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From Sanskrit (na, not). Compare Chittagonian (no).



ন- (n-)

  1. not (as negative prefix used before verbs.)
    কৰা; কৰাkora; nokoraYou do; you do not do
    মাৰা; নামাৰাmara; namaraYou kill; you do not kill
    লিখা; নিলিখাlikha; nilikhaYou write; you do not write
    উৰা; নুৰাura; nuraYou fly; you do not fly
    ঠেলা; নেঠেলাthela; nethelaYou push; you do not push
    লৈ; লৈloi; noloiTaking; without taking
    কোৱা; নোকোৱাküa; küaYou say; you do not say

See also
