Appendix:Old Norse correlatives
type | interrogative | indefinite | negative | collective | proximal demonstrative |
distal demonstrative | (definite) demonstrative |
relative | indefinite relative |
identity | other |
basic | hverr (“who? what? which?”), hvat (“what? which?”) |
einnhverr (“someone, somebody, something”), nǫkkurr |
engi (“no one, nothing; no, none”), neinn |
hverr (“each, every”), allr (“all”) |
þessi (“this”), †sjá (“this”) |
sá (“that; the”) | hinn (“the other; that”), -inn (“the”) |
er (“which, that”), sem, †es |
sá er (“whoever, whatever”) | samr (“the same”) | annarr (“other, another; second, next”) |
dual | hvárr (“which of two?”) | hvárgi (“either of two”) | hvárgi (“neither of two”) | báðir (“both”), hvárrtveggja (“each of two”) |
hvárgi er (“whichever of two”) | ||||||
quality | hvílíkr (“what kind?”), hvíglíkr, hver kind |
nokkurskonar (“of some kind”), nokkursháttar |
engisháttar (“of no kind”), einskiskonar, engiskyns |
allsháttar (“all kinds of”), alls kyns, allskonar, hverskonar |
slíkr (“such, this kind of”), þessháttar, þesskonar |
slíkr er (“which kind; such as”) | samskonar (“of the same kind”) | ||||
quantity | hversu (“how much? how many?”), hversu mikitt, †hve mjǫk |
svá mikitt (“this amount, this much”) | hversu er (“which amount, such amount”) | ||||||||
manner | hvé (“how?”), hví (“why?”), hvat, hversu, hvernig, hverja lund |
nǫkkut (“somehow”), at nǫkkurri mynd |
alls ekki (“not at all, by no means”), engi veg, engan veg |
svá (“so, this way, alike”) | sjá er (“somehow, how, as; because”), sá er |
hversu er (“however”) | einnig (“likewise, in the same way”), samt, einn veg, at þá mynd, með sama hætti, allt at einu |
annan veg (“otherwise, in another way”) | |||
place | hvar (“where?”) | nǫkkor (“somewhere”), nokkursstaðar, einhversstaðar |
hvergi (“nowhere”), ekki neins staðar |
allt (“everywhere”), hvargi, allsstaðar, hórvetna |
hér (“here”) | þar (“there”) | hinnug (“there, in the other place”) | þar er (“where”) | hvar er (“wherever”) | annarsstaðar (“elsewhere”) | |
source | hvaðan (“from where? whence?”), hvaðan af |
hvaðanæva (“from everywhere, from wheresoever”) | héðan (“from here; hence”), héðan af, hér af |
þaðan (“from there; thence”), þaðan af, þar af |
handan (“from there; thence”) | þaðan er (“from where”) | hvaðan er (“from wherever”) | ||||
destination | hvert (“to where? whither?”), hvar for |
héðra (“to here; hither; to there”), hingat, hér, hér til |
þangat (“to that place; thither”), þannig, þar at |
hinnig (“to that other place; thither”), |
þangat er (“to where; whither; anywhere”) | hvert er (“to wherever”) | |||||
time | hvenær (“when?”) | stundum (“sometimes”), einn tíma (“one time, once”), um sinn |
aldri (“never”), aldrigi, ekki sinn, aldri sinn |
ávalt (“always”), allan tíð, alltaf, allar stundar, um allt, jafn liga, jafnan |
nú (“now, at this time”), þessu sinni, at sinni |
þá (“then, at that time”), þat sinn, um þat, á því meli, þá stund, í þann tíma |
þá er (“when”) | hvenær er (“whenever”) | jafnt (“at the same time; simultaneously”), um leið, í sama mund |
annat hleiti (“at another time”), annat sinn | |
† Forms used in early Old Norse |