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Inherited from Prakrit 𑀯𑀁𑀘𑀇 (vaṃcaï), from Sanskrit वञ्चति (vañcati, to move or wander away), with semantic shift.





বাঁচা (bãca)

  1. to live, to survive
    মেয়েটা অনেক দিন বাঁচবে
    meẏeṭa ônek din bãcbe.
    The girl will live for a long time.
  2. to be left over, to be saved
    Synonym: রওয়া (roōẇa)
    এতো কিছু খেয়েও অনেকটা ভাত বেঁচেছে
    etō kichu kheẏeō onekṭa bhat bẽceche.
    Even after eating so much, a lot of rice is left over.
    আমাদের ৫ টাকা বাঁচলো
    amader 5 ṭaka bãclo.
    We saved 5 dollars.
    (literally, “Our 5 dollars were saved.”)
  3. used to express relief -- see বাঁচোয়া (bācoẇa)
    আর না বেরোতে হলে বাঁচি!
    ar na berōte hole bãci!
    I hope I don't have to go out again!
    (literally, “If I don't have to go out again, I'll live!”)
    ও আর আসছে না? বাঁচলাম!
    o ar aśche na? bãclam!
    He/she isn't coming again? Thank God!



Derived terms
