Japanese citations of 有明の月
Kokin Wakashū
[edit]- 905–914, Kokin Wakashū (book 6, poem 332 by Sakanoue no Korenori; also Hyakunin Isshu, poem 31)
- あさぼらけありあけの月と見るまでに吉野の里に降れる白雪
- asaborake ariake no tsuki to miru made ni Yoshino-no-sato ni fureru shirayuki
- By looking at the moon at the hour of dawn's light, it almost seems as if white snow fell on Yoshino Village.
- あさぼらけありあけの月と見るまでに吉野の里に降れる白雪
- 905–914, Kokin Wakashū (book 14, poem 691 by the priest Sosei; also Hyakunin Isshu, poem 21)
- 今来むと言ひしばかりに長月のありあけの月をまち出でつるかな
- ima komu to iishi bakari ni nagatsuki no ariake no tsuki o machiidetsuru kana
- You said on your part, “I will come [to you]”; but alas, at the long month I have waited only for the dawn-lit moon.
- 今来むと言ひしばかりに長月のありあけの月をまち出でつるかな
Gosen Wakashū
[edit]- c. 951–953, Gosen Wakashū (book 7, poem 401 by an anonymous poet)
- もみぢ葉のちりくる見れば長月のありあけの月の桂なるらし
- momijiba no chirikuru mireba nagatsuki no ariake no tsuki no katsura narurashi
- (please add an English translation of this example)
- もみぢ葉のちりくる見れば長月のありあけの月の桂なるらし
- c. 951–953, Gosen Wakashū (book 7, poem 441 by Tsurayuki)
- 長月の在明の月はありながらはかなく秋はすぎぬべらなり
- nagatsuki no ariake no tsuki wa ari nagara hakanaku aki wa suginuberanari
- (please add an English translation of this example)
- 長月の在明の月はありながらはかなく秋はすぎぬべらなり
- c. 951–953, Gosen Wakashū (book 14, poem 1033 by the middle palace guard)
- 人しれずまつにねられぬ晨明の月にさへこそあざむかれけれ
- hito shirezu matsu ni nerarenu ariake no tsuki ni sae koso azamukarekere
- (please add an English translation of this example)
- 人しれずまつにねられぬ晨明の月にさへこそあざむかれけれ