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ならで (negative conjunctive form of classical copula なり) +





ならでは (narade wa

  1. unique to ...; peculiar to ...; only applicable to ...
    Nihon narade wa no kōkei
    a view that can only be seen in Japan
  2. if [something] is not ...; unless [something] is ...
    • 1891, 森鴎外, 柵草紙の山房論文[1], 青空文庫:
      Tada muishiki-chū yori no shinrai ni wa shin no daishijin narade wa ōku awazu.
      But one does not encounter much inspiration from the unconscious unless one is a truly great poet.

Usage notes

  • In sense 1, noun + ならでは behaves like a noun and is used
    • to modify another noun: noun 1 + ならでは + + noun 2
    • in the predicate: noun + ならでは + copula
  • Tends to be used for positive situations.