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Alternative forms




Reduplication of अहर् (áhar, day).





अहरहर् (áharahar)

  1. each day, daily, day after day
    Synonyms: प्रतिदिनम् (pratidinam), प्रत्यहरम् (pratyaharam), दिवेदिवे (divedive), अनुवासरम् (anuvāsaram), प्रतिवासरम् (prativāsaram), प्रतिदिवसम् (pratidivasam), अहर्दिव (ahardiva), सद्यस् (sadyas)
    • c. 1700 BCE – 1200 BCE, Ṛgveda 2.30.1:
      ऋ॒तं दे॒वाय॑ कृण्व॒ते स॑वि॒त्र इन्द्रा॑याहि॒घ्ने न र॑मन्त॒ आपः॑ ।
      अह॑रहर्यात्य॒क्तुर॒पां किया॒त्या प्र॑थ॒मः सर्ग॑ आसाम् ॥
      ṛtáṃ devā́ya kṛṇvaté savitrá índrāyāhighné ná ramanta ā́paḥ .
      áharaharyātyaktúrapā́ṃ kíyātyā́ prathamáḥ sárga āsām .
      The waters unceasingly to the divine Indra, the sender of rain, the animator [of all], the slayer of Ahi;
      Day by day proceeds the current of the waters. What time had past since they were first set flowing?


  • Bengali: অহরহ (ôhôrôhô) (learned)
  • Odia: ଅହରହ (aharaha) (learned)


  • Monier Williams (1899) “अहरहर्”, in A Sanskrit–English Dictionary, [], new edition, Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, →OCLC, page 124, column 3.
  • Hellwig, Oliver (2010-2024) “aharahar”, in DCS - The Digital Corpus of Sanskrit, Berlin, Germany.