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For pronunciation and definitions of かなえ – see the following entries.
- [proper noun] a female given name
Alternative spellings真, ああい, あゝい, あいか, あいす, あき, あこ, あみか, あおい, ありさ, あや, あゆ, ちぎり, ちか, ちかし, えりな, はあと, ひかり, いと, いとし, いつみ, いずみ, かな, かなさ, きずな, こころ, こゝろ, このむ, まどか, まなぶ, まなみ, めづる, めご, めぐ, めぐみ, めぐむ, めい, なる, なるこ, のぞみ, らぶ, るい, さら, さらん, つぐみ, つくみ, うい, よし, よしき, よしみ
(This term, かなえ (kanae), is the hiragana spelling of the above terms.) For a list of all kanji read as かなえ, see Category:Japanese kanji read as かなえ.)
(The following entries do not have a page created for them yet: 鬲, 神, 金栄, 金枝.)