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For pronunciation and definitions of マユミ – see the following entry.
- [noun] (archery) bow (laudatory)
- [noun] 檀, マユミ, 万由三, 末由美, 麻由美: Hamilton's spindletree
- [noun] 檀, 檀弓: bow made of the wood of Hamilton's spindletree
- [noun] 檀: One type of color layering in traditional Japanese costume, with 蘇芳 (suō, “deep red”) on the outside and yellow on the inside. It is used mostly in the autumn.
- [proper noun] a surname
- [proper noun] a unisex given name
- [proper noun] Mayumi (neighborhoods in Japan):
- [proper noun] A neighborhood of Hitachiōta, Ibaraki Prefecture.
- [proper noun] A neighborhood of Ōhira, Tochigi Prefecture.
- [proper noun] The neighborhoods of Ikoma and Asuka, Nara Prefecture.
- [proper noun] A neighborhood of Nagaoka, Niigata Prefecture.
- [proper noun] A neighborhood of Yamakawa, Fukuoka Prefecture.
- [proper noun] A neighborhood of Shinchi, Fukushima Prefecture.
(This term, マユミ (mayumi), is the katakana spelling of the above term.)