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Failedавто́бус (avtóbus)/afˈtʰɔpʊs//awˈtʰps/
Passedай (aj)/ˈai̯//ˈai̯/
Failedаргалаа (argalaa)/arɢəˈɮa//arɢˈɮa/
Failedая (aja)/ˈaj//ajˈa/
Failedхонх (xonx)/ˈxɔŋx//ˈxɔnx/
Passedбаг (bag)/ˈpaɡ//ˈpaɡ/
Passedбага (baga)/ˈpaɢ//ˈpaɢ/
Failedборви (borvi)/ˈpɔrʲəwʲ//ˈpɔrʲwʲ/
PassedБудда~ (Budda~)/pʊtˈta//pʊtˈta/
FailedБудда́ (Buddá)/pʊtˈta//pʊtˈt/
Passedгалуу (galuu)/ɢaˈɮʊ//ɢaˈɮʊ/
Failedежен (ježen)/ˈjet͡ɕəŋ//ˈjet͡ɕŋ/
Failedкоммерса́нт (kommersánt)/kʰɔmirˈsantʰ//kʰɔmmrˈsntʰ/
Failedлхагва (lxagva)/ˈɬaɢʷ//ˈɬaɢw/
Failedмэргэжилтэн (mergežilten)/ˈmerəɢt͡ɕəɮtʰəŋ//ˈmerɢt͡ɕɮtʰŋ/
Failedмонгол хэл (mongol xel)/ˈmɔnɢəɮ xeɮ//ˈmɔnɢɮ ˈxeɮ/
Failedнутаг (nutag)/ˈnʊtʰəɡ//ˈnʊtʰɡ/
Passedоньс (onʹs)/ˈɔnʲs//ˈɔnʲs/
Passedсайн (sajn)/ˈsai̯ŋ//ˈsai̯ŋ/
Failedсайн байна уу (sajn bajna uu)/sai̯ŋ pai̯n ˈʊː//ˈsai̯ŋ ˈpai̯n ˈʊː/
Passedсалхи (salxi)/ˈsaɮʲxʲ//ˈsaɮʲxʲ/
Failedсармагчин (sarmagčin)/ˈsarməɡt͡ɕʰəŋ//ˈsarmɢt͡ɕʰŋ/
Passedтагт (tagt)/ˈtʰaɢtʰ//ˈtʰaɢtʰ/
Passedтаг*т (tag*t)/ˈtʰaɡtʰ//ˈtʰaɡtʰ/
Failedтакси́ (taksí)/tʰakʰˈsʲi//tʰakʰˈs/
Passedтийм (tiim)/ˈtʲʰiːm//ˈtʲʰiːm/
Failedхаалга (xaalga)/ˈxaːɮəɢ//ˈxaːɮɢ/
Passedхиам (xiam)/ˈxʲaːm//ˈxʲaːm/
Failedхонх (xonx)/ˈxɔŋx//ˈxɔnx/
Failedцонх (conx)/ˈt͡sʰɔŋx//ˈt͡sʰɔnx/
Passedшуу (šuu)/ˈʃʊː//ˈʃʊː/
Passedууртайгаар (uurtajgaar)/ʊːrˈtʰai̯ɢar//ʊːrˈtʰai̯ɢar/
Failedуйтгартай (ujtgartaj)/ˈʊi̯tʰɢərtʰai̯//ʊi̯tʰɢrˈtʰai̯/
Passedюул (juul)/ˈjʊːɮ//ˈjʊːɮ/
Passedэнэ (ene)/ˈin//ˈin/
Failedэрдэнэ (erdene)/ˈirtən//ˈirtn/
FailedЭрдэнэт (Erdenet)/ˈirtəntʰ//ˈirtntʰ/
FailedӨргөдөл (Örgödöl)/ˈorəɢtəɮ//ˈorɢtɮ/
Passedхөшөөт (xöšööt)/xoˈʃotʰ//xoˈʃotʰ/

local export = {}

local find = mw.ustring.find
local gmatch = mw.ustring.gmatch
local gsubn = mw.ustring.gsub
local lc = mw.ustring.lower
local match = mw.ustring.match
local strip = mw.text.trim
local sub = mw.ustring.sub
local u = require("Module:string/char")

local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("mn")
local sc = require("Module:scripts").getByCode("Cyrl")
local mn = require("Module:mn-common")
local final_clusters = require("Module:mn/data").syll_final_cons

function export.tag_text(text, face)
	return require("Module:script utilities").tag_text(text, lang, sc, face)

function export.link(term, face)
	return require("Module:links").full_link( { term = term, lang = lang, sc = sc }, face )

-- A version of gsubn() that discards all but the first return value.
local function gsub(term, foo, bar, n)
	local retval = gsubn(term, foo, bar, n)
	return retval

	Primarily sourced from The Phonology of Mongolian by Jan-Olof Svantesson (2005)

