [[arrependendo-me]].
not slot:find("infinitive_") and not slot:find("gerund_") then
-- Clone the forms because we will be destructively modifying them just below, adding the reflexive
-- pronoun.
insert_forms(base, slot .. "_non_reflexive", mw.clone(base.forms[slot]))
if slot_has_suffixed_clitic then
insert_forms(base, slot .. "_variant", iut.map_forms(base.forms[slot], function(form)
return prefix_clitic_to_form(base, get_proclitic(form), "... ", form)
if slot_has_suffixed_clitic then
if do_joined then
-- Add clitic after form.
for _, form in ipairs(base.forms[slot]) do
form.form = suffix_clitic_to_form(base, get_enclitic(form.form), form.form)
elseif not do_joined then
-- Add clitic before form.
for _, form in ipairs(base.forms[slot]) do
form.form = prefix_clitic_to_form(base, get_proclitic(form.form), "", form.form)
local function handle_infinitive_linked(base)
-- Compute linked versions of potential lemma slots, for use in {{ca-verb}}.
-- We substitute the original lemma (before removing links) for forms that
-- are the same as the lemma, if the original lemma has links.
for _, slot in ipairs({"infinitive"}) do
insert_forms(base, slot .. "_linked", iut.map_forms(base.forms[slot], function(form)
if form == base.lemma and rfind(base.linked_lemma, "%[%[") then
return base.linked_lemma
return form
local function generate_negative_imperatives(base)
if base.noimp then
-- Copy subjunctives to negative imperatives, preceded by "no".
for _, persnum in ipairs(neg_imp_person_number_list) do
local from = "pres_sub_" .. persnum
local to = "neg_imp_" .. persnum
insert_forms(base, to, iut.map_forms(base.forms[from], function(form)
if base.alternant_multiword_spec.args.noautolinkverb then
return "no " .. form
elseif form:find("%[%[") then
-- already linked, e.g. when reflexive
return "[[no]] " .. form
return "[[no]] [[" .. form .. "]]"
-- Process specs given by the user using 'addnote[SLOTSPEC][FOOTNOTE][FOOTNOTE][...]'.
local function process_addnote_specs(base)
for _, spec in ipairs(base.addnote_specs) do
for _, slot_spec in ipairs(spec.slot_specs) do
slot_spec = "^" .. slot_spec .. "$"
for slot, forms in pairs(base.forms) do
if rfind(slot, slot_spec) then
-- To save on memory, side-effect the existing forms.
for _, form in ipairs(forms) do
form.footnotes = iut.combine_footnotes(form.footnotes, spec.footnotes)
local function add_missing_links_to_forms(base)
-- Any forms without links should get them now. Redundant ones will be stripped later.
for slot, forms in pairs(base.forms) do
for _, form in ipairs(forms) do
if not form.form:find("%[%[") then
form.form = "[[" .. form.form .. "]]"
local function conjugate_verb(base)
-- do non-reflexive non-imperative slot overrides
process_slot_overrides(base, function(slot)
return not slot:find("^imp_") and not slot:find("^neg_imp_")
-- This should happen after process_slot_overrides() in case a derived slot is based on an override
-- (as with the imp_3s of [[dar]], [[estar]]).
-- do non-reflexive positive imperative slot overrides
process_slot_overrides(base, function(slot)
return slot:find("^imp_")
-- We need to add joined reflexives, then joined and non-joined clitics, then non-joined reflexives, so we get
-- [[arrepéndete]] but [[no]] [[te]] [[arrependas]].
if base.refl then
add_reflexive_or_fixed_clitic_to_forms(base, "do reflexive", "do joined")
process_slot_overrides(base, nil, "do reflexive") -- do reflexive-only slot overrides
add_reflexive_or_fixed_clitic_to_forms(base, "do reflexive", false)
-- This should happen after add_reflexive_or_fixed_clitic_to_forms() so negative imperatives get the reflexive pronoun
-- and clitic in them.
