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Relative adjective (nisba) composed of لَبْلَاب (lablāb) +‎ ـِيّ (-iyy), that noun originally meaning ivy and then also the similarly looking hyacinth bean; perhaps by the vulgar further related to لُوبِيَا (lūbiyā) meaning the cowpea of the same botanical tribe (Phaseoleae) and beans in general, and thus connected to the chickpea, another faboid; the element also being found in جُلُبَّان (julubbān, grasspea), another faboid; and for the word denoting a stew, influenced by لُبَاب (lubāb, pulp) and لُبّ (lubb, pulp), from which even the learned Nişanyan[1] wrongly derived لَبْلَاب (lablāb).





لَبْلَابِيّ (lablābiyym

  1. chickpea-stew






  1. ^ Nişanyan, Sevan (2002–) “leblebi”, in Nişanyan Sözlük, retrieved 2019-12-24
  2. ^ Поленаковиќ, Харалампие (2007) “1203. NIBLIBÍE sb. f. pl. niblibiǐ (Miha), BILBIČE f. (Basme, Pascu), BILBÍC heter. pl. bilbitse (Nicolaidi) ‘леблебија’”, in Зузана Тополињска, Петар Атанасов, editors, Турските елементи во ароманскиот [Turskite elementi vo aromanskiot]‎[1], put into Macedonian from the author’s Serbo-Croatian Turski elementi u aromunskom dijalektu (1939, unpublished) by Веселинка Лаброска, Скопје: Македонска академија на науките и уметностите [Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite], →ISBN, page 162
  3. ^ Maidhof, Adam (1921) “[Review of Σ. Γ. Βίου, Χιακά γλωσσικά. Πραγματεία βραβευθείσα εν τω γλωσσικώ διαγωνισμώ του 1918. Χίος 1920]”, in Byzantinisch-neugriechische Jahrbücher (in German), volume 2, Berlin, page 487