From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
For pronunciation and definitions of もの – see the following entry.
(This term, もの (mono), is the hiragana spelling of the above term.) For a list of all kanji read as もの, see Category:Japanese kanji read as もの.)
For pronunciation and definitions of もの – see the following entry.
(This term, もの (mono), is the hiragana spelling of the above term.) For a list of all kanji read as もの, see Category:Japanese kanji read as もの.)
もの • (mono)
- conjunctive particle: Because.
- 〜ね, 〜な: Used to indicate reason or excuse
- (feminine) A sentence-final particle used for emphasis.
- Used to assert something. Often carries feelings of dissatisfaction or downheartedness, but not always.
- だって寒いんだもん。
- Datte samui n da mon.
- After all, it's cold out.
- 羨ましくなんかないもん!ふん!
- Urayamashiku nanka nai mon! Fun!
- I'm not jealous at all! Hmph!