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Appendix:False friends between Danish and Norwegian

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

This is a list of Danish-Norwegian false friends, that is, word pairs similar in appearance but different in meaning. Translations may be approximated; see linked entries for details. Nynorsk as well as Bokmål entries are included.

Danish word Norwegian translation English translation Norwegian word Danish translation English translation
frokost lunsj, lunsj lunch frokost, frukost morgenmad breakfast
rar snill nice, friendly rar mærkelig, underlig weird, strange
purk gutt lad, boy purk, purk panser cop
grine le, le laugh grine græde, rynke på næsen cry, sneer
nytte nyttig be useful nytte, nytte bruge, benytte use
kneppe pule fuck kneppe, kneppe knappe, klimpre button
kuk rot, kaos, uorden mess, disorder kuk pik, penis, tissemand penis, dick, cock