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See also: 美轮美奂


beautiful; beauty; America
wheel; gear; (by) turn
wheel; gear; (by) turn; rotate
beautiful; beauty; America excellent
trad. (美輪美奐)
simp. (美轮美奂)
alternative forms 美侖美奐美仑美奂



From the Book of Rites, Book 4 (《禮記·檀弓下》):

文子大夫。張老:「國族。」 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
文子大夫。张老:「国族。」 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: The Book of Rites, c. 4th – 2nd century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version
Jìn xiàn Wénzǐ chéng shì, Jìn dàfū fā yān. Zhāng Lǎo yuē: “Měi zāi lún yān! Měi zāi huàn yān! Bàn yú sī, kū yú sī, jù guózú yú sī.” [Pinyin]
(The ruler of) Jin having congratulated Wen-zi on the completion of his residence, the Great officers of the state went to the house-warming. Zhang Lao said, "How elegant it is, and lofty! How elegant and splendid! Here will you have your songs! Here will you have your wailings! Here will you assemble the representatives of the great families of the state!"






  1. splendid and magnificent houses​; sumptuous mansion; spectacular; magnificent