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Old Norse




Made up from mikill (big, great) +‎ garðr (city), literally the large city.



Proper noun


Miklagarðr m

  1. Byzantium, Constantinople (the ancient capital of the Byzantine Empire, in modern Turkey; modern Istanbul)
    • (Can we date this quote?), chapter 2, in Haralds saga Sigurðarsonar:
      Haraldur dvaldist í Garðaríki nokkura vetur og fór víða um Austurveg. Síðan byrjaði hann ferð sína út í Grikkland og hafði mikla sveit manna. Þá hélt hann til Miklagarðs.
      Harald stayed in Garðaríki for some years and fared far and wide around the Austurveg. Afterwards he began his journey out to Byzantium and had a large group of men. Then he held to Constantinople.



Some of descendants may be learned borrowings.