	Define certain sets of characters.
local chars = {
	c = "бвгджзклмнпрстфхцчшщ", -- Consonants
	v = "аеёиоуэюяөү", -- All reducible vowels
	u = "aeiɔoʊu", -- All full vowels (IPA)
	y = "аеёиыоуэюяөү" -- All vowels

	Define stress accents with their corresponding IPA representation.
local stress = {
	[u(0x0301)] = u(0x02C8), -- Primary stress (acute accent, ˈ)
	[u(0x0300)] = u(0x02CC) -- Secondary stress (grave accent, ˌ)

	Define other symbols.
local long = u(0x02D0) -- Long vowel mark (ː)
local diphthong = u(0x032F) -- Diphthong mark (̯)
local primary = u(0x02C8) -- Primary stress mark (ˈ)
local secondary = u(0x02CC) -- Secondary stress mark (ˌ)

	Map letters to their respective representations.
local mapping = {
	["cons"] = { -- Consonants (phonemic)
		["б"] = "p", ["в"] = "w", ["г"] = "ɢ", ["г*"] = "ɡ", ["д"] = "t", ["ж"] = "t͡ɕ", ["з"] = "t͡s", ["й"] = "i̯",
		["к"] = "kʰ", ["л"] = "ɮ", ["м"] = "m", ["н"] = "n", ["н*"] = "ŋ", ["п"] = "pʰ", ["р"] = "r", ["с"] = "s",
		["т"] = "tʰ", ["ф"] = "f", ["х"] = "x", ["ц"] = "t͡sʰ", ["ч"] = "t͡ɕʰ", ["ш"] = "ʃ", ["щ"] = "ʃt͡ɕ",
	["vowels"] = { -- Vowels (phonemic)
		["а"] = "a", ["е"] = "je", ["ё"] = "jɔ", ["и"] = "i", ["о"] = "ɔ", ["у"] = "ʊ", ["э"] = "e",
		["ю"] = "jʊ", ["я"] = "ja", ["ө"] = "o", ["ү"] = "u", ["ы"] = "i", ["ъ"] = "", ["ь"] = "ʲ"
	["double"] = { -- Double vowels (orthographic)
		"аа", "ее", "еи", "еө", "ёо", "ий", "оо",
		"уу", "ээ", "юу", "юү", "яа", "өө", "үү"
	["alloph"] = { -- Consonant allophones (phonemic)
		["w"] = "w̜", ["ɡʲ"] = "ɟ", ["xʲ"] = "ç", ["x"] = "χ"
	["diph"] = { -- Diphthongs (phonetic)
		["ai"] = "æe", ["ei"] = "e", ["oi"] = "ɞe", ["ui"] = "ɵe", ["üi"] = "ue"

	Determine the position of a vowel in a word.
	First, check the vowel harmony of the vowel. If the vowel is not
	part of a vowel harmony, return nil. Otherwise, return the position
	of the vowel in the word.
local function get_position(vowel)
	local vh = mn.vowelharmony(vowel)

	if vh[1] then
		return vh[1].position

	return nil

	Check if a given cluster is valid.
	Loop through all the final clusters and check if the given cluster
	matches any of the patterns. If so, return true, otherwise return false.
local function is_valid_cluster(a, b)
	if b == "j" then
		return true -- Any cluster ending in /j/ is valid.
	for _, depth in ipairs(final_clusters) do -- Loop through every final cluster pattern.
		for _, pattern in ipairs(depth) do
			if match(pattern, a .. b) then
				return true
	return false

	Handle vowel quality based on syllable position by respelling. Matches initial and
	non-initial syllables and checks for the quality of the syllable. In initial syllables
	(marked with an initial #), single vowels are short and double vowels are long.
	In non-initial syllables, single vowels are reduced and double vowels are short.
	Note that reduced vowels are removed but are added back in accordance with Mongolian
	phonological rules.
local function respell_vowels(word)
	-- Handle substitutions to palatalise consonants.
	word = gsub(word, "([" .. chars.c .. "])и([аоу])", "%1j%2%2") -- иа, ио, иу are long monophthongs which palatalise the preceding consonant.
	word = gsub(word, "и(й?)", "jи%1") -- Palatalise all other instances of и. (FIXME: need to consider when converting chars.v into Cyrillic)
	word = gsub(word, "([" .. chars.c .. "])j", function(c) return match("[бвгдлмнпртх]", c) and c .. "ʲ" or c end) -- Certain consonants are palatalised before orthographic й.

	-- Handle vowel respellings.
	word = gsub(word, "#э", "#и") -- э word-initially merges with и.
	word = gsub(word, "([" .. chars.v .. "])~", "%1" .. long) -- A tilde singifies a vowel's full form word-finally.
	for _, vowel in pairs(mapping.double) do
		word = gsub(word, vowel, sub(vowel, 1, 1) .. long) -- Double vowels are long.
	word = gsub(word, "([гн])#", "%1*#") -- Mark word-final г and н with an asterisk (important for distinguishing between uvular and alveolar phonemes marked by silent vowels).

