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From 넘〯- (něm-, “to surpass”) + -으- (-u-, causative suffix).
- (Morphophonemic) IPA(key): ⫽nɘ̀mɨ̀tá⫽
너므다〮 (nèmùtá) (infinitive 넘거〮, sequential 너므니〮)
- to make go past, over
1481, 분류두공부시언해 [bullyudugongbusieonhae], volume 07, page 35b:말ᄉᆞᄆᆞᆯ 브텨 노ᄑᆞᆫ 뫼ᄒᆞᆯ 넘거 보내노라- malsom-ol puthye nwoph-on mwoyh-ol nemk-e pwonay-nwola
- ...sends the words, sends it over the high mountain.
- to go against
1459, 월인석보 [worinseokbo], volume 10, page 20a:
- to exceed
1518, 번역소학 [beonyeoksohak], volume 10, page 32a:혹〮 세〯 번식〮 돌이〮며〮 혹〮 다ᄉᆞᆺ〮 번식〮 돌여〮 닐굽〮 번의〮 너므디〮 아니〮ᄒᆞ며〮- hwók sěy pèn-sík twòlí-myé hwók tàsós pèn-sík twòlyé nìlkwúp pèn-úy nemu-tí àníhò-myé
- [My father] would sometimes go around three times, sometimes five times, never exceeding seven times
- This verb stem is k-irregular, meaning that it takes an allomorph 너ᇚ- (nèmk-) before vowel-initial endings.