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Appendix:False friends between French and Spanish

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

This is an initial list of false cognates and false friends between French and Spanish. They therefore look similar but respectively either they do not actually come from the same root or they have different meanings, despite their similarities.

French term Spanish translation English translation Spanish false friend French translation English translation
aiguille aguja needle águila aigle eagle
ainsi que as well as así que so
attendre esperar to wait for atender s'occuper de to attend to
carnet folleto booklet carnet driver's license
cheval horse chaval boy
compatir to sympathise compartir share
courbature an ache curvatura curvature
créer crear create creer croire believe
créneau slot cráneo crâne skull
débile retrasado moronic débil faible weak
décade 10 días 10 days década décennie decade
déjà ya already deja leave
déjeuner to have lunch desayunar to have breakfast
demander pedir to ask for demandar to sue
dépister to track down despistar to confuse
disparue desaparecida disappeared disparó shot
dos back dos two
enfermé shut in enfermo sick
enfermer encerrar to lock up enfermar to make ill
entendre oír hear entender comprendre understand
envie deseo desire envío sending
fantasme fantasía fantasy fantasma ghost
gâteau pastel cake gato chat cat
juger juzgar to judge jugar jouer to play
large ancho wide largo long long
manche manga sleeve mancha tache stain
nombre número number nombre nom name
nouvelle noticia news novela nouvelle novella
ombre sombra shade hombre homme man
parvenir llegar reach porvenir avenir future
peine pena sorrow peine a comb
prénom nombre de pila first name pronombre pronom pronoun
rare escaso rare raro étrange strange
récurer fregar to scrub recurrir recourir to turn to
repartir to go back repartir to distribute
restauration restauración restoration
salir ensuciar to dirty salir go out
sol suelo ground sol soleil sun
sonnerie zumbido ringing sonríe smiles
tête cabeza head teta boob
toque toca brimless hat toque touch
tortilla (he) twisted tortilla crêpe mexicaine tortilla