Japanese citations of いかだ
- 938, Minamoto no Shitagō, Wamyō Ruijushō, volume 3:
- 桴筏 論語注云:桴編二竹木一大曰二筏[音伐、字亦、作𦪑]一小曰二桴[音浮、玉篇字亦、作レ艀、在舟部、和名:以加太]一
- Raft: the annotated Analects says that it is a floating raft put by bamboo trees that are big (the Sino-Japanese reading is bjot̚/botɨ, also written as 𦪑); a small one [read as] 桴 (the Sino-Japanese reading is pʰio/pu [or biu/bu]; in the Yùpiān the character is also written as 艀 with the 舟 radical; the Japanese name is ikada)
- 1603, Vocabvlario da Lingoa de Iapam (Nippo Jisho) [Vocabulary of the Language of Japan] (in Portuguese), Nagasaki:
- Icada. イカダ (筏) 筏。
Icadauo cumu. (筏を組む) 筏を造る。- Ikada. A raft.
ikada wo kumu. To build a raft.
- Ikada. A raft.
[edit]- Doi, Tadao (1603–1604) Hōyaku Nippo Jisho (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, published 1980, →ISBN.