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Alternative forms






прайсці́ (prajscípf (imperfective прахо́дзіць)

  1. to pass
    Хвароба прайшла.
    Xvaróba prajšla.
    The illness has passed.
    Гэта так не пройдзе.
    Heta tak nje prójdzje.
    It won't work like that.
    (literally, “It won't pass like that.”)
  2. to pass (to go by, over, or through)
    Цвік прайшоў наскрозь.
    Cvik prajšóŭ naskrózʹ.
    The nail went through.
  3. to pass (by)
    Ён прайшоў сваю хату
    Jon prajšóŭ svaju xatu
    He passed his house.
  4. (time) to pass, to go by, to elapse, to slip by
    Прайшла цэлая гадзіна
    Prajšla celaja hadzina
    A whole hour has passed.
  5. to be over
  6. (meeting, gathering) to go off, to be held
  7. to study, to cover (in a course)
    Па алгебры мы прайшлі біном Ньютана
    Pa alhjebry my prajšli binóm Nʹjutana
    In algebra, we went over the Newton binomial
  8. to go around
    Прайшла чутка пра яго прыезд
    Prajšla čutka pra jahó pryjezd
    There was a rumor about his arrival.
    (literally, “A rumor went around about his arrival.”)
  9. to go through (+ праз (praz))
    Каля 50 тысяч прайшлі праз рэпрэсіі.
    Kalja 50 tysjač prajšli praz represii.
    About 50 thousand went through repression.


