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For pronunciation and definitions of なでしこ – see the following entry.
[noun] [from 733] 瞿麦: pink (any flower of the genus Dianthus); especially, the 河原撫子 (kawara nadeshiko, fringed pink, large pink, Dianthus superbus)
[noun] [from late 900s] Short for 撫子襲 (nadeshiko-gasane): a style of layering garments, with the front layer in the color of 紅梅 (kōbai, red plum or apricot), and the back with blue (Can we verify(+) this sense?)
[noun] [from late 1300s] a style of 家紋 (kamon, family crest), another name for 常夏 (tokonatsu)
[noun] [from late 900s] a lovable, caressable child
[proper noun] a female given name
[proper noun] a surname
Alternative spellings
瞿麦, ナデシコ
(This term, なでしこ (nadeshiko), is the hiragana spelling of the above term.)