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Alternative forms




Inherited from Old East Slavic топере (topere), itself inherited from Proto-Slavic *topьrvo. First recorded in Russian as тепе́речи (tepéreči) in 1562.


  • IPA(key): [tʲɪˈpʲerʲ]
  • Audio:(file)



тепе́рь (tepérʹ)

  1. now, at present
    Synonym: тепе́рича (tepériča) (colloquial)
    • 1848, Давыдов, Дмитрий Павлович (Davydov, Dmitrij Pavlovič, Dmitrij Davydov), “Думы беглеца на Байкале (Thoughts of a Runaway in Baikal)”
      Шилка и Нерчинск не страшны теперь;
      Горная стража меня не видала, [...]
      Šilka i Nerčinsk ne strašny teperʹ;
      Gornaja straža menja ne vidala, [...]
      Shilka and Nerchinsk ain't scary now;
      The mountain watch saw me not, [...]

Usage notes

  • Used in contrast with the past, in the sense of "and now" or "but now." Теперь cannot be used in the sense of "At once!" or "Immediately!" For this meaning of "now," see сейча́с (sejčás).

