Appendix:English back-formations
(Redirected from Appendix:List of English back-formations)
An English back-formation refers to either the process of creating a new lexeme (less precisely, a new "word") by removing actual or supposed affixes, or to the neologism formed by such a process. Back-formations are shortened words created from longer words. Back-formations are different from clipping in that they often change the word class (part of speech) of the word.
Each back-formation in this list is followed by the original word from which it was back-formed.
Contents: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
[edit]- ablute from ablution
- aborigine as a mistaken singular for aborigines (correct Latin singular is aboriginal) [1]
- accrete from accretion (from Latin accrescere) [2]
- acculturate from acculturation [3]
- admix from admixture
- adsorb from adsorption
- adolesce from adolescence
- adulate from adulation [4]
- advect from advection [5]
- aesthete from aesthetic [6]
- air-condition from air conditioning [7]
- alm from alms
- anticline from anticlinal [8]
- arch ("to practice archery") from archery
- arm (weapon) from arms (from Latin arma)
- attrit from attrition [9]
- auto-destruct from auto-destruction (cf. auto-destroy)
- automate from automation [10]
- aviate from aviation [11]
[edit]- babysit from babysitter [12]
- back-form from back-formation
- bartend from bartender [13]
- benefact from benefactor (and also the derived benefactee, cf. benefactor)
- bibliograph from bibliography
- bicep from biceps (non-standard) [14]
- biograph from biography
- blockbust from blockbuster [15]
- book-keep from book-keeping
- bonafy from bonafied (which itself is a corruption of "bona fide")[1]
- brainwash from brainwashing [16]
- bulldoze from bulldozer [17]
- bum possibly from bummer [18]
- burgle from burglar [19]
- bus ("to clear dirty dishes from table") from busboy [20]
- bushwhack from bushwhacker [21]
- buttle from butler [22]
[edit]- cadge from cadger [23]
- caretake from caretaker
- chemist from alchemist
- cavitate from cavitation [24]
- cherry from Old French cerise [25]
- choate from inchoate
- choreograph from choreography [26]
- claustrophobe from claustrophobia
- cohese from cohesion (cf. cohere)
- commentate from commentator [27]
- committal from non-committal
- complicit from complicity [28]
- computerize from computerized
- congratulation from congratulations
- contracept from contraception (cf. rare contraceive)
- contrapt from contraption
- convect from convection [29]
- conversate from conversation or conversing [30]
- cose from cosy
- couth from uncouth [31]
- co-vary from covariation
- crank (noun) from cranky
- creep (as a noun for a person) from creepy
- cross multiply from cross multiplication
- cross-refer from cross-reference [32]
- curate from curator [33]
- custom-make from custom-made
[edit]- dapple from dappled [34]
- darkle from darkling [35]
- decadent from decadence [36]
- deconstruct from deconstruction [37]
- dedifferentiate from dedifferentiation [38]
- demarcate from demarcation [39]
- destruct from destruction [40]
- diagnose from diagnosis [41]
- diffract from diffraction [42]
- dinge from dingy [43]
- diplomat from diplomatic [44]
- dishevel from disheveled [45]
- donate from donation [46]
- drear from dreary
- drowse from drowsy (possibly a backformation)
- dry-clean from dry cleaning [47]
[edit]- eave from eaves [48]
- eavesdrop from eavesdropper [49]
- edit from editor (from Latin stem edere (“to bring forth”)) [50], [51]
- electrocute from electrocution [52]
- elocute from elocution [53]
- emote from emotion [54]
- enthuse from enthusiasm [55]
- escalate from escalator [56]
- eutrophicate from eutrophication
- evaluate from evaluation [57]
- extrapose from extraposition [58]
[edit]- fine-tune from fine tuning [59]
- flab from flabby [60]
- flappable from unflappable [61]
- flake ("eccentric person") from flaky
- floss ("to show off") from flossy [62]
- fluoresce from fluorescence [63]
- forward-form from forward-formation (a back-formation)
- fragmentate from fragmentation [64]
- free-associate from free association (backformed adjective-verb compound)
- funk (quality of music) from funky [65]
[edit]- gamble from gambler [66]
- gestate from gestation [67]
- ghostwrite from ghostwriter [68]
- gid from giddy [69]
- gnarl from gnarled [70]
