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連用形 (ren'yōkei, “stem or continuative form”) of the verb 立てる (tateru).
立て • (-tate)
- (appended to numeral) successive defeats
立て • (tate-)
- main, head, central
立て • (-tate)
- (appended to continuative verbs) just (done)
- 生まれたての子猫 ― umare-tate no koneko ― newborn kitten
- 焼き立てのパン ― yaki-tate no pan ― fresh-baked bread
- 搗き立て餅 ― tsuki-tate mochi ― fresh mochi
立て • (-date)
- especially
- the number of horses on a carriage
- the number of oars on a boat
- the number of movies or plays in a program