-- do non-reflexive negative imperative slot overrides
-- FIXME: What about reflexive negative imperatives?
process_slot_overrides(base, function(slot)
return slot:find("^neg_imp_")
-- This should happen before add_missing_links_to_forms() so that the comparison `form == base.lemma`
-- in handle_infinitive_linked() works correctly and compares unlinked forms to unlinked forms.
if not base.alternant_multiword_spec.args.noautolinkverb then
local function parse_indicator_spec(angle_bracket_spec)
-- Store the original angle bracket spec so we can reconstruct the overall conj spec with the lemma(s) in them.
local base = {
angle_bracket_spec = angle_bracket_spec,
user_basic_overrides = {},
user_stems = {},
addnote_specs = {},
local function parse_err(msg)
error(msg .. ": " .. angle_bracket_spec)
local function fetch_footnotes(separated_group)
local footnotes
for j = 2, #separated_group - 1, 2 do
if separated_group[j + 1] ~= "" then
parse_err("Extraneous text after bracketed footnotes: '" .. table.concat(separated_group) .. "'")
if not footnotes then
footnotes = {}
table.insert(footnotes, separated_group[j])
return footnotes
local inside = angle_bracket_spec:match("^<(.*)>$")
if inside == "" then
return base
local segments = put.parse_balanced_segment_run(inside, "[", "]")
local dot_separated_groups = put.split_alternating_runs(segments, "%.")
for i, dot_separated_group in ipairs(dot_separated_groups) do
local first_element = dot_separated_group[1]
if first_element == "addnote" then
local spec_and_footnotes = fetch_footnotes(dot_separated_group)
if #spec_and_footnotes < 2 then
parse_err("Spec with 'addnote' should be of the form 'addnote[SLOTSPEC][FOOTNOTE][FOOTNOTE][...]'")
local slot_spec = table.remove(spec_and_footnotes, 1)
local slot_spec_inside = rmatch(slot_spec, "^%[(.*)%]$")
if not slot_spec_inside then
parse_err("Internal error: slot_spec " .. slot_spec .. " should be surrounded with brackets")
local slot_specs = rsplit(slot_spec_inside, ",")
-- FIXME: Here, [[Module:it-verb]] called strip_spaces(). Generally we don't do this. Should we?
table.insert(base.addnote_specs, {slot_specs = slot_specs, footnotes = spec_and_footnotes})
elseif indicator_flags[first_element] then
if #dot_separated_group > 1 then
parse_err("No footnotes allowed with '" .. first_element .. "' spec")
if base[first_element] then
parse_err("Spec '" .. first_element .. "' specified twice")
base[first_element] = true
elseif first_element:find("^var:") then
if #dot_separated_group > 1 then
parse_err(("Can't attach footnotes to 'var:' spec '%s'"):format(first_element))
base.var = first_element:match("^var:(.*)$")
elseif first_element:find(":") then
local colon_separated_groups = put.split_alternating_runs(dot_separated_group, "%s*:%s*")
local first_element = colon_separated_groups[1][1]
if #colon_separated_groups[1] > 1 then
parse_err("Can't attach footnotes directly to '" .. first_element .. "' spec; attach them to the " ..
"colon-separated values following the initial colon")
if overridable_stems[first_element] then
if base.user_stems[first_element] then
parse_err("Overridable stem '" .. first_element .. "' specified twice")
table.remove(colon_separated_groups, 1)
base.user_stems[first_element] = overridable_stems[first_element](colon_separated_groups,
{prefix = first_element, base = base, parse_err = parse_err, fetch_footnotes = fetch_footnotes})
else -- assume a basic override; we validate further later when the possible slots are available
if base.user_basic_overrides[first_element] then
parse_err("Basic override '" .. first_element .. "' specified twice")
table.remove(colon_separated_groups, 1)
base.user_basic_overrides[first_element] = allow_multiple_values_for_override(colon_separated_groups,
{prefix = first_element, base = base, parse_err = parse_err, fetch_footnotes = fetch_footnotes},
"is form override")
parse_err("Unrecognized spec '" .. first_element .. "'")
return base
-- Normalize all lemmas, substituting the pagename for blank lemmas and adding links to multiword lemmas.
local function normalize_all_lemmas(alternant_multiword_spec, head)
-- (1) Add links to all before and after text. Remember the original text so we can reconstruct the verb spec later.
if not alternant_multiword_spec.args.noautolinktext then
iut.add_links_to_before_and_after_text(alternant_multiword_spec, "remember original")
-- (2) Remove any links from the lemma, but remember the original form so we can use it below in the 'lemma_linked'
-- form.
