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Blend of curse +‎ Snorlax.



Curselax (plural Curselaxes)

  1. (fandom slang) A moveset of a Pokémon that includes Curse and Rest.
    • 2001 June 29, Talen, “Anti-Curselax Measure”, in alt.games.nintendo.pokemon[1] (Usenet):
      Unfortunately, the most widespread confusing move is kinda useless against the Curselax.
    • 2002 July 18, Worry, “Re: [Rate my Team] This Team Sux v. 4.0”, in alt.games.nintendo.pokemon[2] (Usenet):
      Snorlax (Kulgdor) [...] Earthquake Body Slam Curse Rest [...] Standard Curselax, he will do well in stadium and the game.
    • 2011 May 15, FL1PPED Out, “[G/S] Team, Please Rate”, in alt.games.nintendo.pokemon[3] (Usenet):
      This is my favorite pokemon of the new G/S pokes. I'm not sure about the item for this one, but this is mainly to deal with Curselaxes.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:Curselax.