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The objective template V + IO + IT + -n- + IS with all the slots filled in is expected to yield a Common-Mordvinic *kunda-s-aj2-n-zə (using кундамс (kundams) as an example) "he/she/it caught them." In Erzya this produced кундынзе (kundïnze) and in Moksha — кундазень (kundazeń). The Erzya suffix preserves the object plurality marker -n-, Moksha does not. A false subject marker (Serebrennikov uses the word ложный (ložnyj)) -нь () is added to the Moksha suffix.[1]


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-зень (-zeń)

  1. objective conjugation ending indicating that he/she/it carried out actions involving a plural 3rd person object

Derived terms


See also

  • -зе (-ze) (he/she/it carried out actions involving a singular 3rd person object)


  1. ^ Serebrennikov, B. A. (1967) Istoričeskaja morfologija mordovskix jazykov [Historical morphology of the Mordvinic languages] (in Russian), Moskva, page 199