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योग (yoga, yoking, effort) +‎ क्षेम (kṣema, welfare, safety, prosperity).





योगक्षेम (yogakṣemá) stemm

  1. the secure possession of what has been acquired; the acquisition of property and the security thereof
    • c. 1700 BCE – 1200 BCE, Ṛgveda 10.166.5:
      यो॒ग॒क्षे॒मं व॑ आ॒दाया॒हं भू॑यासम् उत्त॒म आ वो॑ मू॒र्धान॑म् अक्रमीम् ।
      अ॒ध॒स् प॒दान् म॒ उद् व॑दत म॒ण्डूका॑ इवोद॒कान् म॒ण्डूका॑ उद॒काद् इ॑व ॥
      yogakṣemáṃ va ādā́yāháṃ bhūyāsam uttamá ā́ vo mūrdhā́nam akramīm.
      adhas padā́n ma úd vadata maṇḍū́kā ivodakā́n maṇḍū́kā udakā́d iva.
      May I be highest [among you rivals], having gained your secured possessions, my feet have trodden on your heads.
      Speak to me from beneath my feet, as frogs from out the water croak; as frogs from out the water croak.
    • c. 400 BCE, Bhagavad Gītā Chapter IX.22:
      अनन्याश्चिन्तयन्तो मां ये जनाः पर्युपासते ।
      तेषां नित्याभियुक्तानां योगक्षेमं वहाम्यहम् ॥
      ananyāścintayanto māṃ ye janāḥ paryupāsate.
      teṣāṃ nityābhiyuktānāṃ yogakṣemaṃ vahāmyaham.
      [And the Lord said:] "But those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion, meditating on My transcendental form – to them I carry what they lack, and preserve what they have."
    1. the charge for securing property against accidents; insurance
      • c. 200 BCE – 200 CE, Manusmṛti 7.127:
        क्रयविक्रयं अध्वानं भक्तं च सपरिव्ययम् ।
        योगक्षेमं च संप्रेक्ष्य वणिजो दापयेत्करान् ॥
        krayavikrayaṃ adhvānaṃ bhaktaṃ ca saparivyayam.
        yogakṣemaṃ ca saṃprekṣya vaṇijo dāpayetkarān.
        Having well considered [the rates of] purchase and sale, [the length of] the road, [the expense for] food and condiments, the charges of securing the goods, let the king make the traders pay duty.
  2. welfare, peace, prosperity
    • c. 1200 BCE – 800 BCE, Kṛṣṇa-Yajurveda (Taittirīya Saṃhitā) VII.5.18:
      आऽस्मिन् राष्ट्रे राजन्य इषव्यः शूरो महारथो जायताम् । दोग्ध्री धेनुः । वोढाऽनड्वान् आशुः सप्तिः पुरंधिर्योषा जिष्णू रथेष्ठाः सभेयो युवा । आऽस्य यजमानस्य वीरो जायताम् । निकामेनिकामे नः पर्जन्यो वर्षतु फलिन्यो न ओषधयः पच्यन्ताम् । योगक्षेमो नः कल्पताम् ॥
      ā́smín rāṣṭré rājanyà iṣavyàḥ śū́ro mahārathó jāyatām. dógdhrī dhenúḥ. vóḍhānaḍvā́n. ā́śuḥ sáptiḥ. púraṃdhiryóṣā. jiṣṇū́ ratheṣṭhā́ḥ. sabhéyo yúvā. ā́syá yájamānasya vīró jāyatām. nikāménikāme naḥ parjányo varṣatu phalínyo na óṣadhayaḥ pacyantām. yogakṣemó naḥ kalpatām.
      In this kingdom may a prince [who is bent on ruling] be born, an archer [who is able to shoot arrows], a hero [who is bent on excelling in battle], and a great chariot-fighter [who is bent on fighting]; a milk cow who will yield milk; a draught ox [who is bent on plowing]; a swift racer [who is bent on running]; a young woman who is fertile; a victorious warrior [who is bent on winning]; a youth fit for the assembly [who is bent on speaking well]. To this worshipper be a hero born. May Parjanya rain for us whensoever we desire. May our plants ripen with fruit. May peace and prosperity be ours.
  3. rest after labour


Masculine a-stem declension of योगक्षेम
singular dual plural
nominative योगक्षेमः (yogakṣemáḥ) योगक्षेमौ (yogakṣemaú)
योगक्षेमा¹ (yogakṣemā́¹)
योगक्षेमाः (yogakṣemā́ḥ)
योगक्षेमासः¹ (yogakṣemā́saḥ¹)
vocative योगक्षेम (yógakṣema) योगक्षेमौ (yógakṣemau)
योगक्षेमा¹ (yógakṣemā¹)
योगक्षेमाः (yógakṣemāḥ)
योगक्षेमासः¹ (yógakṣemāsaḥ¹)
accusative योगक्षेमम् (yogakṣemám) योगक्षेमौ (yogakṣemaú)
योगक्षेमा¹ (yogakṣemā́¹)
योगक्षेमान् (yogakṣemā́n)
instrumental योगक्षेमेण (yogakṣeméṇa) योगक्षेमाभ्याम् (yogakṣemā́bhyām) योगक्षेमैः (yogakṣemaíḥ)
योगक्षेमेभिः¹ (yogakṣemébhiḥ¹)
dative योगक्षेमाय (yogakṣemā́ya) योगक्षेमाभ्याम् (yogakṣemā́bhyām) योगक्षेमेभ्यः (yogakṣemébhyaḥ)
ablative योगक्षेमात् (yogakṣemā́t) योगक्षेमाभ्याम् (yogakṣemā́bhyām) योगक्षेमेभ्यः (yogakṣemébhyaḥ)
genitive योगक्षेमस्य (yogakṣemásya) योगक्षेमयोः (yogakṣemáyoḥ) योगक्षेमाणाम् (yogakṣemā́ṇām)
locative योगक्षेमे (yogakṣemé) योगक्षेमयोः (yogakṣemáyoḥ) योगक्षेमेषु (yogakṣeméṣu)
  • ¹Vedic

