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five fungus; tuber
adjourn; scatter; leisurely
adjourn; scatter; leisurely; loosen; powdered medicine; to scatter; to come loose
trad. (五苓散)
simp. #(五苓散)






  1. A pale yellow powder used in traditional Chinese medicine "to invigorate the function of the kidney and cause diuresis, in the treatment of oliguria, edema and abdominal distension, accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, dryness of the mouth but no desire for drink due to dysfunctional activity of the bladder-qi".

Wuling powder has the following herbal ingredients:

Name Chinese (S) Grams
Poria 茯苓 180
Rhizoma Alismatis 泽泻 300
Polyporus 豬苓 180
Cortex Cinnamomi 桂皮 120
Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae (stir-baked) 白术 (炒) 180


  • State Pharmacopoeia Commission of the PRC (2005). "Pharmacopoeia of The People’s Republic of China (Volume I)". Chemical Industry Press. →ISBN.