iut.map_word_specs(alternant_multiword_spec, function(base)
if base.lemma == "" then
base.lemma = head
base.user_specified_lemma = base.lemma
base.lemma = m_links.remove_links(base.lemma)
local refl_verb = base.lemma
local verb, refl = rmatch(refl_verb, "^(.-)%-(se)$")
if not verb then
verb, refl = rmatch(refl_verb, "^(.-)('s)$")
if not verb then
verb, refl = refl_verb, nil
base.user_specified_verb = verb
base.refl = refl
base.verb = base.user_specified_verb
local linked_lemma
if alternant_multiword_spec.args.noautolinkverb or base.user_specified_lemma:find("%[%[") then
linked_lemma = base.user_specified_lemma
elseif base.refl then
-- Reconstruct the linked lemma with separate links around base verb, reflexive pronoun and clitic.
linked_lemma = base.user_specified_verb == base.verb and "[[" .. base.user_specified_verb .. "]]" or
"[[" .. base.verb .. "|" .. base.user_specified_verb .. "]]"
linked_lemma = linked_lemma .. (refl and "-[[" .. refl .. "]]" or "")
-- Add links to the lemma so the user doesn't specifically need to, since we preserve links in multiword
-- lemmas and include links in non-lemma forms rather than allowing the entire form to be a link.
linked_lemma = iut.add_links(base.user_specified_lemma)
base.linked_lemma = linked_lemma
local function detect_indicator_spec(base)
if (base.only3s and 1 or 0) + (base.only3sp and 1 or 0) + (base.only3p and 1 or 0) > 1 then
error("Only one of 'only3s', 'only3sp' and 'only3p' can be specified")
base.forms = {}
base.input_stems = {}
base.basic_overrides = {}
base.basic_reflexive_only_overrides = {}
base.orig_verb = base.verb -- in case of a 'like = "..."' redirect
if not base.no_built_in then
local function match_built_in_spec(verb, built_in_spec)
local prefix, non_prefixed_verb
if type(built_in_spec.match) == "function" then
prefix, non_prefixed_verb = built_in_spec.match(verb)
elseif built_in_spec.match:find("^%^") and rsub(built_in_spec.match, "^%^", "") == verb then
-- begins with ^, for exact match, and matches
prefix, non_prefixed_verb = "", verb
prefix, non_prefixed_verb = rmatch(verb, "^(.*)(" .. built_in_spec.match .. ")$")
return prefix, non_prefixed_verb
local function find_built_in(verb, var)
for _, built_in_spec in ipairs(built_in_conjugations) do
local prefix, non_prefixed_verb = match_built_in_spec(verb, built_in_spec)
if prefix then
if not built_in_spec.var then
if var then
error(("Can't specify a variant spec 'var:%s' with verb '%s'"):format(var, verb))
return prefix, non_prefixed_verb, built_in_spec
elseif not var then
local possible_vars = {}
for _, built_in_spec in ipairs(built_in_conjugations) do
local prefix, non_prefixed_verb = match_built_in_spec(verb, built_in_spec)
if prefix then
table.insert(possible_vars, built_in_spec.var)
error(("For verb '%s', must specify a variant using 'var:...'; possible values are %s"):format(
verb, table.concat(possible_vars, ", ")))
elseif built_in_spec.var == var then
return prefix, non_prefixed_verb, built_in_spec
return nil
local prefix, non_prefixed_verb, built_in_spec = find_built_in(base.verb, base.var)
if prefix then
-- we found a built-in verb
if then
-- we found a redirect to another verb that has the same conjugation, just a different infinitive
base.verb = prefix ..
local new_prefix, new_non_prefixed_verb, new_built_in_spec = find_built_in(base.verb, built_in_spec.likevar)
if new_prefix then
-- redirected to another built-in verb
base.prefix = new_prefix
base.non_prefixed_verb = new_non_prefixed_verb
built_in_spec = new_built_in_spec
built_in_spec = nil
base.prefix = prefix
base.non_prefixed_verb = non_prefixed_verb
if built_in_spec then
-- we found a built-in verb, possibly redirecting to another built-in verb
for stem, forms in pairs(built_in_spec.forms) do
if type(forms) == "function" then
forms = forms(base, base.prefix)
if stem:find("^refl_") then
stem = stem:gsub("^refl_", "")
if not base.alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic_map[stem] then
error("Internal error: setting for 'refl_" .. stem .. "' does not refer to a basic verb slot")
base.basic_reflexive_only_overrides[stem] = forms
elseif base.alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic_map[stem] then
-- an individual form override of a basic form
base.basic_overrides[stem] = forms
base.input_stems[stem] = forms
-- Override built-in-verb stems and overrides with user-specified ones.
