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Category:mnc:Chinese era names

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Newest pages ordered by last category link update:
  1. ᡤᡝᡥᡠᠩᡤᡝ ᠶᠣᠰᠣ
  2. ᠪᠠᡩᠠᡵᠠᠩᡤᠠ ᡩᠣᡵᠣ
  3. ᠶᠣᠣᠨᡳᠩᡤᠠ ᡩᠠᠰᠠᠨ
  4. ᡶᡝᠩᡧᡝᠩᡤᡝ ᠰᠠᠪᡳᠩᡤᠠ
  5. ᡤᡠᠪᠴᡳ ᡝᠯᡤᡳᠶᡝᠩᡤᡝ
  6. ᡩᠣᡵᠣ ᡝᠯᡩᡝᠩᡤᡝ
  7. ᠰᠠᡳᠴᡠᠩᡤᠠ ᡶᡝᠩᡧᡝᠨ
  8. ᠠᠪᡴᠠᡳ ᠸᡝᡥᡳᠶᡝᡥᡝ
  9. ᡥᡡᠸᠠᠯᡳᠶᠠᠰᡠᠨ ᡨᠣᠪ
  10. ᡝᠯᡥᡝ ᡨᠠᡳᡶᡳᠨ
Oldest pages ordered by last edit:
  1. ᡳᠵᡳᠰᡥᡡᠨ ᡩᠠᠰᠠᠨ
  2. ᡝᠯᡥᡝ ᡨᠠᡳᡶᡳᠨ
  3. ᡥᡡᠸᠠᠯᡳᠶᠠᠰᡠᠨ ᡨᠣᠪ
  4. ᠠᠪᡴᠠᡳ ᡶᡠᠯᡳᠩᡤᠠ
  5. ᠰᡠᡵᡝ ᡥᠠᠨ
  6. ᠸᡝᠰᡳᡥᡠᠨ ᡝᡵᡩᡝᠮᡠᠩᡤᡝ
  7. ᡤᡝᡥᡠᠩᡤᡝ ᠶᠣᠰᠣ
  8. ᠠᠪᡴᠠᡳ ᠸᡝᡥᡳᠶᡝᡥᡝ
  9. ᠰᠠᡳᠴᡠᠩᡤᠠ ᡶᡝᠩᡧᡝᠨ
  10. ᡩᠣᡵᠣ ᡝᠯᡩᡝᠩᡤᡝ

Manchu names of specific Chinese era names.

NOTE: This is a name category. It should contain names of specific Chinese era names, not merely terms related to Chinese era names, and should also not contain general terms for types of Chinese era names.