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From Proto-Indo-European *yuHs-ḗn, from *yúHs (soup, broth). Related to यूष (yūṣa) and यूस् (yūs); see those entries for cognates.





यूषन् (yūṣán) stem?

  1. soup, broth
    • c. 1500 BCE – 1000 BCE, Ṛgveda 1.162.13:
      यन्नीक्षणं मांस्पचन्या उखाया या पात्राणि यूष्ण आसेचनानि । ऊष्मण्यापिधाना चरूणामङ्काः सूनाः परि भूषन्त्यश्वम् ॥
      yannīkṣaṇaṃ māṃspacanyā ukhāyā yā pātrāṇi yūṣṇa āsecanāni. ūṣmaṇyāpidhānā carūṇāmaṅkāḥ sūnāḥ pari bhūṣantyaśvam.
      The ladle of the meat-cooking cauldron, the vessels out of which the broth is sprinkled, The warming-pots, the covers of the dishes, hooks, carving-boards,-all these attend the Charger.
    • c. 1200 BCE – 800 BCE, Kṛṣṇa-Yajurveda (Taittirīya Saṃhitā) VI.3.11:
      यूषन्न् अवधाय प्रोर्णोति रसो वा एष पशूनां यद् यू रसम् एव पशुषु दधाति
      yūṣánn avadhā́ya prórṇoti ráso vā́ eṣá paśūnā́ṃ yád yū́ rásam evá paśúṣu dadhāti.
      He covers (the cattle) after putting (the fat) on the soup; the soup [represents] the sap of cattle; thus he bestows sap upon cattle.

