[edit]From Ancient Greek Αργιόπη (Argiópē, “silver face”), a name shared by several figures of Greek mythology, in reference to the silky silver hairs that cover the spiders' carapaces.
Proper noun
[edit]Argiope f
- A taxonomic genus within the family Araneidae – certain spiders, often with a strikingly coloured abdomen.
[edit]- (genus): Eukaryota – superkingdom; Animalia – kingdom; Bilateria – subkingdom; Protostomia – infrakingdom; Ecdysozoa – superphylum; Arthropoda – phylum; Chelicerata – subphylum; Arachnida – class; Araneae – order; Opisthothelae – suborder; Araneomorphae – infraorder; Neocribellatae – taxon; Entelegynae – series; Araneoidea – superfamily; Araneidae – family; Argiopinae - subfamily
[edit]- (genus): Argiope lobata - type species; Argiope acuminata, Argiope aemula, Argiope aetherea, Argiope aetheroides, Argiope ahngeri, Argiope amoena, Argiope anasuja, Argiope anomalopalpis, Argiope appensa, Argiope argentata, Argiope aurantia (black and yellow garden spider, zipper spider, corn spider or writing spider), Argiope aurocincta, Argiope australis, Argiope blanda, Argiope boesenbergi, Argiope bougainvilla, Argiope bruennichi, Argiope brunnescantia, Argiope buehleri, Argiope bullocki, Argiope caesarea, Argiope caledonia, Argiope cameloides, Argiope catenulata, Argiope chloreis, Argiope comorica, Argiope coquereli, Argiope dang, Argiope dietrichae, Argiope doboensis, Argiope ericae, Argiope extensa, Argiope flavipalpis, Argiope florida, Argiope halmaherensis, Argiope intricata, Argiope jinghongensis, Argiope katherina, Argiope keyserlingi, Argiope kochi, Argiope legionis, Argiope levii, Argiope luzona, Argiope macrochoera, Argiope madang, Argiope magnifica, Argiope maja, Argiope mangal, Argiope manila, Argiope mascordi, Argiope minuta, Argiope modesta, Argiope niasensis, Argiope ocula, Argiope ocyaloides, Argiope pentagona, Argiope perforata, Argiope picta, Argiope ponape, Argiope possoica, Argiope probata, Argiope protensa, Argiope pulchella, Argiope pulchelloides, Argiope radon, Argiope ranomafanensis, Argiope reinwardti, Argiope sapoa, Argiope savignyi, Argiope sector, Argiope squallica, Argiope submaronica, Argiope takum, Argiope tapinolobata, Argiope taprobanica, Argiope thai, Argiope trifasciata, Argiope truk, Argiope versicolor, Argiope vietnamensis (species)
[edit]Argiope on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
List of Araneidae species: A on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
Argiope on Wikispecies.Wikispecies
Category:Argiope on Wikimedia Commons.Wikimedia Commons
- Argiope at Integrated Taxonomic Information System.
- Argiope at National Center for Biotechnology Information
- Argiope at Paleobiology Database
[edit]From Ancient Greek Αργιόπη (Argiópē).
Proper noun
- (Greek mythology) Any one of several figures of Greek mythology.
- A naiad, daughter of the river god Nilus, wife of Agenor and mother of Europa, Cadmus, Phoenix and Cilix.
- Synonym: Telephassa
- A naiad, mother of Thamyris by Philammon and possibly daughter of the river god Cephissus.
- A naiad of the town of Eleusis, mother of Cercyon by Branchus; sometimes identified with the above daughter of Cephissus.
- A daughter of Teuthras, king of Teuthrania, who married Telephus, son of Heracles.
- A naiad, daughter of the river god Nilus, wife of Agenor and mother of Europa, Cadmus, Phoenix and Cilix.
Usage notes
[edit]Not to be confused with Agriope, another name for Eurydice, wife of Orpheus.