Appendix:Kangaroo words
This appendix contains kangaroo words in English. The full words are listed below. The 'joey words' are in bold italics or (in the case of a second joey for twin kangaroo words) green text. This appendix also includes non-trivial anti-kangaroo words. Trivial examples such as "appropriate" and "inappropriate", or "like" and "dislike", are not included.
[edit]- aberrant
- abnormality
- abide
- acclimatize
- accustomed
- acrid
- action
- addlepated
- admixture
- admonish
- adroitness
- adventuresome
- adventurous
- affect
- aeroplane
- aggravated
- allocate
- allurement
- alone (grand kangaroo word) -> alone, lone, one
- alternative
- amicable
- amicability
- analogue
- antiquated
- antiseptic
- applaud (and inflections)
- applaudatory
- apposite
- appropriate
- arch
- arena
- arouse
- artifice
- artistry
- asseverate
- astound
- authentification
- avariciousness
- avocation
- axletree
[edit]- balderdash
- balsam
- banish
- barren
- barricade; barricaded
- barrier
- barristers
- bazillion
- because
- befall
- befuddled
- before
- belated
- bemoan
- betwixt
- bewitch
- blatherskite
- blossom
- blotch
- bobbled
- bombarded
- bombardier
- brackets
- brash
- brashness
- brobdingnagian
- burglarize
- burst
[edit]- cacodemon
- calumnies
- cancel
- canister (can, case)
- capable, capability
- capsule
- cartoon
- casket
- catacomb
- catalog
- cavern
- charge
- chariot
- charisma
- chicken
- chocolate
- chunk
- cleanse
- cleanser
- cloistered
- closemouthed
- clue
- clump
- cocksure
- commonplace
- community (county, city)
- complaisant (grand kangaroo word) -> complaisant, compliant, pliant
- completionist
- concatenate
- concede
- concession
- confabulate
- confederated
- conjoin
- consummated
- container (can, tin)
- contaminate
- contradictory
- cooled
- corporeal
- cozen
- crude
- curtail
[edit]- damsel
- darkling
- daub
- dazzle
- debar
- deboned
- deceased
- deception
- decline
- decoration
- definitive
- deflated
- deliberated
- delineation
- demeaning
- denumerable
- departed
- department
- depository
- depredatory
- deprivation
- desiderate
- despiteful
- despoiled
- destruction
- deteriorate (rot, die)
- devilish
- devoid
- dice
- dillydally
- diminutive (minute, mini)
- disappointed
- discordance
- discus
- disembark
- disembowel (embowel, bowel)
- dismayed
- disputation
- disguise
- disseminated
- dissever
- dissoluble
- disassociate
- distraughtness
- distressing
- doff
- domination
- dominatable
- donator
- drunkard
[edit]- effeminate
- egotist
- electrical
- empathetic
- encourage
- encumber
- enjoyment
- entwined
- equilateral
- equitable
- eradicated
- evacuate
- evaluation
- eventuality
- evidenced
- exhausted
- exhortatory
- exists
- exploitative
- exposition
- expurgate
- extraneous
[edit]- fabrication
- facade
- factual
- falsified
- falsities
- fanfaronade
- farmable
- feast
- feasted
- felicitous
- flagging
- fraction
- frangible (grand kangaroo word) -> frangible, fragile, frail
[edit]- gazillion
- gloop (grand kangaroo word) -> gloop, goop, goo
- grandiose
- granulated
- gigantic
[edit]- hallway
- harumph
- hedgerow
- hijack
- himself
- hindermost
- history
- honorable
- hostelry
- humanity
- humankind (grand kangaroo word) → humankind, mankind, man
- hurries
[edit]- illuminated
- imaginary
- impair
- impassive
- impertinent
- implicated
- imposter
- incapability
- incriminate
- indentation
- indentation
- indolent
- indefinitely
- inflammable
- infuriated
- inhabitable
- inheritable
- inheritor
- inhumane
- insignia
- instantaneous
- investigate
- instructor
- intention
- interfuse
- intoxicate
- invaluable
- irateness
- irradiate
- irritated
- islet
- isolated
[edit]- Johannes
- joined
- jollity
- joviality
[edit]- kangaroo
- kiddos
- kindred
[edit]- latest
- lighted
- lone
- lymphosarcoma
[edit]- magister, magister
- malapert
- manoeuvre
- market
- masculine
- matches
- median
- middlemost
- midsection
- miniature
- misinterpreted
- moisture
- municipality
- mutter
- myself
[edit]- neckbeard
- neurotic
- newfangled
- nodule
- noticeable
- nourished
[edit]- obligated
- obnoxious
- observe
- olden
- oldfangled
- omnibus
- ornamented
- outdated
- outspokenly
- overestimate
- overhead
[edit]- pantaloons
- partially
- pellucid
- perambulate (ramble, amble)
- perdurable
- perfervid
- periwig
- perorate
- perimeter
- persnickety
- personality
- plagiarist
- platter
- playfellow
- plush
- pinioned
- postured
- practicable
- practitioner
- prattle
- precipitation
- predominant
- preeminent
- prematurely
- primogenitor
- proffer
- promenade
- proportionate
- prosecute
[edit]- quagmire, quagmire
- quarter
- quiescent
- quintuplet
[edit]- rakish
- rambunctious
- rampage
- ransack
- rapscallion
- raunchy
- ravaging
- recapitulate
- reconciliation
- recline
- refurbishment
- regulated
- reoccurrence
- repurposed
- remorsefulness
- resemblance
- respite
- reticule
- retrogress
- revivified
- revolution
- rigamarole
- rotund
- routine, routine
[edit]- salvage
- satiate
- satisfied
- scallywag
- scion
- scoundrel
- scrub
- sculpt
- separated
- sextuplet
- shadowy
- shushed
- shuttering
- snick
- signal
- situated
- slithered
- smash
- smidgen
- snippets
- snippety
- spike
- spittle
- splinter
- splotch
- splutter
- sprightly
- squashed
- stealthy
- stocking
- stonewall
- strives
- stumble
- substandard
- subtile
- superb
- superficial
- superimpose
- supervisor
- supplicant
- supplied
- supremacist
- surceased
- surfeited
- sweaty
[edit]- teetotal
- temperament
- ticky-tacky
- tracked
- transgression
- trend
- tribunal
- trouvaille
- truthfully
- trustworthy
[edit]- umpteenth
- unanimity
- underneath
- unsightly
- utilising
[edit]- variegated
- veracity
[edit]- weakened
- weakening
- wealth
- whatsoever
- whinge
[edit]- yearning
anti-kangaroo words
[edit]- abuse
- animosity
- avoidant
- bearded
- calamity
- communicative
- convent
- courteous
- covert
- devolve
- effective
- exacerbate
- extend
- fabrication
- feasted
- female
- friend
- futile
- iconoclast
- lady
- melodious
- negligently
- pest
- prudent
- prurient
- redoubtable
- resigned
- revolution
- salvaged
- she
- there
- threat
- thoroughly
- unruffianly
- veto
- woman
- wonderful