for stem, values in pairs(base.user_stems) do
base.input_stems[stem] = values
for override, values in pairs(base.user_basic_overrides) do
if not base.alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic_map[override] then
error("Unrecognized override '" .. override .. "': " .. base.angle_bracket_spec)
base.basic_overrides[override] = values
base.prefix = base.prefix or ""
base.non_prefixed_verb = base.non_prefixed_verb or base.verb
local inf_stem, suffix = rmatch(base.non_prefixed_verb, "^(.*)(re)$")
if not inf_stem then
inf_stem, suffix = rmatch(base.non_prefixed_verb, "^(.*)([aeiu]r)$")
if not inf_stem then
error("Unrecognized infinitive: " .. base.verb)
-- Remove accents from e.g. [[parèixer]], [[córrer]].
inf_stem = com.remove_accents(inf_stem)
-- Save full infinitive stem for use in future and conditional.
base.inf_stem = (inf_stem .. suffix):gsub("e$", "")
local stem = inf_stem
if suffix == "re" then
-- verbs in -ldre, -ndre have stem without the d
stem = stem:gsub("([ln])d$", "%1")
elseif suffix == "ur" then
stem = stem .. "u"
base.conj_vowel = (suffix == "re" or suffix == "ur") and "e" or suffix:gsub("r$", "")
-- If the stem is followed by a front vowel, convert it to its "back" form before calling combine_stem_ending(),
-- which expects the "back" form of the stem and may convert it back to the "front" form. Don't do this conversion
-- for ï so we leave [[arguïr]] (underlyingly 'argüïr') as 'argu' ("back" form), which becomes 'argü' ("front" form)
-- before front vowel ï and we end up with base.stem containing the underlying form 'argüï'. We remove the first of
-- two umlauts in a row in a postprocessing step (fix_double_umlauts()).
if rfind(suffix, "^[ei]") then
stem = com.front_to_back(stem)
-- Use combine_stem_ending() so we get ï if necessary.
base.stem = combine_stem_ending(base, stem, base.conj_vowel, false, "dont include prefix")
-- Propagate built-in-verb indicator flags to `base` and combine with user-specified flags.
for indicator_flag, _ in pairs(indicator_flags) do
base[indicator_flag] = base[indicator_flag] or base.input_stems[indicator_flag]
local function detect_all_indicator_specs(alternant_multiword_spec)
-- Propagate some settings up; some are used internally, others by [[Module:pt-headword]].
iut.map_word_specs(alternant_multiword_spec, function(base)
-- Internal indicator flags. Do these before calling detect_indicator_spec() because add_slots() uses them.
for _, prop in ipairs { "refl", "clitic" } do
if base[prop] then
alternant_multiword_spec[prop] = true
base.alternant_multiword_spec = alternant_multiword_spec
iut.map_word_specs(alternant_multiword_spec, function(base)
-- User-specified indicator flags. Do these after calling detect_indicator_spec() because the latter may set these
-- indicators for built-in verbs.
for prop, _ in pairs(indicator_flags) do
if base[prop] then
alternant_multiword_spec[prop] = true
local function add_categories_and_annotation(alternant_multiword_spec, base, multiword_lemma)
local function insert_ann(anntype, value)
m_table.insertIfNot(alternant_multiword_spec.annotation[anntype], value)
local function insert_cat(cat, also_when_multiword)
-- Don't place multiword terms in categories like 'Catalan verbs ending in -ar' to avoid spamming the
-- categories with such terms.
