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Old Church Slavonic




Inherited from Proto-Slavic *sъtvoriti. By surface analysis, съ () +‎ творити (tvoriti)



сътворити (sŭtvoritipf

  1. do
    • ⱄⱏⱅⰲⱁⱃⱙ (leaf 179.5, line 9)”, in Codex Zographensis [Глаг. 1]‎[1] (in Old Church Slavonic), National Library of Russia, 1000±33, page Lk:12:16:
      Чк҃оу е᷃тероу богатоу· оугобьзи сѧ н҄ива· ꙇ҅ мъішл҄ѣаше вь себѣ г҃л҄ꙙ· чьто сътвор҄ѭ· ꙗко не ꙇ҅мамь къде събирати· плодъ моꙇ҅хъ· ꙇ҅ рече се сътвор҄ѭ· разор҄ѭ житьницѫ моѭ· ꙇ҅ большѫ съзиждѫ·
      Čk:u e᷃teru bogatu· ugobĭzi sę nʹivha· i myšlʹjěaše vĭ sebě g:lʹję· čĭto sŭtvorʹjǫ· jako nhe imamĭ kŭde sŭbirati· plodŭ mhoixhŭ· i reče se sŭtvorʹjǫ· razorʹjǫ žitĭnicǫ mojhǫ· i bolĭšǫ sŭziždǫ·
      The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully. And he thought within himself, saying: What shall I do, because I have no room to store my fruits? And he said: This will I do. I will pull down my barns and build greater.
  2. make, create
    • Genesis 1:1-13:
      Искони сътвори бг҃ъ небо и земл҄ѭ·
      Iskoni sŭtvori bg:ŭ nebo i zemlʹjǫ·
      In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
    • from the Homily against the Bogumils, 287-291:
      еретици чьто бо глаголѭтъ ꙗко нѣстъ богъ сътворилъ небесе ни землѩ ни вьсѣхъ сихъ видимꙑихъ
      eretici čĭto bo glagoljǫtŭ jako něstŭ bogŭ sŭtvorilŭ nebese ni zemlję ni vĭsěxŭ sixŭ vidimyixŭ
      the heretics who claim that it was not God who made heaven and earth or all the visible universe.
  3. spend, reside
    • from the Vita Methodii:
      сътворь же въ томь кнѧжии лѣта многа
      sŭtvorĭ že vŭ tomĭ knęžii lěta mnoga
      After spending many years in that principality



