[edit]фэгъэпсын • (fɛğɛpsən) (transitive)
- to point to, to aim for
- Кӏэрагъор къэсфэмыгъэпс
- Kʼɛrağʷor qɛsfɛməğɛps
- Don't aim the gun at me.
- Цӏыфыхэмэ уиӏэхъуамбэ яфэмыгъэпс
- Cʼəfəxɛmɛ wujiʼɛꭓʷambɛ jafɛməğɛps
- Don't point your hand on people.
- Лӏым щэбзащэр мыем фигъэпсэгъ
- Lˢʼəm śɛbzaśɛr məjem fiğɛpsɛğ
- The man pointed the arrow to the apple.
- Снайперым риохэмэ тэрэзэу ягъэпсын фае
- Snajperəm riwoxɛmɛ tɛrɛzɛwu jağɛpsən faje
- The people that shot with a sniper need to aim correctly.