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Kanji in this term


げ > ぎ
Grade: 4
goon irregular
For pronunciation and definitions of 邇邇芸 – see the following entry.
[proper noun] (Japanese mythology) son of 天忍穂耳 (Ama no Oshihomimi), husband of 木花開耶姫 (Ko no Hana no Sakuyabime), father of 火照 (Hoderi) and 彦火火出見 (Hikohohodemi); he was sent by his grandmother 天照 (Amaterasu) in his father's stead to rule the land of 葦原の中つ国 (Ashihara no Nakatsukuni) surrended by 大国主 (Ōkuninushi), bringing with him the 三種の神器 (Sanshu no Jingi), and eventually became great-grandfather of Emperor Jinmu
(This term, 邇邇芸, is an alternative spelling of the above term.)