[edit]Borrowed from Yiddish חכמה (khokhme, “wit”), from Hebrew חוכמה (khokhmá, “wisdom”). A well-known folk etymology relates the noun to хохотать (xoxotatʹ, “to laugh”).
Seems to originate from Odessan dialect, and from there spread around during the 20th century.
[edit]хо́хма • (xóxma) f inan (genitive хо́хмы, nominative plural хо́хмы, genitive plural хохм)
- (colloquial) joke, anecdote (funny or amusing story)
- 1901 March 27, Korney Chukovsky, Diary notes:
- Читал вчерашнюю газету. Хохотал как безумный. Под некоторыми сообщениями так и хочется видеть подпись: Щедрин. Вот, например, письмо митрополита Антония к графине Толстой. Ну чем не щедринская хохма: «Есть слава человеческая и есть слава Божья»
- Čital včerašnjuju gazetu. Xoxotal kak bezumnyj. Pod nekotorymi soobščenijami tak i xočetsja videtʹ podpisʹ: Ščedrin. Vot, naprimer, pisʹmo mitropolita Antonija k grafine Tolstoj. Nu čem ne ščedrinskaja xoxma: «Jestʹ slava čelovečeskaja i jestʹ slava Božʹja»
- I read yesterday's newspaper. Laughed like crazy. Under some messages you just wish to see the signature: Shchedrin. For example, the letter by Metropolitan Anthony to Countess Tolstoy. How is it not an anecdote by Shchedrin: “There is the glory of man and there is the glory of God.”
- 1941 August 29, Sergey Bondarin, Diary notes:
- К моему удивлению, и у меня взяли кое-что «смешное», и так странно было слышать эту передачу из Москвы, эти слова и хохмы, придуманные здесь, в нашей маленькой редакции.
- K mojemu udivleniju, i u menja vzjali koje-što «smešnoje», i tak stranno bylo slyšatʹ etu peredaču iz Moskvy, eti slova i xoxmy, pridumannyje zdesʹ, v našej malenʹkoj redakcii.
- To my surprise, they took something “funny” from me, too, and it was so strange to hear this broadcast from Moscow, these words and anecdotes invented here in our small editorial office.
- 1967, Boris Bondarenko, Цена первой ошибки [The cost of the first mistake], page 71:
- Вот хохма — не работают!
- Vot xoxma — ne rabotajut!
- What a joke — they aren't working!
- (colloquial) joke (something said or done for amusement and not in seriousness)
[edit]Declension of хо́хма (inan fem-form hard-stem accent-a)
Derived terms
- Russian terms borrowed from Yiddish
- Russian terms derived from Yiddish
- Russian terms derived from Hebrew
- Russian 2-syllable words
- Russian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Russian lemmas
- Russian nouns
- Russian feminine nouns
- Russian inanimate nouns
- Russian colloquialisms
- Russian terms with quotations
- Russian hard-stem feminine-form nouns
- Russian hard-stem feminine-form accent-a nouns
- Russian nouns with accent pattern a