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Belarusian Wikipedia has an article on:
Wikipedia be
(1) футра
(2) футры
(4) футры на вітрыне крамы

Alternative forms




Inherited from Old Ruthenian фу́тро (fútro). Compare Polish futro and Ukrainian ху́тро (xútro).


  • IPA(key): [ˈfutra]
  • Audio:(file)
  • Rhymes: -utra
  • Hyphenation: фут‧ра



фу́тра (fútran inan (genitive фу́тра, nominative plural фу́тры, genitive plural фу́траў, relational adjective фу́травы or футро́вы)

  1. (uncountable) fur, wool (hairy coating of various mammal species, as observed on living individuals)
    Synonyms: шэрсць (šerscʹ), по́ўсць (póŭscʹ)
    • 1939 [1906], Jack London, anonymous translator, Белы клык, Minsk: ДВБ, translation of White Fang, page 127:
      Замест густой футры цела іх пакрывала кароткая шэрсць, а у некаторых скура была зусім гладкая. І ні адзін з гэтых сабак не умеў біцца.
      Zamjest hustój futry cjela ix pakryvala karótkaja šerscʹ, a u njekatóryx skura byla zusim hladkaja. I ni adzin z hetyx sabak nje umjeŭ bicca.
      [original: They had hair instead of fur, and a few had very little hair at that. And none of them knew how to fight.]
      Instead of thick fur, their bodies were covered with short hair, and the skin of a few was completely smooth. And none of these dogs knew how to fight.
  2. (countable) fur, pelt (a furry hide taken from a dead animal)
    Synonym: шку́ра (škúra)
  3. (uncountable) fur (furry animal hides as a material for clothing production)
    • 2023 July 21, “Мытнікі затрымалі на мяжы амаль паўтысячы шыншылавых скурак”, in Naša Niva[1], archived from the original on 2023-07-22:
      Футра шыншыл належыць да разраду вельмі каштоўных і дарагіх, бо яно мяккае і амаль бязважкае.
      Futra šynšyl nalježycʹ da razradu vjelʹmi kaštóŭnyx i darahix, bo janó mjakkaje i amalʹ bjazvažkaje.
      Chinchilla fur belongs to the category of very precious and expensive materials because it is soft and almost weightless.
  4. (countable) fur coat (an outer garment for the upper body made of furry animal hides)
    Synonym: шу́ба (šúba)
    • 2023 July 21, “Мытнікі затрымалі на мяжы амаль паўтысячы шыншылавых скурак”, in Naša Niva[2], archived from the original on 2023-07-22:
      Футры з шыншыл дарагія, бо на адзін выраб сыходзіць да 100 скурак.
      Futry z šynšyl darahija, bo na adzin vyrab syxódzicʹ da 100 skurak.
      Chinchilla fur coats are expensive because up to 100 pelts are needed to produce a single garment.