- godsend from god-sent [71]
- greed from greedy (the noun was originally "greediness", although Old English did have such a noun, grǣd, which would have led to "greed" in Modern English if it had survived, but it did not) [72]
- grid from gridiron [73]
- grovel from groveling [74]
- grunge from grungy [75]
- gruntle from disgruntle [76]
[edit]- handwrite from handwriting [77]
- hard-boil from hard-boiled [78]
- hawk (meaning "to sell") from hawker [79]
- haze from hazy [80]
- headhunt from headhunter
- headquarter from headquarters [81]
- helicopt from helicopter
- housebreak from housebroken [82]
- houseclean from housecleaning [83]
- housekeep from housekeeper [84]
[edit]- ideologue from ideology [85]
- incent from incentive [86]
- indice from indices (cf. index)
- injure from injury [87]
- intercept from interception (possibly a backformation)
- interfluve from interfluvial [88]
- interlineate from interlinear
- intuit from intuition [89]
- isolate from isolated [90]
[edit]- jell from jelly [91]
- jerry-build from jerry-built [92]
[edit]- lase from laser [96]
- laze from lazy [97]
- lech from lecher [98]
- legislate from legislator [99]
- liaise from liaison [100]
- loaf (meaning "to be idle") from loafer [101]
- logroll from logrolling [102]
- luminesce from luminescent [103]
[edit]- manipulate from manipulation [104]
- mase from maser
- (partially) mix from mixt (adj. from Old French, misconstrued as past participle of verb) [105]
- mottle from motley [106]
- moonlight (the verb, work on second job) from moonlighter [107]
- multimillion from multimillionaire
[edit]- obsess (meaning "to behave obsessively") from obsessive
- one-up or one-upman from one-upmanship [110]
- opine from opinion [111]
- orate from oration [112]
- orientate from orientation [113]
[edit]- panhandle (meaning "to accost") from panhandler [114]
- paramedic from paramedical
- partake from partaker [115]
- pea from Middle English pease [116]
- peddle from peddler [117]
- peeve from peevish [118]
- pettifog from pettifogger [119]
- phosphoresce from phosphorescent [120]
- preempt from preemption [121]
- presentate (nonstandard) from presentation
- procéss from procession [122]
- prodigal from prodigality [123]
- proliferate from proliferation [124]
- proofread from proofreader [125]
[edit]- quadrumvir from quadrumvirate [126]
- quantitate from quantitative
[edit]- raunch from raunchy [127]
- reminisce from reminiscence [128]
- resurrect from resurrection [129]
- rotovate from rotovator
[edit]- sass (impudence) from sassy [130]
- sculpt from sculptor [131]
- secrete (meaning "to produce and emit") from secretion [132]
- secretive from secretiveness [133]
- sedate (the verb) from sedative [134]
- self-destruct from self-destruction (cf. self-destroy) [135]
- semantic (adjective) from semantics
- sharecrop from sharecropper [136]
- shoplift from shoplifter [137]
- sightsee from sightseeing [138]
- sipid from insipid [139]
- sleaze from sleazy [140]
- sleepwalk from sleepwalking [141]
- smarm from smarmy [142]
- sorb from sorption (also a back-formation)
- soft-land from soft landing (backformed adjective-noun compound)
- sorption from adsorption and absorption [143]
- spectate from spectator [144]
- stargaze from stargazer [145]
- stave (the noun) from staves [146]
- steamroll from steamroller [147]
- stridulate from stridulation [148]
- suckle from suckling [149]
- sulk from sulky [150]
- summate from summation [151]
- sunburn (the verb) from sunburned [152]
- superannuate from superannuated [153]
- surreal from surrealism [154]
- surveil from surveillance [155]
- swashbuckle from swashbuckler [156]
- swindle from swindler [157]
- syncline from synclinal [158]
[edit]- tase from Taser
- televise from television [159]
- tongue-lash from tongue-lashing [160]
- transcript (verb) from transcription (cf. verb transcribe)
- tricep from triceps
- trickle-irrigate from trickle-irrigation (possibly backformed from verb-noun compound but may also be verb-verb compound)
- tweeze from tweezers [161]
- typewrite from typewriter [162]
[edit]- upholster from upholstery [163]
[edit]- vaccinate from vaccination [164]
- vend as in vend out (meaning to contract out to a vendor), derived from vendor
- vinify from vinification [165]
- vivisect from vivisection [166]
[edit]- wiretap from wiretapper [167]
[edit]- ^ Common Errors in English - List of Errors