if also_when_multiword or not multiword_lemma then
m_table.insertIfNot(alternant_multiword_spec.categories, "Catalan " .. cat)
if check_for_red_links and alternant_multiword_spec.source_template == "ca-conj" and multiword_lemma then
for _, slot_and_accel in ipairs(alternant_multiword_spec.all_verb_slots) do
local slot = slot_and_accel[1]
local forms = base.forms[slot]
local must_break = false
if forms then
for _, form in ipairs(forms) do
if not form.form:find("%[%[") then
local title =
if title and not title.exists then
insert_cat("verbs with red links in their inflection tables")
must_break = true
if must_break then
map_general(base.output_stems.stem, function(stem)
local stem_base, conj_vowel = split_conj_vowel(stem)
local need_no_eix_infix = true
if conj_vowel ~= base.conj_vowel then
insert_ann("conj", "[[Appendix:Catalan verbs#Irregular verbs|mixed conjugation]]")
insert_cat("mixed conjugation verbs")
elseif conj_vowel == "a" then
insert_ann("conj", "[[Appendix:Catalan verbs#First conjugation|first conjugation]]")
insert_cat("first conjugation verbs")
elseif conj_vowel == "e" then
insert_ann("conj", "[[Appendix:Catalan verbs#Second conjugation|second conjugation]]")
insert_cat("second conjugation verbs")
elseif conj_vowel == "i" then
insert_ann("conj", "[[Appendix:Catalan verbs#Third conjugation|third conjugation]]")
insert_cat("third conjugation verbs")
need_no_eix_infix = false
map_general(base.output_stems.eix_infix, function(form)
if form == "+" then
insert_ann("eix_infix", "with ''-eix-''")
insert_cat("third conjugation verbs with -eix-")
elseif form == "-" then
insert_ann("eix_infix", "without ''-eix-''")
insert_cat("third conjugation verbs without -eix-")
error(("Internal error: Stem '%s' doesn't end in conjugation vowel a/e/i and split_conj_vowel() didn't catch it"
if need_no_eix_infix then
insert_ann("eix_infix", "no infix")
if base.input_stems.g_infix then
insert_ann("g_infix", "with velar infix")
insert_cat("verbs with velar infix")
insert_ann("g_infix", "no infix")
if base.output_stems.irreg then
insert_ann("irreg", "irregular")
insert_cat("irregular verbs")
insert_ann("irreg", "regular")
if base.only3s then
insert_ann("defective", "impersonal")
insert_cat("impersonal verbs")
elseif base.only3sp then
insert_ann("defective", "third-person only")
insert_cat("third-person-only verbs")
elseif base.only3p then
insert_ann("defective", "third-person plural only")
insert_cat("third-person-plural-only verbs")
elseif base.no_pres_stressed then
insert_ann("defective", "defective")
insert_cat("defective verbs")
insert_ann("defective", "regular")
--if base.clitic then
-- insert_cat("verbs with lexical clitics")
if base.refl then
insert_cat("reflexive verbs")
local stem_base, conj_vowel = split_conj_vowel(base.stem)
local cons_alt
if conj_vowel == "i" and base.output_stems.eix_infix == "+" then
-- no alternations in verbs like [[afligir]] because all endings are front
elseif stem_base:find("ç$") then
cons_alt = "ç-c"
elseif stem_base:find("c$") then
cons_alt = "c-qu"
elseif stem_base:find("g$") then
cons_alt = "g-gu"
elseif stem_base:find("gu$") then
cons_alt = "gu-gü"
elseif stem_base:find("j$") then
cons_alt = "j-g"
elseif stem_base:find("qu$") then
cons_alt = "qu-qü"
if cons_alt then
local desc = cons_alt .. " alternation"
insert_ann("cons_alt", desc)
insert_cat("verbs with " .. desc)
insert_ann("cons_alt", "non-alternating")
-- Compute the categories to add the verb to, as well as the annotation to display in the
-- conjugation title bar. We combine the code to do these functions as both categories and
-- title bar contain similar information.
local function compute_categories_and_annotation(alternant_multiword_spec)
alternant_multiword_spec.categories = {}
local ann = {}
alternant_multiword_spec.annotation = ann
ann.conj = {}
ann.g_infix = {}
ann.eix_infix = {}
ann.irreg = {}
ann.defective = {}
ann.cons_alt = {}
local multiword_lemma = false
for _, form in ipairs(alternant_multiword_spec.forms.infinitive) do
if form.form:find(" ") then
multiword_lemma = true
iut.map_word_specs(alternant_multiword_spec, function(base)
add_categories_and_annotation(alternant_multiword_spec, base, multiword_lemma)
local ann_parts = {}
local conj = table.concat(ann.conj, " or ")
if conj ~= "" then
table.insert(ann_parts, conj)
local eix_infix = table.concat(ann.eix_infix, " or ")
if eix_infix ~= "" and eix_infix ~= "no infix" then
table.insert(ann_parts, eix_infix)
local irreg = table.concat(ann.irreg, " or ")
if irreg ~= "" and irreg ~= "regular" then
table.insert(ann_parts, irreg)
local g_infix = table.concat(ann.g_infix, " or ")
if g_infix ~= "" and g_infix ~= "no infix" then
table.insert(ann_parts, g_infix)
local defective = table.concat(ann.defective, " or ")
if defective ~= "" and defective ~= "regular" then
table.insert(ann_parts, defective)
local cons_alt = table.concat(ann.cons_alt, " or ")
if cons_alt ~= "" and cons_alt ~= "non-alternating" then
table.insert(ann_parts, cons_alt)
alternant_multiword_spec.annotation = table.concat(ann_parts, ", ")
local function show_forms(alternant_multiword_spec)
local lemmas = alternant_multiword_spec.forms.infinitive
alternant_multiword_spec.lemmas = lemmas -- save for later use in make_table()
local reconstructed_verb_spec = iut.reconstruct_original_spec(alternant_multiword_spec)
local function transform_accel_obj(slot, formobj, accel_obj)
-- No accelerators for negative imperatives, which are always multiword and derived directly from the
-- present subjunctive.
