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Appendix:Basic Danish glossary

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Here are basic words and conversational phrases in Danish:

Translation Phrase Pronunciation Remarks
Danish dansk
hello hej
good-bye farvel
please 1 (Be understood. A matter of course, if not Vær så venlig)
thank you tak
that one denne her
how much? hvor meget?
English engelsk
yes ja
no nej
where is the bathroom? hvor er toilettet? IPA: /toiˈlet/
how old are you? hvor gammel er du?
where do you come from? hvor kommer du fra?
I come from... Jeg kommer fra...
Denmark Danmark
Norway Norge
Sweden Sverige
the United Kingdom Storbritannien 2 The exact translation is "Forenede Kongerige," however the most common word to describe the country in conversation is "Storbritannien," which means "Great Britain."
the United States USA 3 The exact translation is "Amerikas Forenede Stater," but nearly everyone (including the press) refers to the nation as simply "USA."
do you speak English? taler du engelsk?
...Danish? taler du dansk?
...Norwegian? taler du norsk?
...Swedish? taler du svensk?
...French? taler du fransk?
...German? taler du tysk? 4 German is a popular "third language" for Danish schoolchildren, after the native Danish and English. Danish people who speak German are common, especially in the Syddanmark region which is close to the border with Germany.
Cheers! Skål!
I don’t understand Jeg forstår ikke
sorry undskyld
excuse me undskyld mig
1-10 én, to, tre
fire, fem,
seks, syv,
otte, ni, ti
I want... Jeg ønsker...
I need... Jeg har brug for...
...a doctor. ...en læge.
I have a cold. Jeg har en forkølelse.
I have the flu. Jeg har influenza.

Notes: 1. No word directly corresponds to the word “please”. Danish and Finnish express the concept of politeness in a request in various ways. One way is to smile while asking for something, another is to add tak (thank you) to the end of the question: “kan jeg få noget mere at drikke, tak”, although this is more of an anglicised form of Danish.


Hej. Hello./Hi. (informal)
Goddag. Good day. (more formal than hej) (during the day)
God morgen. Good morning.
God formiddag. Greeting in late morning (Literally "good before midday") Used in the couple of hours before noon.
God middag. Good midday. Used in the noontime hour.
God eftermiddag. Good afternoon. Used until sunset.
God aften. Good evening.
Godnat. Good night.

How are you?

hvordan har du det? (formal),
hvordan går det? (informal, familiar)
How are you?
jeg har det fint I'm fine.
Godt. Good.
Dårligt. Bad.
Sådan nogenlunde. So-So.