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  1. Connects the following sumti (argument) to the previous sumti as an internal sumti (argument) (subordinate (relative) clause); by default as the x2 argument.
    le klama be la paris.
    the one (who is) going to Paris
    le klama be fo la paris.
    the one (who is) travelling via Paris
    tumxra be la mexikos. zei tcadu
    Map of(i.e., which depicts) Mexico City.
    ti zbasu be lo takybli bei lo kliti
    This makes bricks out of clay.
    ti zbasu lo takybli lo kliti
    This makes bricks out of clay.

Usage notes

  • The cmavo be'o can be used to indicate the termination of the internal sumti (argument), but is only required if the parsing of the sentence would otherwise be ambiguous.

Derived terms


See also

  • klama (move/come/go/travel)
  • sumti (argument)