if slot:find("^neg_imp") then
return nil
if accel_obj then
accel_obj.form = "verb-form-" .. reconstructed_verb_spec
return accel_obj
local props = {
lang = lang,
lemmas = lemmas,
transform_accel_obj = transform_accel_obj,
slot_list = alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic,
iut.show_forms(alternant_multiword_spec.forms, props)
alternant_multiword_spec.footnote_basic = alternant_multiword_spec.forms.footnote
local notes_template = [=[
<div class="roa-footnote-outer-div" style="width:100%;">
<div class="roa-footnote-inner-div">
local basic_table = [=[
{description}<div class="NavFrame">
<div class="NavHead"> Conjugation of {title}</div>
<div class="NavContent">
{\op}| class="roa-inflection-table" data-toggle-category="inflection"
! colspan="3" class="roa-nonfinite-header" | <span title="infinitiu">infinitive</span>
| colspan="5" | {infinitive}
! colspan="3" class="roa-nonfinite-header" | <span title="gerundi">gerund</span>
| colspan="5" | {gerund}
! rowspan="3" colspan="2" class="roa-nonfinite-header" | <span title="participi passat">past participle</span>
| colspan="2" class="roa-nonfinite-header" |
! colspan="2" class="roa-nonfinite-header" | masculine
! colspan="2" class="roa-nonfinite-header" | feminine
! colspan="2" class="roa-nonfinite-header" | singular
| colspan="2" | {pp_ms}
| colspan="2" | {pp_fs}
! colspan="2" class="roa-nonfinite-header" | plural
| colspan="2" | {pp_mp}
| colspan="2" | {pp_fp}
! colspan="2" rowspan="2" class="roa-person-number-header" | person
! colspan="3" class="roa-person-number-header" | singular
! colspan="3" class="roa-person-number-header" | plural
! class="roa-person-number-header" style="width:12.5%;" | first
! class="roa-person-number-header" style="width:12.5%;" | second
! class="roa-person-number-header" style="width:12.5%;" | third
! class="roa-person-number-header" style="width:12.5%;" | first
! class="roa-person-number-header" style="width:12.5%;" | second
! class="roa-person-number-header" style="width:12.5%;" | third
! rowspan="6" class="roa-indicative-left-rail" | <span title="indicatiu">indicative</span>
! class="roa-indicative-left-rail" |
! class="roa-indicative-left-rail" | <<jo>>
! class="roa-indicative-left-rail" | <<tu>>
! class="roa-indicative-left-rail" | <<ell>>/<<ella>><br /><<vostè>>
! class="roa-indicative-left-rail" | <<nosaltres>><br /><<nós>>
! class="roa-indicative-left-rail" | <<vosaltres>><br /><<vós>>
! class="roa-indicative-left-rail" | <<ells>>/<<elles>><br /><<vostès>>
! class="roa-indicative-left-rail" style="height:3em;" | <span title="present">present</span>
| {pres_1s}
| {pres_2s}
| {pres_3s}
| {pres_1p}
| {pres_2p}
| {pres_3p}
! class="roa-indicative-left-rail" style="height:3em;" | <span title="imperfet">imperfect</span>
| {impf_1s}
| {impf_2s}
| {impf_3s}
| {impf_1p}
| {impf_2p}
| {impf_3p}
! class="roa-indicative-left-rail" style="height:3em;" | <span title="futur">future</span>
| {fut_1s}
| {fut_2s}
| {fut_3s}
| {fut_1p}
| {fut_2p}
| {fut_3p}
! class="roa-indicative-left-rail" style="height:3em;" | <span title="passat">preterite</span>
| {pret_1s}
| {pret_2s}
| {pret_3s}
| {pret_1p}
| {pret_2p}
| {pret_3p}
! class="roa-indicative-left-rail" style="height:3em;" | <span title="condicional">conditional</span>
| {cond_1s}
| {cond_2s}
| {cond_3s}
| {cond_1p}
| {cond_2p}
| {cond_3p}
! class="roa-subjunctive-left-rail" rowspan="3" | <span title="subjuntiu">subjunctive</span>
! class="roa-subjunctive-left-rail" |
