This is a list of knots in English. It includes many alternative names for common knots. The overhand knot, for example, is also known as the thumb knot. The figure-of-eight knot is also known as the savoy knot or the Flemish knot.
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[edit]- adjustable bend
- adjustable hitch
- adjustable loop
- Albright knot
- alpine butterfly bend
- alpine butterfly knot
- alpine coil
- alternate ring hitching
- anchor bend
- angler's knot
- angler's loop
- arbor knot
- artillery loop
- asher's equalizer
- Ashley's bend
- Ashley's stopper knot
- axle hitch
[edit]- Bachmann knot
- Bachmann hitch
- bag knot
- bait loop - OneLook - Google (Books • Groups • Scholar) - WP Library; Category:bait loop on Wikimedia Commons.Wikimedia Commons ; see egg loop #E
- bale sling hitch
- barrel hitch
- barrel knot
- barrel sling
- becket hitch
- beer knot
- bimini twist
- blackwall hitch
- blake's hitch
- blood knot
- blood loop knot
- boa knot
- boas bowline
- boatman's knot
- boom hitch
- bottle sling
- bottom loaded release hitch
- bow knot
- bowline
- bowline on bight
- bowstring knot
- braid knot
- brummycham bowline
- buffer knot
- builder's knot
- bull hitch
- Bumper knot
- buntline hitch
- butcher's knot
- butterfly knot
[edit]- carrick bend
- carrick mat
- cat's paw
- catshank
- caver's helical knot
- chain hitch
- chain stitch
- chain stitch lashing
- chi-fi knot
- Chinese button knot
- Chinese cross knot
- Chinese good luck knot
- Chinese lanyard knot
- clinging clara
- clove hitch
- common whipping
- constrictor knot
- continuous ring hitching
- corned beef knot
- cow hitch with toggle
- cow hitch and bowline
- cow hitch
- cow-tie knot
- Cowboy Bowline
- cross-prusik knot
- crossing knot
[edit]- diamond hitch
- diamond knot
- directional figure eight
- dogshank
- double blackwall hitch
- double bowline
- double carrick bend
- double chain
- double chain
- double constrictor knot
- double Englishman knot
- double figure eight bend
- double figure eight
- Double fisherman knot
- double friction hitch
- double grinner knot
- double harness bend with parallel ends
- double loop
- double munter friction hitch
- double overhand bend
- double overhand loop
- double overhand sliding loop
- double overhand
- double pile hitch
- double prusik knot
- double ring hitching
- double scaffold knot
- double sheet bend
- double stopper
- double uni knot
- double Windsor
- draw knot
- dropper loop
- duncan loop
- Dutch marine bowline
- dutra double loop knot
[edit]- egg loop - OneLook - Google (Books • Groups • Scholar) - WP Library; Category:egg loop on Wikimedia Commons.Wikimedia Commons ; see bait loop #B
- eight-strand sennit
- eight strand square plait
- Englishman's knot
- Englishman's loop
- eskimo bowline
- extended French prusik knot
- eye splice
[edit]- farmer's knot
- farmer's loop
- fiador knot
- figure-of-eight coil
- figure-of-eight follow through
- figure-of-eight hitch
- figure-of-eight knot
- figure-of-eight loop
- fireman's chair knot
- fireman's coil
- fisherman's bend
- fisherman's eye
- fisherman's knot
- Flemish bend
- Flemish knot
- four-strand braid
- four-strand plait
- four-strand sennit
- French bowline
- French prusik knot
- friendship knot
- frost knot
[edit]- gaff topsail halyard bend
- good luck knot
- Gordian knot
- granny knot
- grief knot
- grinner knot
- gripping sailor's hitch
- ground-line hitch
[edit]- hackamore
- half blood knot
- half hitching
- half hitch
- halibut knot
- halter hitch
- halyard bend
- handcuff knot
- hangman's knot
- harness bend
- heaving line bend
- heaving line knot
- hedden knot
- hight post hitch
- highwayman's hitch
- hitching tie
- honda knot
- Hunter's bend
[edit]- Jack Ketch's knot
- jamming hitch
- jansik special
- Japanese crown knot
- Japanese success knot
- jar sling
- jug sling
- jury mast knot
[edit]- lariat loop
- lark's foot
- lark's head
- lighterman's hitch
- lineman's loop
- linfit knot
- long mat
- lobster buoy hitch
- loop to loop
[edit]- machard tresse
- magnus hitch
- major turle's knot
- manharness knot
- mariner's knot
- marline hitching
- marlinespike hitch
- midshipman's hitch
- miller's knot
- monkey's fist
- mooring hitch
- mule knot
- munster hitch
- munter hitch
- munter friction hitch
- munter mule
[edit]- ocean plait
- one-sided overhand bend
- one way sheet bend
- orvis knot
- ossel hitch
- ossel knot
- overhand bend
- overhand knot and half hitch
- overhand knot with draw-loop
- overhand knot
- overhand loop
- oysterman's stopper
[edit]- packer's knot
- painter's hitch
- paldo tackle
- palomar knot
- pedigree cow hitch
- peg knot
- penberthy knot
- perfected whipping
- perfection loop
- picket line loop
- pile hitch
- piwich knot
- plafond knot
- plank sling
- poldo tackle
- pole lashing
- Portuguese bowline
- Pratt knot
- prusik knot
- Portuguese whipping
[edit]- racking bend
- racking seizing
- reef knot
- rigger's bend
- ring bend
- ring hitch
- ring knot
- ringbolt hitching
- rolling hitch
- Rosendahl bend
- round hitch
- round mat
- round seizing
- round turn
- round turn and two half hitches
- running knot
- running loop
[edit]- sack knot
- sail maker's whipping
- sailor's knot
- sailor's hitch
- savoy knot
- scaffold knot
- seizing bend
- shake hands
- sheepshank
- sheet bend
- simple chain
- simple knot
- simple noose
- simple simon double
- simple simon over
- simple simon under
- single carrick bend
- single hitch
- single stopper
- six strand round plait
- sliding loop
- sliding ring hitch
- slip knot
- slipped overhand knot
- slipped buntline hitch
- slippery eight loop
- slippery hitch
- slippery round hitch
- snuggle hitch
- spade end knot
- span loop
- Spanish Bowline
- splice
- square knot
- square lashing
- square turk's head
- stevedore's knot
- strangle knot
- Strap hitch
- strop bend
- surgeon's end loop
- surgeon's knot
- surgeon's loop
- swing hitch
[edit]- tarbuck knot
- taut-line hitch
- tent hitch
- Theodore knot
- thief knot
- three quarter figure eight loop
- three way sheet bend
- three-strand braid
- thumb knot
- tiller's hitch
- timber hitch
- tom fool's knot
- top loaded release hitch
- transom knot
- trilene knot
- triple bowline
- triple figure eight
- triple overhand knot
- trucker's hitch
- true lover's knot
- tug boat hitch
- tumbling thief knot
- turle knot
- twinned turk's head
- two half hitches
- two strand braid
- two strand overhand knot
[edit]- wagoner's hitch
- water bowline
- water knot
- waterman's knot
- weaver's knot
- west country whipping
- wrapped and reef knotted coil