Citations:Bóhólníihii bisodizin
Bóhólníihii bisodizin
citations of- NihiTaaʼ yáʼąąshdi hónílóonii,
- [Our Father] [in heaven] [you who are there],
- Nízhiʼ diyingo óolzin leʼ.
- [Your name] [being holy] [let it be kept].
- Bee nóhólníihii náásgóó kʼeeʼąą yilzhish leʼ.
- [Your kingdom] [further on] [let it be increased].
- Áádóó bee íinínízinii
- [And] [your will]
- tʼáá yáʼąąshdi ááníłígi átʼéego nahasdzáán bikáaʼgi áánííł leʼ.
- [just] [in heaven] [in the way it works] [in that way] [earth] [on it] [let it work].
- Chʼiyáán tʼáá ákwíí jį́ nihaʼiyíłtsódígíí díí jį́ nihaa náádiníʼaah,
- [Food] [every day] [you feed us] [this day] [to us] [give it again],
- áádóó tʼáá nihichʼįʼ bąąhági ádaaníiłii,
- [and] [to us] [those who do wrong],
- ba yóóʼadahidiitʼaahígi átʼéego,
- [for them] [we forgive them] [in that way],
- Nichʼįʼ nidaʼayiilzíhígíí nihá yóóʼahidíʼaah,
- [to You] [our mistakes] [for us] [forgive them],
- áádóó nihí hodínóotahjįʼ nihiʼóółnííh lágo,
- [and] [us] [to the testing place] [do not send us there],
- nidi bąąhági átʼéii bitsʼą́ąjįʼ yisdánihiyínííł.
- [but] [evil] [away from it] [save us].
- Háálá ahóyéelʼáágóó Ni tʼéí nóhólnííh,
- [Because] [forever and ever] [You] [only] [you are in charge],
- áádóó tʼáadoo bee nóodziilí da,
- [and] [nothing is stronger than you],
- índa ayóó áńtʼé.
- [also] [you are great].
- Tʼáá ákótʼée doo.
- [Let it be that way].