! class="roa-subjunctive-left-rail" | <<jo>>
! class="roa-subjunctive-left-rail" | <<tu>>
! class="roa-subjunctive-left-rail" | <<ell>>/<<ella>><br /><<vostè>>
! class="roa-subjunctive-left-rail" | <<nosaltres>><br /><<nós>>
! class="roa-subjunctive-left-rail" | <<vosaltres>><br /><<vós>>
! class="roa-subjunctive-left-rail" | <<ells>>/<<elles>><br /><<vostès>>
! class="roa-subjunctive-left-rail" style="height:3em;" | <span title="present">present</span>
| {pres_sub_1s}
| {pres_sub_2s}
| {pres_sub_3s}
| {pres_sub_1p}
| {pres_sub_2p}
| {pres_sub_3p}
! class="roa-subjunctive-left-rail" style="height:3em;" rowspan="1" | <span title="imperfet">imperfect</span>
| {impf_sub_1s}
| {impf_sub_2s}
| {impf_sub_3s}
| {impf_sub_1p}
| {impf_sub_2p}
| {impf_sub_3p}
! rowspan="3" class="roa-imperative-left-rail" style="height:3em;" | <span title="imperatiu">imperative</span>
! class="roa-imperative-left-rail" |
! class="roa-imperative-left-rail" | —
! class="roa-imperative-left-rail" | <<tu>>
! class="roa-imperative-left-rail" | <<vostè>>
! class="roa-imperative-left-rail" | <<nosaltres>>
! class="roa-imperative-left-rail" | <<vosaltres>><br /><<vós>>
! class="roa-imperative-left-rail" | <<vostès>>
! class="roa-imperative-left-rail" style="height:3em;" | <span title="afirmatiu">affirmative</span>
| —
| {imp_2s}
| {imp_3s}
| {imp_1p}
| {imp_2p}
| {imp_3p}
! class="roa-imperative-left-rail" style="height:3em;" | <span title="negatiu">negative</span> (<<no>>)
| —
| {neg_imp_2s}
| {neg_imp_3s}
| {neg_imp_1p}
| {neg_imp_2p}
| {neg_imp_3p}
local function make_table(alternant_multiword_spec)
local forms = alternant_multiword_spec.forms
forms.title = link_term(alternant_multiword_spec.lemmas[1].form, nil, "term")
local ann_parts = {}
if alternant_multiword_spec.annotation ~= "" then
table.insert(ann_parts, alternant_multiword_spec.annotation)
if alternant_multiword_spec.args.titlenote then
table.insert(ann_parts, alternant_multiword_spec.args.titlenote)
local annotation = table.concat(ann_parts, ", ")
if annotation ~= "" then
forms.title = forms.title .. " (" .. annotation .. ")"
forms.description = ""
-- Format the table.
forms.footnote = alternant_multiword_spec.footnote_basic
forms.notes_clause = forms.footnote ~= "" and m_string_utilities.format(notes_template, forms) or ""
local table_with_pronouns = rsub(basic_table, "<<([^<>|]-)|([^<>|]-)>>", link_term)
local table_with_pronouns = rsub(table_with_pronouns, "<<(.-)>>", link_term)
return require("Module:TemplateStyles")("Module:roa-verb/style.css") ..
m_string_utilities.format(table_with_pronouns, forms)
-- Externally callable function to parse and conjugate a verb given user-specified arguments.
-- Return value is WORD_SPEC, an object where the conjugated forms are in `WORD_SPEC.forms`
-- for each slot. If there are no values for a slot, the slot key will be missing. The value
-- for a given slot is a list of objects {form=FORM, footnotes=FOOTNOTES}.
function export.do_generate_forms(args, source_template, headword_head)
local PAGENAME = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
local function in_template_space()
return mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Template"
-- Determine the verb spec we're being asked to generate the conjugation of. This may be taken from the
-- current page title or the value of |pagename=; but not when called from {{ca-verb form of}}, where the
-- page title is a non-lemma form. Note that the verb spec may omit the infinitive; e.g. it may be "<i-e>".
