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Appendix:English nautical terms

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

abaft - abeam - affreightment - afterdeck - afterguard - ahead - ahull - amidships - astern - backstay - bee - belay - bilge - binnacle - bitts - blue peter - boatswain - bobstay - bollard - boltrope - boom - bosun - bottomry - bow - bower - bowline - bowsprit - box the compass - brails - bream - bulwark - bumpkin - bunt - buntline - burgee - cable - cabotage - camber - capstan - cathead - chine - chock - clew - coaming - cocket - cofferdam - cog - companionway - cordage - cringle - crossjack - crosstrees - crow's nest - davit - deadeye - deadwood - demurrage - dodger - dogwatch - downhaul - dromond - dyogram - earing - ensign - escutcheon - fairlead - fardage - fiddley - figurehead - flagstaff - fluke - forebitt - forecabin - forecastle - forefoot - foremast - foresail - forestay - frap - freeboard - futtock - gaff - gaff-topsail - galley - gangway - garboard - genoa - grapnel - groundage - gudgeon - gunnage - gunwale - gybe - halyard - hank - hatch - hawse - hawsehole - hawser - headsail - holystone - inboard - jack - jack-block - jackstay - jib - jibboom - jibe - jurymast - kedge - keelhaul - keelson - kentledge - lagan - lanyard - larboard - lastage - lateen - laveer - lazaret - leeboard - leech - loxodograph - luff - lugsail - lutchet - mainmast - mainsail - mainsheet - manrope - martingale - mizzen - mizzenmast - moonraker - oakum - orlop - outhaul - outrigger - pallograph - parrel - patroon - pintle - poop - port - porthole - primage - purser - quarterdeck - quartering - rake - ratline - reef - reeve - roach - roband - rostrum - rowlock - royal - rudder - sail-tie - scud - scupper - scuttles - sheer - sheet - shrouds - sidelight - skeg - skysail - skyscraper - slipway - snotty - spanker - spinnaker - spirketting - sponson - sprit - spritsail - starboard - starbolins - stay - staysail - steeve - stemson - stern - sternpost - sternway - stevedore - stokehold - strake - stunsail - supercargo - taffrail - thole - tiller - timberhead - timenoguy - topgallant - topmast - topsail - tranship - transire - transom - treenail - trice - trysail - tuck - turtleback - unreeve - walty - wardroom - washboard - watching - waveson - wear - weatherboard - weatherly - wheelhouse - whipstaff - windbound - windlass - yardarm - yawl