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Appendix:Swedish numerals

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Numbers up to 20:

Cardinal Ordinal Noun (digit,
coin or rank)
0 noll nollte nolla nolla = a fool, an idiot
1 ett or en första etta etta = winner. See also femetta. Note: Ett is neuter, en is common gender; "the digit 1" is "siffran ett" or "en etta" in Swedish.
2 två andra tvåa tvåa = runner-up; one bedroom apartment (counting the living room as the 2nd room)
3 tre tredje trea
4 fyra fjärde fyra Especially when counting, fyra is often pronounced as fyr.
5 fem femte femma femma = five crown coin (or bill)
6 sex sjätte sexa
7 sju sjunde sjua
8 åtta åttonde åtta åtta = an eight, as in figure skating. See also nollåtta
9 nio nionde nia Nio is commonly pronounced as nie.
10 tio tionde tia tia = ten crown coin (or bill). Tio is commonly pronounced as tie.
11 elva elfte elva elva = a soccer team
12 tolv tolfte tolva See also bluestolva
13 tretton trettonde
14 fjorton fjortonde
15 femton femtonde
16 sexton sextonde
17 sjutton sjuttonde
18 arton artonde
19 nitton nittonde
20 tjugo tjugonde tjuga Tjugo is usually pronounced tjugi.

Multiples of 10:

Cardinal Ordinal English Comment
tio tionde ten
tjugo tjugonde twenty Tjugo is usually pronounced tjugi. For cardinal numbers between 21 and 29, tjugo is commonly pronounced as tju, e.g. tjuåtta for 28.
trettio trettionde thirty
fyrtio fyrtionde forty Fyrtio is pronounced as förti and sometimes written as förtio.
femtio femtionde fifty
sextio sextionde sixty
sjuttio sjuttionde seventy
åttio åttionde eighty
nittio nittionde ninety
etthundra hundrade one hundred One commonly only says etthundra to distinguish it from e.g. tvåhundra.
etttusen tusende one thousand
en miljon miljonte one million
en miljard miljarte one billion
en biljon biljonte one trillion
en triljon triljonte one quintillion

Numbers are made up like in English: 55 is femtiofem, 73rd is sjuttiotredje. The -tio ending is commonly pronounced as -ti for the cardinal numbers (but not for the ordinal numbers). Swedish uses the long scale, that is it uses same system for large numbers as British English, not American English.

Playing cards

Playing cards in Swedish · kort (layout · text)
ess, äss tvåa, två trea, tre fyra femma, fem sexa, sex sjua, sju
åtta nia, nio tia, tio knekt dam kung joker

See also

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