-- For this reason, we use the value of `pagename` computed here down below, when calling normalize_all_lemmas().
local pagename = source_template ~= "ca-verb form of" and args.pagename or PAGENAME
local head = headword_head or pagename
local arg1 = args[1]
if not arg1 then
if (pagename == "ca-conj" or pagename == "ca-verb" or pagename == "ca-verb form of") and in_template_space() then
arg1 = "amar<>"
arg1 = "<>"
-- When called from {{ca-verb form of}}, determine the non-lemma form whose inflections we're being asked to
-- determine. This normally comes from the page title or the value of |pagename=.
local verb_form_of_form
if source_template == "ca-verb form of" then
verb_form_of_form = args.pagename
if not verb_form_of_form then
if PAGENAME == "ca-verb form of" and in_template_space() then
verb_form_of_form = "ami"
verb_form_of_form = PAGENAME
local incorporated_headword_head_into_lemma = false
if arg1:find("^<.*>$") then -- missing lemma
if head:find(" ") then
-- If multiword lemma, try to add arg spec after the first word.
-- Try to preserve the brackets in the part after the verb, but don't do it
-- if there aren't the same number of left and right brackets in the verb
-- (which means the verb was linked as part of a larger expression).
local refl_clitic_verb, post = rmatch(head, "^(.-)( .*)$")
local left_brackets = rsub(refl_clitic_verb, "[^%[]", "")
local right_brackets = rsub(refl_clitic_verb, "[^%]]", "")
if #left_brackets == #right_brackets then
arg1 = iut.remove_redundant_links(refl_clitic_verb) .. arg1 .. post
incorporated_headword_head_into_lemma = true
-- Try again using the form without links.
local linkless_head = m_links.remove_links(head)
if linkless_head:find(" ") then
refl_clitic_verb, post = rmatch(linkless_head, "^(.-)( .*)$")
arg1 = refl_clitic_verb .. arg1 .. post
error("Unable to incorporate <...> spec into explicit head due to a multiword linked verb or " ..
"unbalanced brackets; please include <> explicitly: " .. arg1)
-- Will be incorporated through `head` below in the call to normalize_all_lemmas().
incorporated_headword_head_into_lemma = true
local function split_bracketed_runs_into_words(bracketed_runs)
return put.split_alternating_runs(bracketed_runs, " ", "preserve splitchar")
local parse_props = {
parse_indicator_spec = parse_indicator_spec,
-- Split words only on spaces, not on hyphens, because that messes up reflexive verb parsing.
split_bracketed_runs_into_words = split_bracketed_runs_into_words,
allow_default_indicator = true,
allow_blank_lemma = true,
local alternant_multiword_spec = iut.parse_inflected_text(arg1, parse_props)
alternant_multiword_spec.pos = pos or "verbs"
alternant_multiword_spec.args = args
alternant_multiword_spec.source_template = source_template
alternant_multiword_spec.verb_form_of_form = verb_form_of_form
alternant_multiword_spec.incorporated_headword_head_into_lemma = incorporated_headword_head_into_lemma
normalize_all_lemmas(alternant_multiword_spec, head)
local inflect_props = {
slot_list = alternant_multiword_spec.all_verb_slots,
inflect_word_spec = conjugate_verb,
-- We add links around the generated verbal forms rather than allow the entire multiword
-- expression to be a link, so ensure that user-specified links get included as well.
include_user_specified_links = true,
iut.inflect_multiword_or_alternant_multiword_spec(alternant_multiword_spec, inflect_props)
-- Remove redundant brackets around entire forms.
for slot, forms in pairs(alternant_multiword_spec.forms) do
for _, form in ipairs(forms) do
form.form = iut.remove_redundant_links(form.form)
if args.json and source_template == "ca-conj" then
return require("Module:JSON").toJSON(alternant_multiword_spec.forms)
return alternant_multiword_spec
-- Entry point for {{ca-conj}}. Template-callable function to parse and conjugate a verb given
-- user-specified arguments and generate a displayable table of the conjugated forms.
local parent_args = frame:getParent().args
local params = {
[1] = {},
["titlenote"] = {},
["noautolinktext"] = {type = "boolean"},
["noautolinkverb"] = {type = "boolean"},
["pagename"] = {}, -- for testing/documentation pages
["json"] = {type = "boolean"}, -- for bot use
local args = require("Module:parameters").process(parent_args, params)
local alternant_multiword_spec = export.do_generate_forms(args, "ca-conj")
if type(alternant_multiword_spec) == "string" then
-- JSON return value
return alternant_multiword_spec
return make_table(alternant_multiword_spec) ..
require("Module:utilities").format_categories(alternant_multiword_spec.categories, lang, nil, nil, force_cat)
return export