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new; newly; meso- (chem.) middle country; central country; China
trad. (新中國) 中國
simp. (新中国) 中国
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Proper noun



  1. (Mainland China, officialese)new China(i.e. referring to China after the establishment of the PRC in 1949); postrevolutionary China
    慶祝新中國成立庆祝新中国成立  ―  qìngzhù Xīnzhōngguó chénglì  ―  to celebrate the founding of New China
    新中國成立中國一窮二白百廢待興 [MSC, trad.]
    新中国成立中国一穷二白百废待兴 [MSC, simp.]
    Xīnzhōngguó chénglì zhī chū, Zhōngguó yīqióng'èrbái, bǎifèidàixīng. [Pinyin]
    In the early days after the establishment of the People's Republic of China, China was impoverished, with great number of things waiting to be rebuilt and tasks to be undertaken.

