Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/E
E eaglestone ear earlandite earth amber earth auger earth balsam earth borer earth current earth dam earth drill earthed earthed system earth fault earth fault lockout system earth fault meter earth fault protection earth fault tester earth flax earthflow earth foam earthing a conductor earthing system earth leakage protection earth pillar earthquake Earth's crust Earth shell earth slide earth slope earth slump earth stone earth wave earth wax earthy earthy breccia earthy fracture earthy lead ore earthy manganese easement easer easer holes Eastman survey instrument easy way eat out ebb channel ebb current ebuliscope eccentric bit eccentric pattern ecdemite echelon cell echelon pattern echogram echo sounder eckermannite eclogite ecology economic coal reserves economic depletion economic geology economizer ecosystem eddy eddy-current brake eddy-current testing edelfall edelforsite edelite edenite edge dislocation edge seam mining edgewise conglomerate edgewise structure edinite edisonite eduction pipe Edwards roaster effective belt tension effective breaking force effective diameter effective grounding effective permeability effective piece weight effective pillar area effective porosity effective screen aperture effective screening area effective span effective teeth effective temperature effective unit weight efficiency engineer efficiency of a rectifier efficiency of screening efficiency of separation efficiency of sizing efficient airway size efficient structure efflorescence efflorescent effluent effusion effusive efydd egg coal eggette eggstone eglestonite eguei#1.ite Egyptian alabaster Egyptian emerald Egyptian jasper Egyptian pebble Egyptian peridot Ehrhardt powder Eichhorn-Liebig furnace eightling Eimco drill jumbo eisener hut eisenwolframite eisinwolframite eitelite ekanite ela elaeolite elastic elastic aftereffect elastic axis elastic bitumen elastic boundary elastic center elastic deformation elastic design elastic discontinuity elasticity elasticity of bulk elastic limit elastic mineral pitch elastic modulus elastic rebound elastic surface waves elastic zone elaterite elbaite el conveyor El Doradoite electric air drill electrical conductivity electrical double layer electrical engineer electrical method electrical plan electrical precipitation electrical prospecting electrical protection electrical puncturing electrical resistance inclinometer electrical resistance strain gage electrical rock fracture electrical slate electrical twinning electrical well logging electric blasting electric blasting cap electric braking electric cable electric calamine electric cap lamp electric coal cutter electric coal drill electric detonator electric ear electric-eye method electric furnace electric fuse electric gathering mine locomotive electric haulage mine locomotive electric hoist electric-hoist man electric ingot process electric lamp electric log electric logging electric master fuse electric mine locomotive electric mule electric permissible mine locomotive electric powder fuses electric precipitation electric prospecting instruments electric resistance electric resistance strain gage electric rotary drill electric shock electric shovel electric-shovel craneman electric slope engineer electric sponge electric squib electric steel electric traction electric wheel electric winder electroacoustic transducer electrocast process electrochemical electrochemical corrosion electrochemical equivalent electrochemical series electrode electrode burnoff rate electrode configuration electrode consumption rate electrode melting rate electrodeposition electrode potential electrode spacing electrodialysis electroendosmosis electroextraction electrofiltration electrofiltration potential electrogalvanizing electrokinetic potential electrolysis electrolyte electrolytic copper electrolytic deposition electrolytic dissociation electrolytic dissolusion electrolytic iron electrolytic lead electrolytic polishing electrolytic process electrolytic reduction electrolytic refining electrolytics electrolytic zinc electrolyze electromagnetic brake electromagnetic damping electromagnetic detector electromagnetic geophone electromagnetic methods electromagnetic prospecting electromagnetic separation electromagnetic spectrum electromagnetic surveying electromagnetism electrometallurgy electromotive force series electron electron beam melting electron capture electronegative electronic CO detector electronic filter electronic high-level indicator electronic liquid density instrument electronic microscope electronics electronic sentry electronic sorting electronic tramp iron detector electronic weighing electro-osmosis electrophoresis electroplate electroplating electropneumatic lighting electropositive electrorefining electroscope electrostatic capacity electrostatic cleaning process electrostatic precipitator electrostatics electrostatic separation electrostatic separator electrostatic strength Electrotape electrowinning electrum electrum metal element elementary particle eleolite eleolite syenite elevating conveyor elevating grader elevation elevation correction elevator elevator bucket elevator dredger elevator plug elevator rope Elie ruby eliquate elkerite ellestadite elliptical polarization Elmore jig elpasolite elpidite Elsner's equation Eltran method eluant elutriation elutriator eluvial eluvium elvan emaldine emanation deposit embankment embayment embolite embrittlement emerald emerald copper emerald cut emerald filter emerald glass emeraldine emerald jade emerald loupe emerald malachite emerald nickel emerald triplet emerandine emergence emery emery rock emildine emilite emission spectra emission spectrum emission standards emissivity emmonsite Emory picker Empire drill emplacement emplectite emplectum empressite empty empty-car puller empty rope empty track empty trip Ems method emulsification emulsifier emulsion emulsion texture enantiomorphism enantiomorphous enargite en cabochon encroachment encrustation end