	-- Handle non-initial syllables.
	return gsub(word, "(#[^" .. chars.y .. "]*[" .. chars.y .. "]+)(.*#)", function(i, non_i) -- Match initial and non-initial syllables.
		non_i = gsub(non_i, "[" .. chars.v .. "]([^" .. long .. "й])", "%1") -- Remove single vowels (excluding diphtongs) in non-initial syllables.
		non_i = gsub(non_i, "([" .. chars.v .. "])" .. long, "%1") -- Double vowels are actually short in non-initial syllables.
		return i .. non_i -- Concatenate initial and non-initial syllables with schwa handling.

	Handle substitutions for consonants.
local function handle_consonants(word)
	word = gsub(word, "([" .. chars.b .. "]?)г([^* ])", function(b, c) -- Handle further substituions for vular consonants.
		if b ~= "" or match(chars.b, c) then
			return b .. "г*" .. c  -- г is uvular when in contact with back vowels and non-final.
	-- word = gsub(word, "н([" .. chars.v .. "ыгшх])", "н*%1") -- н is uvular preceding a vowel or г, ш, х

	word = gsub(word, "#(" .. primary .. "?)лх", "#%1ɬ") -- лх word-initially is a voiceless alveolar lateral fricative (found initially in some Tibetan loanwords).

	word = gsub(word, "([" .. chars.c .. "ə]+)ʲ", function(c) return gsub(c, "([" .. chars.c .. "])", "%1ʲ") end) -- All consonants before a palatalised consonant are also palatalised.
	word = gsub(word, ".%*?", mapping.cons) -- Substitute consonants with their IPA representation.
	return gsub(word, "ʰʲ", "ʲʰ") -- Swap the palatal mark with the aspirated.

	Determine primary stress for any given word.
	According to https://roa.rutgers.edu/files/172-0197/172-0197-WALKER-0-1.PDF,
	any rightmost non-final heavy syllable is stressed.
	If the final syllable is heavy but all previous syllables are non-heavy,
	that syllable is stressed. Otherwise, the first syllable is stressed.
local function add_stress(word)
	if match(word, u(0x0301)) then
		word = gsub(word, ".", stress) -- No need to determine stress if a primary stress mark is present.
		word = gsub(word, "(#[^" .. chars.u .. "]*[" .. chars.u .. "]+[й" .. long .. "]?)(.*#)", function(i, non_i) -- Match initial and non-initial syllables.
			local _, non_i_count = gsubn(non_i, "[" .. chars.u .. "]", "") -- Count the number of full vowels in the non-initial syllable.
			if non_i_count == 0 or (non_i_count == 1 and match("[" .. long .. "й]", i)) then
				i = gsub(i, "#", "#" .. primary)
				return i .. non_i -- Stress the initial syllable if there is no full vowel in the non-initial syllable or a single long vowel in the initial syllable.
				non_i = gsub(non_i, "(.*)([" .. chars.u .. "])", "%1" .. primary .. "%2") -- Find the last instance of a full vowel and add primary stress before the vowel.
				non_i = gsub(non_i, "(.*)([" .. chars.u .. "].*)" .. primary, "%1" .. primary .. "%2") -- However, if there is a full vowel in a previous syllable, shift the stress there instead.
				return i .. non_i

	return gsub(word, "([" .. chars.c .. "][^" .. chars.c .. "]*)" ..  primary, primary .. "%1") -- Shift the stress before the consonant of the stressed syllable.

	Adds reduced vowels when there is no valid consonant cluster.
	Looks at consonant sequences that are two or more characters long
	and checks if they form a valid cluster. If not, it adds a schwa after
	the first consonant.
local function add_reduced(word)
	return word

	Transcribe the term phonemically into IPA.
local function pron_m(term)
	return gsub(term, "(#[^#]*#)", function(word) -- Match every word.
	-- return gsub(word, "(#[^" .. chars.y .. "]*[" .. chars.y .. "]+)(.*#)", function(i, non_i) -- Match the initial and non-initial syllables of each word.
		-- Handle substitutions for vowels.
		word = respell_vowels(word) -- Handle each vowel based on its syllable position.
		word = add_reduced(word) -- Add reduced vowels based on Mongolian phonological rules
		word = gsub(word, ".", mapping.vowels) -- Substitute vowels with their IPA representation.
		word = add_stress(word) -- Add stress marks to the word.
		word = handle_consonants(word) -- Handle consonants.

		return word

	Main function for the module.
function export.toIPA(term)
	if type(term) == "table" then
		term = term.args[1] -- Get the user input as a table.

	-- Handle the term.
	term = lc(term) -- Make the text lowercase.
	term = gsub(term, "([^ ]+)", "#%1#") -- Mark all word borders with a #.
	term = pron_m(term) -- Get phonemic transcription.
	return gsub(term, "#", "") -- Remove all instances of #.

return export