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  1. Inserts a metalinguistic clause into a sentence; often used to interrupt a quotation to state who said it.
    lu xu da mi prali sei la alis pensi le nu tavla le vi smacu li'u
    "Would it be of any use, now," thought Alice, "to speak to this mouse?"

Usage notes

  • A clause begun with sei can be ended with the elidable terminator se'u.
  • The selbri (predicate) within the clause begun with sei should not have any sumti (argument) following it unless it/these are attached to the selbri (predicate) through be/bei. Otherwise the trailing sumti (argument) will not be recognized by the Lojban grammar as being plugged in to that selbri (predicate): this feature helps a sei-clause to end "naturally" without recourse to the elidable terminator se'u.




  1. Rafsi of sepli (apart from).