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фэгъэпсын (fɛğɛpsən) (transitive)

  1. to point to, to aim for
    Кӏэрагъор къэсфэмыгъэпс
    Kʼɛrağʷor qɛsfɛməğɛps
    Don't aim the gun at me.
    Цӏыфыхэмэ уиӏэхъуамбэ яфэмыгъэпс
    Cʼəfəxɛmɛ wujiʼɛꭓʷambɛ jafɛməğɛps
    Don't point your hand on people.
    Лӏым щэбзащэр мыем фигъэпсэгъ
    Lˢʼəm śɛbzaśɛr məjem fiğɛpsɛğ
    The man pointed the arrow to the apple.
    Снайперым риохэмэ тэрэзэу ягъэпсын фае
    Snajperəm riwoxɛmɛ tɛrɛzɛwu jağɛpsən faje
    The people that shot with a sniper need to aim correctly.

See also
