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A rare, dialectal alternative form of नारी (nā́rī), attested in the Middle Vedic period. Similar alteration in vowel length is also observed in नप्ती (naptī́) ~ नप्ति (naptí) and रात्रि (rā́tri) ~ रात्री (rā́trī). The presence of such alteration in other languages (see नप्ति (napti)) suggests that this vowel shortening was not innovated by Sanskrit but rather inherited from Proto-Indo-Iranian and Proto-Indo-Europenan. This term goes back to Proto-Indo-Iranian *Hnā́riš, which was a dialectal variant of the more widely used *Hnā́riH. See नारी (nā́rī) for cognates.





नारि (nā́ri) stemf

  1. (Vedic) Alternative form of नारी (nārī); a woman
    • c. 1500 BCE – 1000 BCE, Ṛgveda 1.43.6:
      शं नः॑ कर॒त्यर्व॑ते सु॒गं मे॒षाय॑ मे॒ष्ये॑ ।
      नृभ्यो॒ नारि॑भ्यो॒ गवे॑ ॥
      śáṃ naḥ karatyárvate sugáṃ meṣā́ya meṣyè.
      nṛ́bhyo nā́ribhyo gáve.
      May he (Rudra) grant health to our steeds, wellbeing to our rams and ewes,
      To men, to women, and to the cows.
    • c. 1500 BCE – 1000 BCE, Ṛgveda 10.86.11:
      इ॒न्द्रा॒णीमा॒सु नारि॑षु सु॒भगा॑म॒हम॑श्रवम् ।
      न॒ह्य॑स्या अप॒रं च॒न ज॒रसा॒ मर॑ते॒ पति॒र्विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥
      indrāṇī́māsú nā́riṣu subhágāmahámaśravam.
      nahyàsyā aparáṃ caná jarásā márate pátirvíśvasmādíndra úttaraḥ.
      So I have heard Indrāṇī being called most fortunate among these women,
      For never shall her Consort die in future time through length of days. Supreme is Indra overall.


Feminine i-stem declension of नारि
singular dual plural
nominative नारिः (nā́riḥ) नारी (nā́rī) नारयः (nā́rayaḥ)
vocative नारे (nā́re) नारी (nā́rī) नारयः (nā́rayaḥ)
accusative नारिम् (nā́rim) नारी (nā́rī) नारीः (nā́rīḥ)
instrumental नार्या (nā́ryā)
नारी¹ (nā́rī¹)
नारिभ्याम् (nā́ribhyām) नारिभिः (nā́ribhiḥ)
dative नारये (nā́raye)
नार्यै² (nā́ryai²)
नारी¹ (nā́rī¹)
नारिभ्याम् (nā́ribhyām) नारिभ्यः (nā́ribhyaḥ)
ablative नारेः (nā́reḥ)
नार्याः² (nā́ryāḥ²)
नार्यै³ (nā́ryai³)
नारिभ्याम् (nā́ribhyām) नारिभ्यः (nā́ribhyaḥ)
genitive नारेः (nā́reḥ)
नार्याः² (nā́ryāḥ²)
नार्यै³ (nā́ryai³)
नार्योः (nā́ryoḥ) नारीणाम् (nā́rīṇām)
locative नारौ (nā́rau)
नार्याम्² (nā́ryām²)
नारा¹ (nā́rā¹)
नार्योः (nā́ryoḥ) नारिषु (nā́riṣu)
  • ¹Vedic
  • ²Later Sanskrit
  • ³Brāhmaṇas