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Alternative forms




Semi-learned borrowing from Old Norse Miklagarðr, from mikill (big, great) +‎ garðr (city), literally the large city. Compare megen and gård, -gård. Doublet of Maglegård.



Proper noun


Meglegård (historical)

  1. Byzantium, Constantinople (a city in Turkey; the ancient capital of the Byzantine Empire; modern Istanbul)
    Synonyms: (historical) Konstantinopel, Istanbul
    • 1918, C. F. Bricka, “Christian Barnekov”, in Den danske Adel i det 16de og 17de Aarhundrede, page 8:
      Saaledis er denne vnge Juncker da kommen til skibs fra Venedig til Græckeland, Moream, Corinthum, Athen oc i Arcipelago til Thracien oc Constantinopel, som voris gamle folck kalte fordom Meglegaard, oc i Tyrcki, samt nogle andre ypperlige Personer, som vaare der i selskab met, bode her aff Riget oc anden steds fra, ved stor bekostning oc fare.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)