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English citations of guru

A Hindu or Sikh spiritual teacher.

  • 1960, Ramakrishna, Sayings of Sri Ramakrishna, →ISBN, page 687:
    Who is whose Guru? God alone is the guide and Guru of the universe.
  • 1984, Jiddu Krishnamurti, “The Flame of Attention”, in J.Krishnamurti Online, Serial No. 320[1], →ISBN, page 10:
    If you are not at all concerned with the world but only with your personal salvation, following certain beliefs and superstitions, following gurus, then I am afraid it will be impossible for you and the speaker to communicate with each other. …We are not concerned at all with private personal salvation but we are concerned, earnestly, seriously, with what the human mind has become, what humanity is facing. We are concerned as human beings, human beings who are not labelled with any nationality. We are concerned at looking at this world and what a human being living in this world has to do, what is his role?

An influential advisor or mentor.

  • 1997 September 15, D James, “Peter Drucker, the man who changed the world”, in Business Review Weekly, page 49:
    I have been saying for many years that we are using the word 'guru' only because 'charlatan' is too long to fit into a headline.
  • 2002, Michael Downing, Shoes Outside the Door, Counterpoint, →ISBN, page 341:
    California est guru Werner Erhard ... would find himself the subject of a 60 Minutes investigation ... during which some of his children and former est associates made public charges about physical and mental cruelty ... he continues to live outside the country.
  • 2004 January 25, Christopher Hart, “Review: Memoir: My Life in Orange by Tim Guest”, in The Sunday Times[2], Times Newspapers Ltd, retrieved 2008-10-17:
    Tim Guest’s extraordinary account of his childhood in the communes of Bhagwan [Rajneesh], the notorious Indian guru, is a survivor’s tale, poignant, funny and wise.
  • 2009 August 31, Xeni Jardin, “Wikileaks re-publishes 60 Minutes piece on est/Landmark cult leader Werner Erhard”, in Boing Boing[3]:
    Wikileaks has published the video and transcript of an investigative report into 'est' (Erhard Seminars Training) guru and Landmark Education Forum godfather Werner Erhard by CBS News, originally broadcast on the program 60 Minutes on March 3, 1991.