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From чыкъмакъ (çıqmaq) +‎ -ар (-ar).



чыгъармакъ (çığarmaq)

  1. to let out
  2. to take out
  3. to publish, to issue
  4. to achieve
  5. to emit (a smell)
  6. to produce, to manufacture, to output
  7. to extract, to mine, to quarry
  8. to dismiss, discharge
  9. to subtract
  10. to place in front
  11. to endure
  12. to pass, to render, to pronounce (a decision or a verdict)
  13. to dislocate, to put out (a joint)
  14. to invent, to contrive, to devise
  15. to allot, to mark (funds)
  16. to spend (money)

Derived terms

Derived compound verbs