end-bump table end cleat end clinometer end-discharge tippler end-dump car end dumping endellinite endellionite endellite end face end-fired furnace endgate endgate car ending endings endless chain endless rope endlichite endlines endlines not parallel end member endogene endogenetic endogenetic effects endogenic endogenous endometamorphism endomorph endomorphic endomorphic metamorphism endomorphism end-on end-on working endoscope endostratic formation endothermic endplate end-port furnace ends end slicing end span endurance endurance limit endwall en echelon enelectrite energizing coil energy engineering geology engineering system engine pit engine plane engine tenter English cupellation englishite English method English process English zinc furnace engorgement enhydrite enhydros enhydrous enigmatite enlarging shots en masse conveyor en masse feeder enriched uranium enrichment Ensign-Bickford hot-wire lighter Ensign-Bickford master fuse lighter enstatite enstenite entrainment entropy entry entry air course entry conveyor entry driver entry driver operator entryman entry stumps entry table envelope environmental assessment environmental audit Environmental Impact Statement eolian eolian deposit eolianite eolian placer eon eosphorite Eoetvoes balance Eoetvoes torsion Eoetvoes torsion balance epaulet epeirogenesis epeirogeny epi- epiasterism epibenthic dredge epibenthos epicontinental epidiabase epididymite epidiorite epidosite epidote epidotization epigene epigenesis epigenetic epigenic epigenite epiianthinite epimagmatic epineritic environment epiphysis epiplankton epistilbite epistolite epitaxy epithermal epizone epoch epsomite epsom salt eq.s. explosive equal-errors cut point equal-errors size equal-falling particles equalization of winding load equal lay equant equant element equation of motion equiaxed crystals equidimensional equiform equigranular equilibrium equilibrium diagram equilibrium eutectic equilibrium moisture content equilibrium moisture of coal equipment flowsheet equipotential line equipotential-line method equipotential surface equivalent equivalent circuit equivalent diameter equivalent evaporation equivalent freefalling diameter equivalent grade equivalent length equivalent orifice equivalent particle diameter equivalent radius equivalent temperature equivolumnar wave era eremeyevite ericaite Erinide erinoid eriochalcite erosion erosional unconformity erosion channel erosion surface erosion thrust erratic error curve error of closure erubescite eruptive erythrine erythrite erythrocalcite escape escape shaft escapeway escarpment Eschka's mixture eschynite eskebornite eskolaite Esperanza classifier esplanade espley rock essential mineral essexite essonite estramadurite estuarine deposit estuary etch angle etch figure etching etch line etch method etch pattern etch ring etch time etch tube ethanamide ethanol ethical gemology ethine ethmolith ethylenediamene ethylene glycol ethyne etindite eubitumen eucairite eucalyptus oil euchlorine euchroite euclase eucolite eucryptite eucrystalline eudialyte eudidymite eudiometer euhedral Eulerian methods of current measurement eulite eulytite euosmite europia europium oxide eusapropel euscope eustasy eustatic eutaxic eutaxitic eutectic eutectic point eutectic ratio eutectic temperature eutectic texture eutectoid eutectoid texture eutomous eutrophic eutrophic peat euxamite euxenite euxinic evaluate evaluation evansite evaporate evaporation evaporation gage evaporative cooling evaporite evaporite-solution breccia evase evening emerald evenkite everlasting lamps evolutionary operation EW EX excavating cableway excavation excavation deformation excavator excavator base machine excellent fumes exception excess air excessive location excess spoil excitation excitation time Exclusive Economic Zone exclusive prospecting license exempted claim exemptions exfoliate exfoliation exfoliation dome exhalation exhaust fan exhausting auxiliary fan exhaustion exhaust ventilation exinite exinoid existent corner exogenetic exogenic exogenous exogenous inclusion exometamorphic exometamorphism exomorphic metamorphism exomorphism exotic exotic limonite expanded blast-furnace slag expanding electrode test expanding reamer expanding waterway expansion bit expansion bolt expansion cutter expansion dome expansion fissure expansion loop expansion ring expected tonnage experimental face experimental mineralogy exploder exploding bridge wire exploit exploitation exploration exploration drilling exploratory drift exploratory drilling exploratory work explorer's alidade exploring drift explosibility curves explosibility limit explosible explosion dust explosion-hazard investigation explosion pressure explosion proof explosion-proof motor explosions from molten iron explosion-tested equipment explosion tuff explosion wave explosive explosive antimony explosive cooling agent explosive drilling explosive dusts explosive factor explosive force explosive limits explosive loading factor explosively anchored rockbolt explosiveness of dust explosive oil explosive ratio explosives casting explosive sensitiveness explosive shattering explosive store explosive strength explosive stripping exponential model exposed coalfield exposure exsiccated alum exsolution exsolutional exsolution texture extendable conveyor extended charges extensible conveyor extensible discharge trough extension extensional fault extension fracture extension joint extension ore extensometer external sintered tip pick extinction extinction angle extinction direction extinctive atmosphere extractable metal extractant extraction extraction metallurgy extraction ratio extraction ventilation extraction water extractive metallurgy extrados extradosal extra dynamite extraflexible hoisting rope extrahazardous extralateral extralateral rights extralite extraneous ash extraneous electricity extraordinary ray extrapolation extra-special improved plow extraterrestrial mining extraterritorial rights extrusion extrusive exudation ex vessel eye eye agate eyebolt eyesight ezcurrite