Old Japanese citations of 蝦夷
- 720, Nihon Shoki, poem 11:[1]
- 720, Nihon Shoki, Emperor Keikō, entry 21: twenty-seventh year of the second month in spring:[1]
- 辛丑朔壬子、武内宿禰自東國還之奏言、東夷之中、有日高見國。其國人、男女並椎結文身、爲人勇悍。是總曰蝦夷。亦土地沃壤而曠之。撃可取也。
- 12th day: Takechi no Sukune returned from the East Country and informed the Emperor, saying:—"In the Eastern wilds there is a country called Hitakami. The people of this country, both men and women, tie up their hair in the form of a mallet, and tattoo their bodies. They are of fierce temper, and their general name is Yemishi. Moreover, their land is wide and fertile. We should attack them and take it."
- 720, Nihon Shoki, Emperor Keikō, entry 27: fortieth year of the seventh month in autumn:[1]
- 癸未朔戊戌、天皇詔群卿曰:「今東國不安、暴神多起。亦蝦夷悉叛、屡略人民。遣誰人以平其亂。」羣臣皆不知誰遣也。
- 6th day: The Emperor addressed his Ministers, saying:—"The Eastern country is now in an unquiet state, and turbulent Deities have sprung up in numbers. Moreover the Yemishi have rebelled to a man and frequently carry off the people. Whom shall I send to still this disturbance?" But none of the Ministers knew whom to send.
- 720, Nihon Shoki, Emperor Keikō, entry 27: fortieth year of the seventh month in autumn, cont.:[1]
- 其東夷之中、蝦夷是尤強焉。男女交居、父子無別。冬則宿穴、夏則住樔。衣毛飮血、昆弟相疑。登山如飛禽、行草如走獸。
- Amongst these Eastern savages the Yemishi are the most powerful, their men and women live together promiscuously, there is no distinction of father and child. In winter they dwell in holes, in summer they live in nests. Their clothing consists of furs, and they drink blood. Brothers are suspicious of one another. In ascending mountains they are like flying birds; in going through the grass they are like fleet quadrupeds.
[edit]- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Sakamoto, Tarō with Ienaga Saburō, Inoue Mitsusada, Ōno Susumu (1965) Nihon Koten Bungaku Taikei: Nihon Shoki (vol. 1), Iwanami Shoten, →ISBN